
gdbrill's Reports

By: gdbrill
Posted: 6/14/2011
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/11/2011
Hot Spots: 0
It took a while to zero in on the depth and fly but once we did the action was great. Most were about 12 to 13 inches with a couple easily exceeding 16 inches. One broke off my 6 pound tippet. Best...
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By: gdbrill
Posted: 10/14/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 10/13/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Fished for almost 4 hours yesterday afternoon. Couldn't ask for a nicer day. Caught one at 12 inches and 5 more at about 9 to 10 inches. Just one other fisherman until about 5 pm. Water was like g...
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By: gdbrill
Posted: 9/27/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 4
Fished: 9/25/2010
Hot Spots: 0
My nephew and I hit the lake about 3:30pm and fished until almost 7:00. It was sunny and warm with lots of people using the lake for non fishing activities. Fishing was great. We caught 2 over 17 i...
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By: gdbrill
Posted: 5/22/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 5/21/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Fished yesterday afternoon from 3 to 5:30pm. Caught 5 fish the largest was almost 17 inches with the other 4 around 9 to 10 inches. It rained on and off with no wind. Great day.
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By: gdbrill
Posted: 5/22/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 5/21/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Light rain off and on with no wind. Caught the first fish after 45 minutes of fishing, a nice 17 trout. The other 4 fish, averaged about 9 to 10 inches, were caught the last hour of fishing.
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By: gdbrill
Posted: 5/20/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 5
Fished: 5/19/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Fished from 2 to 4 pm yesterday: lots of rain, wind and lots of fish. My son-in-law and I had 10 to the boat and lost at least that many. All C&R. All the fish were stockers and with no real size to...
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