
natetreat's Reports

By: natetreat
Posted: 10/20/2011
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 10/20/2011
Hot Spots: 0
Well I figured I go check out the snohomish down at Thomas Eddy for a while after work, got there at 5:30, left at 6:30 and it smelled AWFUL. All those rotting pinks have started to pile up and smell ...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 10/10/2011
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 5
Fished: 10/9/2011
Hot Spots: 0
I feel like I've been wandering in the desert for years and finally found my way home. My schedule worked out and my brother paid for me to take him out to the Humptulips and show him how I catch fish...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 10/7/2011
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 10/7/2011
Hot Spots: 3
Well, it rained, and a buddy of mine had told me that the Nootsack was decent. I've never fished it before. I just traded up a pole for little river fishing and wanted to try it out on some low and cl...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 9/21/2011
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 9/21/2011
Hot Spots: 0
Well I wouldn't usually post a report for a quick trip, but I had quite the adventure during it. I got to the river at 5:30 looking for silvers. Yesterday a big school went up and I went 1/3 with chro...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 9/17/2011
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 5
Fished: 9/17/2011
Hot Spots: 0
Well. My brother and my dad heard about how many fish I have been catching and wanted to get the tour of pink fishing, so I took them to my honey holes. We started at the Duwamish in the morning,I...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 9/12/2011
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 5
Fished: 9/11/2011
Hot Spots: 0
Started at 112 and MAN were they thick! You couldn't make a cast without your line bumping a fish. although the were rather lockjaw, running the gauntlet through the thousand buzzbombs and giant corky...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 9/10/2011
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 9/10/2011
Hot Spots: 0
Went to the duwamish for the hours before and after low tide. There were pinks in there, but they stopped biting when the tide stopped. It wasn't on fire, but it wasn't dead either. I hooked a king, b...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 9/3/2011
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 5
Fished: 9/3/2011
Hot Spots: 0
Well, today I filled in my second catch record card. Was pretty epic on the carbon. I fished from 10 am to 3 pm and there were fish spread throughout the river, lots of pinks and a few chinook. T...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 9/2/2011
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 5
Fished: 9/2/2011
Hot Spots: 0
I had an extra hour after work today. Went out for a while, and the guy next to me when I got there limits out in 15 minutes or so, then I have room to cast, and I start catching fish. The first f...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 8/27/2011
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/27/2011
Hot Spots: 0
I went out for the hour before and after low tide. Zero fish coming up as far as pinks and coho, but there were some kings rolling around. First 15 minutes I hooked a monster that had me zooming up an...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 8/25/2011
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/25/2011
Hot Spots: 0
Stopped by Thomas' Eddy for a couple hours today in the afternoon. The first 20 minutes the fishing was great, I crackered four fish. Using a wee Dick Nite in pink and white, I think that the tiny lit...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 8/19/2011
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/19/2011
Hot Spots: 0
Well, my dad heard how good I whave been doing on the Puke so he wanted a fishing lesson, and we met up at six at the river. The tide was later which screwd up the runs upstream, so there were only tw...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 8/18/2011
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/18/2011
Hot Spots: 0
Ttook me longer than I wanted to get a limit, but I got two nice big bucks, and one hen thasta were bright and feisty! Met up with Knotabassturd and he did well too. It wasn't rapid fire, but you can'...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 8/16/2011
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 5
Fished: 8/16/2011
Hot Spots: 0
So I slept in for the opener and spent an extra 40 minutes in traffic, but it was worth it. The fish weren't on fire, but I got 4 and hooked about 15 fish. Started fishing at 9 AM and finished at ...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 8/12/2011
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/12/2011
Hot Spots: 0
The Skok was as can be expected when the fish have come. It was a lot of fun in the blistering heat. Fished some of the main holes, there were a bunch of great guys, and then some nuisance characters ...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 8/9/2011
Species: Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/9/2011
Hot Spots: 0
So after reading all the reports from Baker Lake, watching the video from Mike and seeing success, my father and I headed up to the lake for a camping sockeye extravaganza! Boy we had an adventure. ...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 7/21/2011
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 7/21/2011
Hot Spots: 0
Well I made an early morning of it today. Up at 3:30 to be at the river an hour before sunrise, trying to get one last shot at the Kings before it closes saturday. Only ended up with one mini-jack at ...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 7/18/2011
Species: Crab
Rating: 5
Fished: 7/17/2011
Hot Spots: 0
So after fishing the Wynoochee on Saturday, I spent a lazy afternoon at the dock at my dads house at Steamboat Island. I caught lots of crab, which was my primary goal, and also had a dog shark de...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 7/18/2011
Species: Steelhead
Rating: 4
Fished: 7/16/2011
Hot Spots: 0
Okay, so we had an adventure on the Wynoochee this Saturday. We fished the top of the river in the wilderness, starting around the barrier dam fish counting facility, then up above below the dam, and...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 7/15/2011
Rating: 3
Fished: 7/15/2011
Hot Spots: 0
I fished from first light at the Sultan on the highway side all the way to Reiter. It was a full day of it. I hiked through the jungle at the farm in the morning. That was a kick. I swear I'm buyi...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 7/8/2011
Species: Steelhead
Rating: 4
Fished: 7/8/2011
Hot Spots: 0
Managed to make the late morning show at Reiter today. Didn't want to wake up for dawn, so I slept in, left about 6:45 dunno when I got there, I've got to set the clock in my rig. The water has dr...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 6/27/2011
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 6/27/2011
Hot Spots: 0
Hahahaha! I finally got my Sky River King! Had a job interview out in Monroe, had the gear in the car and thought I'd give it a go since I was out there already. I get to the river, still in my suit, ...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 6/26/2011
Species: Steelhead
Rating: 2
Fished: 6/26/2011
Hot Spots: 0
Spent the morning fishing the Wallace Flats. Man it was a bumper to bumper circus out there, everybody and their uncle. The Sky was dropping, the wallace was clear. Caught a bunch of suckers under the...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 6/21/2011
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 6/20/2011
Hot Spots: 0
The fish are locked up in the hatchery and down river. Worked a lot of river, all day, from sultan to just below reiter. Nothing. Did hook into something under the bridge at the big eddy. Turned i...
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By: natetreat
Posted: 6/19/2011
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 6/19/2011
Hot Spots: 0
Well, I made the trip up to the cascade to make it up at first light. I love it up there, it's the middle of nowhere. The cascade was running high, with a little color to it, but about 6 or 7 feet of ...
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