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Silver Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


Ice Fishing

Man, Silver's glory days are over.....at least for the time being! I am sure am glad I experienced the good perch bites early in January and came to understand this lake's potential. The last 4-5 days have been slow, which no improvement from day to day. 45-60 minute bites and catches of 25-30 keeper perch have been replaced by 5-10 minute bursts of activity and fewer fish.

Same thing today. I got on the ice at 7:40. I went fishless while fishing several different holes until about 8:30, when one hole suddenly lit up. I got 4 good perch in rapid succession. It went dead for five minutes, then turned on again, giving me 3 more as a school moved through. All takes were strong and decisive, unlike the soft, tentative takes I'd gotten the past few days. I actually convinced myself they were about return to form. I was wrong, and did not get a single fish, or take for that matter, in the next hour despite constantly moving and trying several holes.

I then moved into shallower water (20') near the launch and fished a few holes Motor1 and I had punched the previous day, where I got one more dink before calling it a day.

The gray ice near the launch is hanging tough at 7-9", but the dark ice further out is down to 4" and less. I didn't venture out there today......with this ongoing warm weather pattern, it's just not worth it.


The Jigmiester
1/26/2011 4:38:00 PM
raffens-guy. I fish when ever I can, but right now we are on a down turn in the lunar tables. Time and again my catch rates are higher and more consistant when my Astro tables tell me to go. It rates the days 1 to 100 and anything above a 30 rating usually bodes well. This week is rated down in the teens. I'll be back on the water next week when the ratings are up. jiggy
1/26/2011 11:22:00 PM
That's a darn good tip from a no frills, quality fishermen. I'd take that information and file it in the bag of tackle box tricks. Jiggy, what did the lunar table rate the days on the water at Rufus with Lewis? Just curious.
The Jigmiester
1/27/2011 8:45:00 PM
Moto. Interestingly enough, Our day on the water was rated a 28, with a 2 hour lunar peak time bite in the afternoon. The cool thing was the conditions when Lewis and I hit the pens were perfect. Steady barometric pressure at 30.16 inches, light to no wind, midlevel cumulus clouds and perfect off green water clearity. We hit that bite on the dot and only after the wind came up did we catch fewer fish. A lower rated day, but good weather conditions definately improved our chances. I've got a year to year catch rate chart that follows my successful trips according to the moon phase. It's nearly perfect when chasing walleye and crappie, and saves me a lot on travel expenses when I use it to plan long distance trips.For example, Look at tha last couple of days reports....low day ratings of 15 and 17 and LOTS of ( red 1) poor fishing ratings! Jiggy
1/28/2011 7:48:00 PM
Hey Raff,
I've been giving you honks every morning, I have to admire the dedication. I decided until I see a weather front i'm trading the auger in for the evinrude, i'm heading up to Roosevelt early tomorrow i'll try and post a report if I can. I don't know if i'm going to be able to handle it though, i'm sure going to miss having the heater and shanty up when that wind begins to bite lol. Good luck out there keep us posted if there is any major change on silver, my best bet would be thursday 2-3-2011, i'm hoping that the mid 20's cold front holds true for a few days if it does the next tropical heat wave of 40's might cycle the lake again.
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