
Toni's Reports

By: Toni
Posted: 5/26/2013
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 2
Fished: 5/26/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Last night said 30% chance of showers. Well that 30% came down in the first 2 hours I was there as 100% rain. But the wind stayed away, otherwise it would have been miserable. I ended u...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/24/2013
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 1
Fished: 5/24/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Took a vacation day to fish with Kokanee_Slayer. We went to American and started fishing around 6:30am at the north east end of the lake. Not much happened. We had a very slow day. Leaving after 10:30...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/20/2013
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 4
Fished: 5/20/2013
Hot Spots: 1
I laid in bed at 5am debating whether I wanted to go fishing. I dreaded the fact that if I was out in my boat up to 3 hours again how much pain I would be in. But then I thought if I just stayed out 2...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/18/2013
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 3
Fished: 5/18/2013
Hot Spots: 1
I was fishing at 7:15am. But there was someone leaving as I came in and from talking with a guy on the lake he limited trolling. It took an hour just to get the first bite. I tried many things. I al...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/14/2013
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 2
Fished: 5/14/2013
Hot Spots: 0
There was a conspiracy to keep me awake last night. So I didn’t get up early like I was planning. At the launch I was met by the man who still fishes. He was there yesterday and said it took him 15 mi...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/13/2013
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 4
Fished: 5/13/2013
Hot Spots: 1
I waited to see if I wanted to go fishing in the morning until morning. So I didn’t set an alarm, hadn’t uncovered, or hooked up the boat. My gear was in the explorer all set to go. I woke up about 7...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/7/2013
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 4
Fished: 5/7/2013
Hot Spots: 2
Since it took awhile to get my first fish yesterday I slept in ½ hour more this morning. So I launched about 6:30am and lost my Pink Splatter dodger and Bloody Mary that did well yesterday on a snag. ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/6/2013
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 4
Fished: 5/6/2013
Hot Spots: 1
I thought I was in for an easy day. I didn’t even put sunscreen on. I had hook-ups but could not get anything to the boat. Went all the way from one end of the lake to the other. Went past the still f...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/5/2013
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 4
Fished: 5/5/2013
Hot Spots: 0
I met my brother, Richard, at the launch at 6am. But he got there a little after 5am. Just before I got there a guy with a Boston whaler type boat tried to launch. He was still there when I arrived bu...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/4/2013
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 4
Fished: 5/4/2013
Hot Spots: 3
I had the alarm set for 4:30am. I am excited for the mornings’ trip to Clear Lake since it will the first this year. Reality: Awake at 3:30am back hurts, I liked the chicken last night but my stomach ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/1/2013
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 4
Fished: 5/1/2013
Hot Spots: 1
Well, I just couldn’t resist the temptation to join Jerry for an excursion on American Lake. I donated a paddle for the next time his batteries die. The batteries died just after an hour of using the...
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By: Toni
Posted: 4/23/2013
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 2
Fished: 4/22/2013
Hot Spots: 1
Oh what a day! I was planning on fishing American on this day but I got a text from Trent asking if I wanted to go with him and Jerry in Jerry’s boat to Lake Merwin. I have never been to Merwin so I a...
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By: Toni
Posted: 4/21/2013
Species: Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 4/20/2013
Hot Spots: 1
I helped Kokanee_Slayer’s boat at the Wounded Veterans Fishing Program Event on April 20, 2013. I prayed that the wind would not be an issue and He answered my prayers. I forgot to ask for lots of fis...
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By: Toni
Posted: 4/15/2013
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 3
Fished: 4/15/2013
Hot Spots: 3
I arrived at the lake close to 11am and first trout was in the boat about 11:30 on the south side of the island just about Bill’s Boathouse area. Around 13 foot down. It was on the Dick Nite Chrome Cl...
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By: Toni
Posted: 4/8/2013
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 1
Fished: 4/8/2013
Hot Spots: 0
This was my first venture out by myself this year. In old Ol’ Girl. It was overcast and breezy which made it feel cold. Only a few short sprinkles the whole time I was out there from 12-3pm. I had ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 3/4/2013
Species: Salmon
Rating: 5
Fished: 3/4/2013
Hot Spots: 1
Riffe Lake 3-4-2013 Last week Trent asked me if I wanted to go fishing in his boat on Monday. So I asked where and which boat? He said American and Clifford. So I said Awesome! I am stoked!. But w...
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By: Toni
Posted: 2/11/2013
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 1
Fished: 2/10/2013
Hot Spots: 0
William and I got to the boathouse about noon. I have not been here in about 35 years so I didn’t know that you don’t drive down the hill because the driveway dead ends on top of the boathouse. I smo...
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By: Toni
Posted: 12/15/2012
Species: Chum Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 12/15/2012
Hot Spots: 0
Didn't spend to much time fishing since I was talking by the fire a lot. There was one fish on and one that was cleaned. That was it for fish in the area of the campground I was at. It was cold and r...
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By: Toni
Posted: 11/6/2012
Species: Chum Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 11/6/2012
Hot Spots: 1
Well I met kokanee kid (Chuck) by hwy 18 and the Green River. He was to follow me to Metzler Park to fish with bobber and jig for chum. We got there sometime after 8 and found a place to fish. I had t...
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By: Toni
Posted: 10/25/2012
Species: Chum Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 10/25/2012
Hot Spots: 1
Fishing for chums in the salt is so different than anything else I do. We used bobbers and anchovies. They have to hang just right, at just the right depth, have to watch were they jump and kinda line...
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By: Toni
Posted: 10/8/2012
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 2
Fished: 10/8/2012
Hot Spots: 0
It was hard work with a little reward. I went fishing with Kokanee_slayer at Clear Lake this morning. I got 2 real fast. The slayer got one but that was it for me this day. Spread out over the next 4 ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 10/4/2012
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 4
Fished: 10/4/2012
Hot Spots: 1
What? A repeat. Yes, thank you Jesus! just a few less minutes. I set my alarm to get up early but I ignored it. So I ended up on the lake about 20 minutes later than on Sunday. I used the same r...
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By: Toni
Posted: 9/30/2012
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 5
Fished: 9/30/2012
Hot Spots: 1
Last day of September and I can’t calculate the number of times I hit the snooze on the alarm. I started fishing about 8am and it took nearly an hour to find the fish but I also had to retire the Pink...
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By: Toni
Posted: 9/24/2012
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 4
Fished: 9/24/2012
Hot Spots: 1
Clear Lake 9-24-12 Since I didn’t fish yesterday because of a headache and I woke up way to early this morning , I went fishing at my local kokanee lake. It took me awhile to find them. They were i...
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By: Toni
Posted: 9/21/2012
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 5
Fished: 9/18/2012
Hot Spots: 1
Area 5 Sekiu Sept 18 and 19, 2012 The F24 Xperience with Glen and Cami at Sekiu, Washington is always an experience for those involved but this time it was the extreme experience for me. The go...
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