
SteelHeadGuy's Reports

Posted: 8/1/2013
Species: Pink Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 8/1/2013
Hot Spots: 0
took the boat out fishing, was just below the hwy 9 brig, there were about 4 or 5 other boats out there didnt see anything. oh wells better then working Nick
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Posted: 3/19/2013
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 1
Fished: 3/17/2013
Hot Spots: 0
went out to panther lake hoping to catch the planting truck, the weather started out nice, endded up getting hailed on and no fish, saw a lot of fish on the finderbut no bites, one other boat on the l...
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Posted: 3/11/2013
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 1
Fished: 3/11/2013
Hot Spots: 0
nice out today, sunny, went out to flowing lake, tried trolling, and still fishing with power bait, fhis finder was very active showing lots of fish all over, no fish a few bites ,,,, im thinking it w...
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Posted: 3/9/2013
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 2
Fished: 3/9/2013
Hot Spots: 0
real nice weather today, there were already about 4 other boats on the water and both docks boat lunch side and the park side were pertty full, i had one hit on powerbait sitting at about 20ft tried t...
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Posted: 3/4/2013
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 1
Fished: 3/4/2013
Hot Spots: 0
took the new 12ft boat out today, tried trolling all sorts of things for a few hours, no luck, saw two other boats out on the water. a few guys fishing park side and boat lunch side. weather was reall...
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