
The Redneck Emo's Reports

Posted: 1/4/2009
Species: Steelhead
Rating: 3
Fished: 1/4/2009
Hot Spots: 0
Started the day out at Reiter with my friend. Water was very clear we were the first ones up there and started fishing once you could see. There was around 30 others there and when we left at 1030 the...
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Posted: 12/13/2008
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 5
Fished: 12/13/2008
Hot Spots: 0
Went out on Stevens today with jetman from 10 to 3 on the north side. water temp was 46. we started fishing with bobber and worm and after 20 min started hooking fish. he missed 2 fish then the 3rd wa...
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Posted: 12/6/2008
Species: Steelhead
Rating: 4
Fished: 12/6/2008
Hot Spots: 0
Went to the wallace with a friend today for some steelhead. We started up at the hatchery but there was to many people so went to the mouth. We saw 2 guys that each had a fish leaving the hatchery. Wh...
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Posted: 11/2/2008
Species: Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 11/2/2008
Hot Spots: 0
Hit my favorite hole for chums today with one of my friends. With in 5 min i had a nice 5 pound hen hooked up and landed it. Landed 2 fair hooked fish and probably 20 foul hooked. I lost around 15 fai...
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