
the piranha's Reports

Posted: 8/15/2013
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 8/15/2013
Hot Spots: 0
just like the other reports, still no fish. I fished at railroad bridge by soccer fields. water color is in good shape.
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Posted: 8/7/2013
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 8/6/2013
Hot Spots: 2
IM in mt Vernon all week for work so I grabbed a pole and my steelhead jigs. I fished just below I5 bridge off dyke. fished Monday for about half hour and got skunked. Tuesday fished same spot...
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Posted: 7/28/2013
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 2
Fished: 7/24/2013
Hot Spots: 0
In a few weeks I have a club tourney, so I figured I better do some pre-fishing. It was my first time on the lake, plus I had my kids. I launched at the park in Issaquah and ran north. My buddy ...
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Posted: 7/10/2013
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 2
Fished: 7/10/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Arrived at the lake at 5:30 and started down shore. Right away I saw some rustling around right near the shore so I casted my senko close by and immediately one back flipped over it missing the wor...
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Posted: 6/30/2013
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/29/2013
Hot Spots: 2
Hit Tanwax Saturday, arrived at launch at 4:45 I was first at launch, I usually hang around the boat launch fishing until people start rolling in just to keep an eye on my truck. I wanted to catc...
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Posted: 4/27/2013
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 2
Fished: 4/27/2013
Hot Spots: 2
fished in morning from 6 to 9 back in dunes. Got one on a crank bait weight was 5.5 only bite. wind was crazy the rest of the day so I pulled boat and installed the new elite 7x. Will be back ...
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Posted: 4/21/2013
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 1
Fished: 4/20/2013
Hot Spots: 0
So, since I bought a boat, I figured the next step would be to sign up for a bass club. Yesterday was the first tournament. I had envisioned a five fish limit and big fish of the tourney. It didn...
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Posted: 3/30/2013
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 2
Fished: 3/30/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Awe shoot! Finally got on the board for 2013. Just barley got a March fish. First bass in the new boat also. I only could fish until 8:15, so I started at 6:15. That was only fish of the day. I ...
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Posted: 3/24/2013
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 1
Fished: 3/20/2013
Hot Spots: 0
nNo fish, at least you can launch now. Water was 44. Fished on wed. late report Pole is down so it is free, not sure how long that will last.
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Posted: 3/14/2013
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 1
Fished: 3/6/2013
Hot Spots: 0
With the new boat, I thought it was time to hit spanaway finally. Unfortunatley, I couldn't catch a bass. I tried the d-shot tubes, grubs, swim baits, deep, shallow, hopping, and dragging. I had o...
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Posted: 3/3/2013
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 1
Fished: 3/3/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Once again, I used to have the username procaster. Today was more of a test run than fishing. I just bought a boat, so of course I wanted to test it out. Before I had an 8 ft livingston, so fishin...
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Posted: 1/28/2013
Species: Steelhead
Rating: 1
Fished: 1/28/2013
Hot Spots: 0
I only had time to fish shaffer park. I was the only car when I parked, but guys started piling in right after I got there. No fish for anybody. One guy said he had fishing almost every day for the...
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Posted: 1/23/2013
Species: Steelhead
Rating: 3
Fished: 1/23/2013
Hot Spots: 0
It seems like this the afternoon bite is better this year, so I took the kids to school, then moseyed down to the river. I didn't get there until about noon or so. I Started at the Wishkah road br...
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Posted: 1/6/2013
Species: Steelhead
Rating: 2
Fished: 1/6/2013
Hot Spots: 0
I figured there wouldn't be any steelhead, but mabye some dollies around. With the river being low and clear now, I crossed and walked up a nice boulder and first cast caught a dollie. It was only a...
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Posted: 1/5/2013
Species: Steelhead
Rating: 2
Fished: 1/4/2013
Hot Spots: 0
My buddy and I fished the lower section first and did'nt get any action so we went up to hatchery. As were pulling up, a couple guys walking out, said only one fish was hooked then lost all day. We ...
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Posted: 12/16/2012
Species: Steelhead
Rating: 1
Fished: 12/15/2012
Hot Spots: 1
No surprise I didn't catch any fish. I was just bored and it is only about a 2 mile drive to treatment plant. I threw a pink jig the entire time. I only fished for mabye 1.5 hours. I did have a ...
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Posted: 12/12/2012
Species: Steelhead
Rating: 1
Fished: 12/12/2012
Hot Spots: 0
Slow, slow, and more slow. One guy caught one who was stacked in the line of guys at hatchery. Only fish all day. Water looks good, just no fish. Hatchery worker said only one or two fish a day ha...
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Posted: 11/30/2012
Species: Chum Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 11/26/2012
Hot Spots: 0
Still no fish. I have been hitting the river every couple days and nobodoy is touching anything. I decided to run up to the carbon and maybe hook one more silver before the close. I caught one buc...
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Posted: 11/12/2012
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 11/11/2012
Hot Spots: 0
Still pretty slow I fished around 116th st hole again. I lost one due to a poor knot right away up above everyone. Then, later I caught a nice cutthroat about 14" later way down the river. There w...
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Posted: 11/9/2012
Species: Chum Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 11/9/2012
Hot Spots: 0
Fished 116th st. Really, I was just fising for anything. I switched between jig/bobber and swinging jig. I worked my way down river and saw one chum roll. When I got back to main spot where ever...
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Posted: 11/1/2012
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 11/1/2012
Hot Spots: 0
With all the rain, I figured I should go check up at hatchery since the river is dropping. I took a look at the water color before walking all the way up and it looked decent, so off I went. I ha...
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Posted: 10/29/2012
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 1
Fished: 10/28/2012
Hot Spots: 0
The river jumped 3ft over night so off to the lake I went. I only fished for 2.5 hrs. I fished shallow for first hour with no bites, then switched to d-shot off points. I was using a 5" senko and l...
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Posted: 10/26/2012
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 10/26/2012
Hot Spots: 0
No glamorous report today. Since I forgot my rain coat it was cold, wet, miserable and a fish less day. I fished at 116th st. hole. There are some of my newest jigs. The purple has caught the mo...
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Posted: 10/25/2012
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 10/25/2012
Hot Spots: 1
I headed down to see if the water had cleared up enough to start twitchin jigs. The visibilty is about 1.5 ft. I started by the treatment plant and worked my way down river. I saw a couple roll i...
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Posted: 10/11/2012
Species: Smallmouth Bass
Rating: 2
Fished: 10/11/2012
Hot Spots: 1
I changed my username because of password issues. I was procaster. I met a friend at the boat launch and we worked our way north fishing. It was pretty slow I caught one small one on a tube and my ...
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