
dresscode5's Reports

Posted: 7/8/2012
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 4
Fished: 7/6/2012
Hot Spots: 0
My friend and I took the Dessert eagle out on Bitter today for some bassin. Upon arrival the north wind was constatant and gusting pretty hard. After about 15 minutes with no signs of life, I was reel...
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Posted: 5/28/2012
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 4
Fished: 5/26/2012
Hot Spots: 0
The last 2 weeks have provided some productive fishing on Union. The good times have come and gone just like that. Catching Union pigs will not be easy from land from here out. If you can fish it from...
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Posted: 5/11/2012
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 4
Fished: 5/9/2012
Hot Spots: 0
I had some stuff to do down south today so I brought A few rigs for some bassin'. I've fished here before with little luck so I was happy with today's results. I circled the lake twice by foot. All th...
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Posted: 5/6/2012
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 4
Fished: 5/4/2012
Hot Spots: 0
My buddy and I took the ''Dessert Eagle'' (my boat) for her first outting of 2012 today. I actually took it out on the interstate for the first time (I drive a toyota carrolla and my boat is a 11' fig...
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Posted: 5/3/2012
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 5
Fished: 4/29/2012
Hot Spots: 0
I took a few of my closest friends to one of my holes in hopes of my buddy's 4 years old son (Brodie) catching his first fish. We started off w/ some soft plastics ect... and couldn't seem to find a b...
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Posted: 4/21/2012
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 4
Fished: 4/19/2012
Hot Spots: 0
Lots of bass guys on the water today. It was a long day but we stuck it out and it payed off. If I wern't so tired and in a hurry to get to dinner, I would elaborate. My biggest gals were 3.10 and 3.6...
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Posted: 4/20/2012
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 3
Fished: 4/20/2012
Hot Spots: 0
I made it on the water today around 1:30 w/ 1 goal in mind: hurry up w/ the first Largemouth of 2012 already, Ryan!! I experimented w/ a lot of presintations before I finally got a largie. It was pret...
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Posted: 4/15/2012
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 5
Fished: 4/13/2012
Hot Spots: 0
I've written this report too many times over because my pictures won't upload so this will be much shorter. Kzoo and I hit Washington on Friday. The wind was gusting cold air like a mofo. It was tuff ...
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Posted: 4/7/2012
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 3
Fished: 4/6/2012
Hot Spots: 0
I hit a few new lakes yesterday looking for largies. A big ol mamma came out of a tree in 3' of water after my bait just as I was pulling my bait out of the water. Something distracted me for a second...
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Posted: 3/25/2012
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 3
Fished: 3/25/2012
Hot Spots: 0
I went fishing w/ Capt. Kzoo today and it was a blast! The bite was tough but the conditions were much nicer than the picnic with my wife earlier today. The water was calm, little wind and boat traffi...
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Posted: 3/24/2012
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 3/24/2012
Hot Spots: 0
Like the rest... I noticed a trillion people fishing the last few days as I drove past GL. I quickly figured out what was up. I was off work Friday. With the warming trend, I couldn't help but prep a ...
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Posted: 3/2/2012
Species: Brown Trout
Rating: 2
Fished: 3/2/2012
Hot Spots: 0
My buddy Tom and I, again... braved Green Lake today. The air was very cold and cutting right through my gloves as constant gusts of powerful wind battered everything. We spent 3 hours covering a ...
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Posted: 2/26/2012
Species: Brown Trout
Rating: 5
Fished: 2/26/2012
Hot Spots: 0
My buddy Tom and I hit Green Lk. around 10:30. My plan was to circle the entire lake and turn it inside out. After a few hours of no fish, Tom took off, Luckily I pressed on! 4 hours later I was up...
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Posted: 2/19/2012
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 1
Fished: 2/19/2012
Hot Spots: 0
My neighbor and I have been talking about fishing together in his Canoe and we finally put that into motion today. When we hit Bitter lake and it was a pretty nice afternoon. I didn't have high expect...
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Posted: 1/10/2012
Species: Brown Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 1/10/2012
Hot Spots: 0
I hurt my back at work on Saturday moving appliances so I've been itching to get off my couch. My neighbor came w/ me and I fished for 45 minutes until it got dark. It was a beautiful evening. I w...
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Posted: 12/11/2011
Species: Brown Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 12/10/2011
Hot Spots: 0
I met up w/ Ej to do some fishing today. It was cold and tuff conditions. Elija got the first fish after hopping spots for over an hour. We kept at it for quite a while before I got my 1.15 brown. It ...
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Posted: 10/28/2011
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 2
Fished: 10/28/2011
Hot Spots: 0
My schedule changed at work so I got to try the afternoon bite for the first time in a long time. It's been getting cold at night so my expectations were low. I hit all of my favorite local spots in a...
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Posted: 10/20/2011
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 3
Fished: 10/9/2011
Hot Spots: 0
I just got my profile back up and running so this report is from Sunday the 9th. It had been getting cold so I wasn't sure how the bite would go. I headed out to the Aboretum to a place where I've nev...
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Posted: 9/15/2011
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 3
Fished: 9/15/2011
Hot Spots: 0
I hit Union before work this morning. The water was as still as I had ever seen it around 10am. I went to a few different spots with only hits. I got to my last destination that's very close to my wor...
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Posted: 8/31/2011
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/31/2011
Hot Spots: 0
If there were a fitting title for today's fishing it would be ''day of many dinks''. I havn't been catching much on my go to baits so I've been throwing a football jig lately. I didn't catch anything ...
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Posted: 8/28/2011
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/28/2011
Hot Spots: 0
I finally put the last layer of gel coat on the boat Mike gave me and she was ready to go. I got in touch with Elija.loves.fishin and we hit lake Union. It was a very different experience than I'm use...
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Posted: 8/21/2011
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 2
Fished: 8/21/2011
Hot Spots: 0
I was fishing a few days ago in the Arboretum and sawl a 5 or 6 pound largemouth swimming through the lilly pads but it darted off when it sawl me casting towards it. I was itching to go back after th...
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Posted: 8/8/2011
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 5
Fished: 8/8/2011
Hot Spots: 0
I just changed my user name to my actual name (previously dresscode5). Today was awesome! I hit WAWA with about 30 minutes to fish before work. I spent most of the time looking for places I could cast...
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Posted: 8/6/2011
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/6/2011
Hot Spots: 0
After watching the Blue Angels in Leschi, I had the itch for some fishing. I hit Washington for an hour, nothing picture worthy so I started looking for new places to fish on Union. I went to Gasworks...
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Posted: 8/2/2011
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/2/2011
Hot Spots: 0
It's been too long since I've had time to fish due to work and flight school but I hit Lake Union for 15 minutes this morning before work. The bite was on but it was just dink after dink. I was rather...
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