
hollydog's Reports

By: hollydog
Posted: 10/5/2015
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 10/5/2015
Hot Spots: 0
slow slow slow I fished about 4 hrs and nothing about 8 folks in area and I seen 2 fish caught both pinks,hope with rain on the way maybe a few could come up , some fish were rolling and lot of zombi...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 9/18/2015
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 9/18/2015
Hot Spots: 0
SLOW SLOW SLOW fished for 7 hrs had 2 fish on lost both river very low and hardly anyone fishing.There were about 12 people fishing through out the day I counted 5 fish with one being a
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By: hollydog
Posted: 9/16/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 9/16/2015
Hot Spots: 0
SLOW SLOW SLOW yes I got fish but its slow you gota work at it hard. I said slow for pink fishing I did get 4 however fished for 6 hrs it was much the same with the folks around me as well. fi...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 9/15/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 9/15/2015
Hot Spots: 0
SLOW wow lots of fish but getting dark rolling all day very hard to get a hit. got 1 today dark buck and released it and lost another. fish were moving threw every color I had and even combo col...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 9/10/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 9/10/2015
Hot Spots: 0
slow for the most part. You had to work at it I got 2 fish in 5 hrs both pinks did see a few coho but not many. group of 20 folks near weigh station. some folks did ok others not so good.started at 1...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 9/8/2015
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 9/8/2015
Hot Spots: 0
well I gota say bit on the slow side went to treatment plant area had no luck seen a few folks with a fish or two but lots with nothing.seen alot of fish moving up but not hitting . tried evry thing ...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 9/6/2015
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 9/5/2015
Hot Spots: 0
well kinda on the very slow sign seen nothing,no hook ups .just plain slow. droped the crab pots and did get some dungies not many . got back to the docks and game check said 0 kings 8 coho and 20...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 9/4/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 9/4/2015
Hot Spots: 0
fished from 8am till 5pm started off good got one off the bat then lost a few then it went dead about watch about 30 people fishing and no one was geting fish. then a few then slow again.... very...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 9/2/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 9/2/2015
Hot Spots: 0
started about 9am through at 2pm. started off 4th cast fish on . fishing was ok for about 2hrs once it hit about 11am boom nothing for the next 3 hrs rain so I opt to call it a day. looked up and do...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 9/1/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 9/1/2015
Hot Spots: 0
was hoping to dodge the rain it did not happen.fished the scale house area again started at 9 till about 2 dodging rain I hooked up 12 times landed 3 and released those 3 . not very crowded today ra...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 8/28/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/28/2015
Hot Spots: 0
well just for kicks went to 116th st hole saw 1 fish caught no rollers in 2 hrs it was dead went home for a bit then ask my son if he wanted to try lower puyallup got there at 2 and bang bunch of f...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 8/27/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/27/2015
Hot Spots: 0
thurs fished from 8 30 till noon got 7 and released all 7 ran in spurts again. good day fishing and saw some kids catch some. the fish were bright hard to tell male frome female un till in net . ...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 8/26/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/26/2015
Hot Spots: 0
today was good but not great rate to me a 3 out of 5 some guys will rate it a 5 . ran in spurts like the last 2 days get a few quick then nothing for a hr or so. I hooked and released about 7 in a 5...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 8/25/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/25/2015
Hot Spots: 0
well got to the river about 10am a fellow packing out a limit said been hot about 2 hrs ago hmmmmm my luck i give it a 5 for the early birds for me it slowed of course but got a few fish on a...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 8/24/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/24/2015
Hot Spots: 0
took the weekend off thought there might be to many folks. so tried today monday got there about 11am was back home at 3pm. lost several as usual however did take home 4 pinks . fished in sumner today...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 8/21/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 8/21/2015
Hot Spots: 0
today was really slow some fish were caught I stayed about 2 hrs nothing caught 1 on lost it very quick.talked to some fellas that did limit but it took them 9 hrs to do it. fish were rolling at high...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 8/20/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/20/2015
Hot Spots: 0
work hard slow at times, 4 hrs fishing 5 fish on . put time in you get fish runs in spurts. area fished scale house.please pack it in pack it out garbage is not to be on water .
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By: hollydog
Posted: 8/20/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/20/2015
Hot Spots: 0
today much like yesterday bit on the slow side .work it and you will get fish. for 4 hrs today got 5 hookups got 2 and released them very small but fresh sea lice on them as well.yesterday I picked up...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 8/19/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 3
Fished: 8/19/2015
Hot Spots: 0
started about 10am till 4pm people were getting fish however bit slower then yesterday but still good . working a little harder and longer. notice the river was up from tues and lots of foam bubble s...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 8/18/2015
Species: Other
Rating: 4
Fished: 8/18/2015
Hot Spots: 0
started out in sumner after a couple hrs of slow fishing and a ding dong across the river messing everyone up went to scale house area and much better about 3hrs there and packed 4 home lost at least ...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 8/16/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 8/16/2015
Hot Spots: 0
wow lots of people. some had fish but more on the few hits for three of us.few fellas had fish but very very slow. location today below the old canary area.heard the bay is hot in areas will t...
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By: hollydog
Posted: 8/14/2015
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 8/13/2015
Hot Spots: 0
k mart area there were 11 fishing in the area counted 14 fish in 6 hrs fishing.
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