
Gwendylyn's Reports

By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 3/12/2014
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 4
Fished: 3/12/2014
Hot Spots: 0
Pretty constant bite from the fresh stockies.Once we got them dialed in, it was pretty much lights out! Most were about 10in but some were much smaller. Anyone else ready for salmon to open? lol I thi...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 11/25/2013
Species: Chum Salmon
Rating: 5
Fished: 11/22/2013
Hot Spots: 0
After a few years of trying to figure it out on our own, I finally decided to send Nate Treat a pm & book a date. HOOO-LEEEE-CRAP was it worth it!!! Between the 3 of us (Nate, the Giant Ginger & m...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 10/20/2013
Species: Clams
Rating: 5
Fished: 10/18/2013
Hot Spots: 0
The hubby & I, 3 teenagers & 2 dogs took off for the beach Friday & stayed the weekend for the big dig. We made it in time Friday night to hit the beach with head lamps & bring in 5 limits! Saturday I...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 10/12/2013
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 10/11/2013
Hot Spots: 0
It was an absolute ghost town out there Friday. We spent a few hours anchoring up in spots from 112th to the 1st ave bridge & didn't see any fish jump or any on the finder. No one was bank fishing & w...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 9/11/2013
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 9/11/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Launched the boat & headed up the Duwamish but didn't get quite where we would have liked. The river is blocked at the bridge between the 1st ave bridge & the 112th hole (not sure what it's called). T...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 9/4/2013
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 9/4/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Today was the day I think we figured out why everyone loses their minds on pink years... 7 for us today! The largest of the day was the first one I pulled in at 5 lbs 8 oz woooohooooo!!
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 9/2/2013
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 9/2/2013
Hot Spots: 0
No pinks for us today but we brought a few flounder in for dinner. I rated this trip a two for a couple reasons, #1 - We still came home with dinner #2 - I caught something as long as my leg th...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 8/31/2013
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 8/31/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Bonked this one & lost another right at the boat around the power lines. We were using minnow jigs with pink glitter worms. It was pretty chrome when it came out of the water but shook the hook as soo...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 8/28/2013
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/25/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Spent most of the day (late start) out on the water with nearly a constant bite. Trout were a little tougher to find than the perch but we each managed our limit of trout & kept a few perch for breakf...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 8/17/2013
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 8/17/2013
Hot Spots: 0
We got to the launch at Redondo about 7am & the fish checker lady said we better get out there because 3 boats just came back with a couple limits each! We hustled up & headed to Browns Point and spen...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 8/13/2013
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 8/13/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Tough going today. We spent a few too many hours between Redondo & Dash Point without so much as a bump today. Only a few boats out this afternoon but everyone we talked to shared our crummy luck toda...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 3/26/2013
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 3/26/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Put in 2 hours on the bank this afternoon with the hubby & one of our daughters. 4 fish hooked &3 banked.... Daughter is still learning what set the hook means :) We also got to watch a boat fl...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 12/28/2012
Species: Steelhead
Rating: 1
Fished: 12/28/2012
Hot Spots: 0
I wasn't sure if people just stopped reporting or if no one else was going but I just couldn't stand it anymore and had to get out there... The Giant Ginger had other things going on today so I dragg...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 11/20/2012
Species: Chum Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 11/20/2012
Hot Spots: 0
I had plans to hit the Green in Auburn yesterday but decided that it was likely a bad idea after checking the weather for the day. So I sat inside all day... Pouting... tied a few new jigs & pouted we...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 11/12/2012
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 11/8/2012
Hot Spots: 0
We caught just a couple and decided to head out. The lake was getting pretty packed & I managed to get my feet wet & thought I was going to die at any given moment. I think it's time to invest in some...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 11/12/2012
Species: Chum Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 11/10/2012
Hot Spots: 0
Went looking for a few more Chum and all I managed to bring in was a moldy ol' coho... NOW they like my jigs lol Are there many silvers out there that are still silver?
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 11/7/2012
Species: Chum Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 11/7/2012
Hot Spots: 0
Guys.... The day has finally come. Can I get a friggin woohoo?!! Fished the green this morning for a few hours with the Giant Ginger & finally scored a couple! The BEST part of it is that they were...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 10/27/2012
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 10/27/2012
Hot Spots: 0
The Ginger & I hit the Duwi again this morning. Tried 112th & the span behind BECU with no luck. When we got to BECU, there was one guy there that was just packing it up with a little hen that he land...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 10/24/2012
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 10/24/2012
Hot Spots: 0
I hate these fish. End report. We can't decide if we want to try up by 212th or try a dock in the salt. Is it worth trying for these snooty fish from somewhere like Des Moines Pier?
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 10/23/2012
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 10/22/2012
Hot Spots: 1
The hubby & I hit the bridge at 112th for a few hours this morning. Sporadic jumpers within feet of the bank just north of the bridge. Threw the tackle box at them to no avail. Thinking I need to lear...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 9/27/2012
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 9/27/2012
Hot Spots: 0
Buenos Nachos All! This morning the hubby & I went to meet losaturn & between the 2 of us in about an hour snagged & lost 6 setups.... I've started making our own weights & have made a few dozen s...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 9/26/2012
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 9/26/2012
Hot Spots: 0
Ever have a skunk run so bad that you'd be happy to catch a cold just to say you've caught something? These coho are kicking my tail and then some... This morning was by far the slowest we've seen. In...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 7/9/2012
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 2
Fished: 7/8/2012
Hot Spots: 0
On the dock at 8pm and stayed until about 10pm. We honestly didn't have much hope because of how busy the beach was. There were 1,900 screaming, splashing kids running amuck trying to cool off. Had a ...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 7/8/2012
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 1
Fished: 7/8/2012
Hot Spots: 0
No fishes from shore.... The beaches were crazy busy so not having a boat sucked more than a little today. Didn't see anyone else pull anything in on shore but did see the jerks in boats pull a few =0...
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By: Gwendylyn
Posted: 7/8/2012
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 1
Fished: 7/8/2012
Hot Spots: 0
No fish today. I think it was more to do with the 12,000 screaming teenagers than anything else.
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