
HULI_ISDA's Reports

Posted: 7/19/2018
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 5
Fished: 7/18/2018
Hot Spots: 0
Went Green lake for hoping to catch a few trout(c/r) first time back since last winter. No trout and I'm running out of my little me time so decided to flip a watermelon yumm crawdad in hope to hook s...
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Posted: 10/24/2017
Species: Squid
Rating: 4
Fished: 10/24/2017
Hot Spots: 0
Was able to get out and try my hand on some squid. Heard it's been hot and it is. Fished Seattle area and got 6-8# for 3 hours of fishing. Get your winter gear ready and catch some of this calamari. H...
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Posted: 8/31/2017
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/31/2017
Hot Spots: 0
Finally caught up with limits today. Fished from early morning. Had to work hard for them fish. There are a few jumpers and i got the 3 that wanted to play. Using marabu jugs that i made pink woth lot...
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Posted: 6/4/2016
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/4/2016
Hot Spots: 0
Haven't fish green since last spring. So today decided to give it a try. Fished 5-8:30 am with 1 fish. I wasn't really gonna make a report but the single fish I caught is the left over steely which ga...
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Posted: 5/11/2016
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 5
Fished: 5/10/2016
Hot Spots: 0
Nice beautiful pacific northwest weather. So right after getting the kids done with homework's and have dinner, we decided to fish and enjoy the sun in Silver lake. Used 2 pole with bottom set up pink...
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Posted: 10/4/2015
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 10/4/2015
Hot Spots: 0
Fished Snohomish this AM. Its was amazingly awesome. Got to the river still dark so waited a little bit just to have enough light to see my float. On the darkness it is cool to hear all fish jumpin ar...
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Posted: 9/24/2015
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 9/24/2015
Hot Spots: 0
Change of scenery and took the long drive to duwamish. Caught this buck ho's. Went 2/5 on eggs. The bigger fish has some sort of zits on its scales(tapioca decease?), I could have released it if only ...
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Posted: 9/22/2015
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 9/22/2015
Hot Spots: 0
Okay I will say finally I got one.. Hook into my first Coho of the year. Using the jonb jig special( I call it). Black and purple with lots of flash to it. It could have been two today as one unhook i...
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Posted: 9/18/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 9/18/2015
Hot Spots: 0
Okay, I dont know how you will rate this report, good and bad. I fished my FaVehole in sky. Mainly checking if some Coho made it that far. I saw some jumping but not to get too excited bout... So wait...
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Posted: 9/14/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 9/12/2015
Hot Spots: 0
This is obviously a late report, but i gotta share it. Took three friends Saturday fishing Snohomish 522 hole. Its a bit challenging cause they're all first timer anglers. But there are fish around th...
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Posted: 9/6/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 5
Fished: 9/6/2015
Hot Spots: 0
Snohomish river fishing is on right now, tons of fish and tons of people too. Limited today using 1/4 pink marabou home made jig. Only interesting thing today is that I caught a deformed face fish, I ...
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Posted: 8/31/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/31/2015
Hot Spots: 0
Fish snoho today at lunch. Got to T.eddy. Saw Fishdude and jonb chatting so stop by and say hi, got informed that fishing has slowed down, since the water level went up all fish swim upper river. My l...
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Posted: 8/31/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 8/30/2015
Hot Spots: 0
Now after hearing and seeing lots of 4's and 5's report from duwamish, decided to fish it Sunday rain or shine. Set up camp at 112TH street early morn with pouring rain. End up not catching any but di...
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Posted: 8/24/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/24/2015
Hot Spots: 0
Fished Snohomish again thus morning. Since I got my limit really quick Saturday, I set my standard a little picky today. I planned to just keep hens today as I am starting to save up eggs for cohos to...
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Posted: 8/22/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 5
Fished: 8/22/2015
Hot Spots: 0
Got out to the river today with the whole family. The plan was to just hangout and fish all day. Got there at 11, and the parking was full, but people come and go so finding parking wasn't too difficu...
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Posted: 8/21/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 8/21/2015
Hot Spots: 0
Went back to Snohomish with the kids today. Start of just above hwy 9 bridge with nothing to show for 2 boats in Front of me seems to have success for us at the banks is empty, fish is swimming at the...
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Posted: 8/18/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 8/18/2015
Hot Spots: 0
Fished upper Snohomish and finally hook up with fish. Got there very early before work and had a 2 hour to spent fishing. In an hour hook and lost 2 right away, the 3rd fish hook and land a buck but i...
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Posted: 8/17/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 8/17/2015
Hot Spots: 0
Yes finally was able to schedule my self late in the morning for work, so fished the lower Snoho for some pink, I am the first car there figured out fish probably not in thick yet. Get to a spot and ...
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Posted: 5/12/2015
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 3
Fished: 5/11/2015
Hot Spots: 0
Originally went out to fish for trout, but after my 4rth fish this huge bass swim by me in a very shallow water at first I thought it was a huge triploid but after a good stare at it it proves as a ba...
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Posted: 11/24/2014
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 5
Fished: 11/24/2014
Hot Spots: 0
Fished green lake this morning, thinking of leaving the house early to beat gridlock traffic. Decided to leave the house at 5:45am and find my self still stuck in traffic, crawling 10 miles per hour. ...
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Posted: 10/29/2014
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 5
Fished: 10/28/2014
Hot Spots: 0
After a bust trip to Wallace stop by at the lake on the way home, I figured if I get skunk in the river, not in lakes. So set up two pole by the boat ramp. Power eggs pink on one and bobber worm on th...
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Posted: 10/5/2014
Species: Largemouth Bass
Rating: 3
Fished: 10/4/2014
Hot Spots: 0
So after my successful outing targeting LMB on the lake, decided to give it a try inc more today. Fished for 2 hours and released over 10 fish, not big ones but big enough to give you a fun fight. Fis...
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Posted: 9/20/2014
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 9/20/2014
Hot Spots: 0
After unsuccessful trip to the river, decided to hit the lake for some fishing cure. Targeted silver lake since closer. Original plan is to target anything that bite my worm. Got to the lake around 7,...
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Posted: 9/19/2014
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 9/19/2014
Hot Spots: 0
So checked the reg and found out Wallace is now open, so decided to check it out today. Got to the river and found lots of dis surfacing and jumping,thinking its gonna be a good day? Wrong, realize it...
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Posted: 9/11/2014
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 9/10/2014
Hot Spots: 0
First I would like to shout out to losaturn for the tips for this river...4 thumbs up... This report is for wednesday morning fishing trip. It is a bitter sweet report. The good, I started my ...
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