
hlindsay's Reports

By: hlindsay
Posted: 4/16/2015
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 3
Fished: 4/16/2015
Hot Spots: 3
Only one Kokanee, but it is the first fishing trip this year and the first Kokanee. My wife got it on a squyddy thang yellow behind a pink DD dodger with red fire corn and Kokanee glow scent. It also ...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 9/6/2014
Species: Walleye
Rating: 2
Fished: 9/2/2014
Hot Spots: 0
Quick report fished Tue. evening got some cats. Wen Thur. Fri. one Walleye 22' lost a smaller one a few SMB, cats, perch one RBT. Trolling slow death or still fishing with worm and jig. Most of the ti...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 8/29/2014
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/24/2014
Hot Spots: 1
This report is for Monday thru Thursday. We got out at 06:00 on Monday with sunrise at 6:30. Headed north out of Sekiu and dropped lines in the water at about 200 ft, 30 to 40 ft on the downrigger. We...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 8/21/2014
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/21/2014
Hot Spots: 1
Got to the lake around 6:00 and fished until around 1030. We had 4 lines from 20 to 40 ft down in 40 to 80ft of water. Got the most hit in the east end of the lake. Most fish on a red and green weddin...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 8/19/2014
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 8/19/2014
Hot Spots: 0
Fished the slag pile area from 5:30 to 9:00 got one shaker smaller than the lure. Saw 2 go into other boats and the fish checker said 1 had come in.
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 8/19/2014
Species: Crab
Rating: 2
Fished: 8/18/2014
Hot Spots: 0
Dropped the pots around 6:00 with a low tide just after that. Fished from 50 to 100 ft checked the pots around 9 and I almost couldn't lift some into the boat, only problem was all female or soft. We...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 8/11/2014
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/11/2014
Hot Spots: 1
Got on the water about 5:30, fished the south end of the lake with lines from 20 to 35 ft, depth varied, mostly on the west side of the lake. Got 2 koi and 1 RBT in the boat by around 7:00. Lost 1 and...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 7/31/2014
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 2
Fished: 7/31/2014
Hot Spots: 2
fished from 530 to 10. 2 Kok, 1 RBT, 3 missed hits. Wiggle hoochie was the only thing that got hits. I started with one behind a sling blade and ended up with 3 rods out of 4 with wiggle hoochies. Tip...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 7/11/2014
Species: Crab
Rating: 2
Fished: 7/11/2014
Hot Spots: 0
Big difference in a week, last week we were culling dungeness this week we couldn't find any legal size that weren't soft. We ended up with 4 red rock. Bait was fish parts, pots were in 50 to 100 ft. ...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 7/4/2014
Species: Crab
Rating: 5
Fished: 7/3/2014
Hot Spots: 0
Best day crabbing ever! Launched at Pt Defiance at 5:30, pots were in the water for just over 1 hour, we started pulling to check them. The first from 45 ft had around 10 with 2 just short one big one...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 7/1/2014
Species: Perch
Rating: 3
Fished: 7/1/2014
Hot Spots: 0
Fished Little American from 7 to 1030 this morning. Fished from near shore to 30 ft. Got 6 perch and 2 rock bass. We were using worms and jigs and worms alone. The most hits came on a white jig, and ...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 6/19/2014
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/19/2014
Hot Spots: 3
Got on the water at 5:30 fished till 11:30. An orange wiggle hoochie and a sling blade with green (in there picture) was the lure that got most of the fish and hits. The other two lures in the pictur...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 6/2/2014
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 2
Fished: 6/2/2014
Hot Spots: 2
Got on the water at around 7:00. Picked up a Kokanee at 7:30, 1 mph, 35 ft down in 70 ft of water. Flasher w/green on it and pink Koke-a-nut with fire corn. Missed a few hits. Picked up a RBT around...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 5/29/2014
Species: Walleye
Rating: 1
Fished: 5/27/2014
Hot Spots: 0
This is for Tue. evening and Wed. morning. Went up Frenchman's Tue. after getting to the park. We were only able to get 3 perch. Hit Lynn Coulee on Wen. same story. We saw one fish caught. only a few ...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 8/16/2013
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/14/2013
Hot Spots: 1
Day 3 started at 5:30 and went straght to slip point. Fished 80 to 500 ft of water 20 to 75 ft down. Flasher and spoon and flasher and coho killer. Had our 8 fish in the boat at 9:00 or so. One silver...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 8/16/2013
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/12/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Day 2 started at 5:30 and had a few take downs but no fish until the after noon got one pink in the boat out in 350ft. Fishing the same as day one (see my report for 8/11) this would have been a 2 sta...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 8/16/2013
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 8/11/2013
Hot Spots: 0
day 1 Started fishing at 5:00 nothing until 730 and had on and lost 3 in a short time. Two of them were good fish taking line and then just not there, one was 4 or 5 lb pink lost at the boat. Fished a...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 8/7/2013
Species: Perch
Rating: 2
Fished: 8/6/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Fished from 6:00 to 10:00, 10ft to 40ft, N of launch and in little American could only come up with some rock bass. Used worm and worm and jig. We are fishing where we have done well in the past, we w...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 8/3/2013
Species: Crab
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/2/2013
Hot Spots: 0
We put the pots down around 6:30 and quit at 3:00. Using fish scraps for bait. Put them in 60 to 110 ft, did the best deep. We checked the pots about every 90 min or so. Got a lot of females and ended...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 7/13/2013
Species: Chinook Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 7/8/2013
Hot Spots: 3
This is for Monday the 8th to Friday the 12th. Two of us fishing on 3 days and 1 fishing on 2 days. One line had a green flasher with a combo of white and green hoochie with a flashing light and herri...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 6/23/2013
Species: Other
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/17/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Went after crawfish, used perch for bait. Put the pots from 10 to 35 ft. Got 5+ LB on Tue about 1 LB on Wed and 1 LB on Fri.
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 6/23/2013
Species: Walleye
Rating: 2
Fished: 6/16/2013
Hot Spots: 0
This is for the 17th to the 21st. The Target was walleye most of the time. We did give up and just go after perch a few times because that is all we were getting on the worm rig. Mon evening in Lind C...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 6/10/2013
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 2
Fished: 6/10/2013
Hot Spots: 3
Fished from 6:00 to 10:00, from the state launch to the VA to the north end. top to 40 ft 4 lines, Hoochies, wiggle hoochie, wedding rings, crippulre, rooster tails, sling blades, doggers. Had 2 or ...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 6/6/2013
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 2
Fished: 6/6/2013
Hot Spots: 0
Didn't get on the water till 830 and left at 1100. I know it is not the best time, I should have gotten with it. Only got one RBT down around 25 ft. fished with dodgers and squid/wedding rings/wiggle ...
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By: hlindsay
Posted: 5/19/2013
Species: Walleye
Rating: 3
Fished: 5/14/2013
Hot Spots: 0
This is quick report for Tue to friday 5/14 to 5/17. Did no good in Crab creek or frenchmans on Tue AM. Moved to Lind Coulee the rest of the time. Perch only on Tue PM, Wen Am 2 Walleye at 13", Thur A...
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