
vlamb's Reports

By: vlamb
Posted: 7/22/2017
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 1
Fished: 7/21/2017
Hot Spots: 0
Finally made it out to fish from my kayak. My kayak setup worked out well, did not get to try out landing any fish. Great afternoon on the lake. Trolled a fly and various lures, had a few hits on the ...
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By: vlamb
Posted: 6/30/2015
Species: Sockeye Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 6/29/2015
Hot Spots: 0
My son and I fished the Burlington sand bar between I-5 and railroad bridge. Plunking with a pink squid and sand shrimp scent. No luck. Did see about 4 fish caught between 6 and 9 pm. Also fished this...
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By: vlamb
Posted: 6/29/2014
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/28/2014
Hot Spots: 0
My son and I fished from 11am till 1pm. Fished 2 rods on DR and 1 surface. Lost 3 and got 2 in the boat. They were 9 and 10". 4 of the 5 were on the same rod. Hot set up was purple/pink dodger hoochie...
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By: vlamb
Posted: 8/25/2013
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/25/2013
Hot Spots: 0
My son and I hit strawberry point and anchored up near the rock pile. He had one in the boat within 10 minutes the bite was good for the first hour then slowed down. Lost three and ended up with thre...
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By: vlamb
Posted: 8/25/2013
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/24/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Took my dad out for his first time fishing. Had a great time and ended up with 4 in the boat.Fished from 6:30 till 9:30 using pink buzz bombs and pink squid jigs.
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By: vlamb
Posted: 8/23/2013
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 8/23/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Fished Strawberry Point from 4:30 pm till 7:30. Tried buzz bombs and pink jigs with no luck. Did not see anyone else catch anything either. Nice evening on the water and got a limit of crab.
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By: vlamb
Posted: 2/19/2012
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 1
Fished: 2/19/2012
Hot Spots: 0
Headed up to Cavanaugh after reading some reports from February 2011 and thought why not give it a try. Met a Co-worker of mine and his family at the launch. We were on the water about noon. Trolled w...
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