
elkaholic1's Reports

Posted: 8/31/2010
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 5
Fished: 8/31/2010
Hot Spots: 0
just wanted to give you guys another pic of 3 days of fishing, freezer almost full- eat your heart out!
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Posted: 8/31/2010
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 5
Fished: 8/31/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Started fishing saturday with my Pops, we had fished together during the springer season and killed em. So far we have been catching not fishing. We have put our time in on the river but we are havein...
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Posted: 8/15/2010
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 5
Fished: 8/14/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Okay so I am the same guy that can not catch a King at Pt. Defiance to save my life. I am now 3 for 3 at Possesion Bar! Well it's 0100 hrs Sunday morning but this is too good to wait til after I slee...
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Posted: 8/12/2010
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 8/12/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Here I go again, Hit the water at 5:30 am, thougth I'd try the moring fish since I've had no luck during the day. Fished the slag pile and Pt. Defiance fisrt thing. I was surprized at the amount of bo...
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Posted: 8/12/2010
Species: Crab
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/12/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Well went crabbing again and came home with 22 crabs, the three of us limited out on dungeness and had some red rock too! Used some left over salmon parts, chicken and cat food, yep, cat food. I gue...
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Posted: 8/10/2010
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/9/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Okay, I am still learning this salmon fishing in the Sound, but I finally have good news. I heard that this area has been doing well so I drove up Sunday and talked with several boaters comming in and...
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Posted: 7/31/2010
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 7/31/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Glad we were crabbing today as well because I still have not figured out the Kings. Checked with the boat house and only 12 had come in today all from first light. Eventually I might catch something....
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Posted: 7/31/2010
Species: Crab
Rating: 5
Fished: 7/31/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Went crabbing again, left the pots in overnight and pulled them today around noon, First go around pot had 15 or so and 11 keepers. Dropped pots off again and came back around 6 pm, 4 of us went away ...
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Posted: 7/23/2010
Species: Crab
Rating: 5
Fished: 7/23/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Bought another crab trap and went out today about 1:00 pm. Tried a new area, dropped the traps and went fishing for 2 hours ( no fish, surprize ) upon return to pots had 4 keepers and a few to throw b...
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Posted: 7/23/2010
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 7/20/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Okay, we actually went fishing all day and night until wednesday about 7 pm. Only caught 1 chinook and it was 1/2 hr into the fishing. Actually sooner than that, had my step daughter in the boat, the ...
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Posted: 7/17/2010
Species: Crab
Rating: 4
Fished: 7/16/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Spent the day on the water for salmon and didn't catch any. Decided to try our hand at crabbing and found success! We launched from Pt Defiance and headed over to the Vashon Island area. Used our b...
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Posted: 7/16/2010
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 7/16/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Okay, now for the salmon report. We checked in at the boathouse around noon and they had 6 checked in at that time. Fished the point first and worked our way out to deeper water, trolling with a white...
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Posted: 7/16/2010
Species: Crab
Rating: 4
Fished: 7/16/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Okay, this is my first time on here and first time crabbing. Dropped off crab pot around noon, used 2 turkey wings, 2 chicken legs and 1/2 dozen fresh dead herring, cut strips into all of them. After ...
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