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Beaver Lake Report
Skagit County, WA


Top Fishing From Boat

We launched out at around noon.. Headed right out and started fishing. I got one perch on in about 20 seconds. I was thinking to myself this is going to be nice, were going to rip alot of lips. I was casting right at the shore just like the times before.Live Nightcrawler texas rig. With no weight. I wasnt even getting nibbles. It was weird. So an hour passes by and I have not brought a single fish all the way to the boat. I tried deeper water and nothing. My buddy was getting some bites, he ended up with one measly perch. And to top all things off, I lost my rod in the lake, I set in the pole holder I thought, and the stupid thing fell into the lake. I might add that we were in a ancient Sears Gamefisher and If I would have tipped that thing If I went for it, hahahahhaahaha. So 2 perch and 1 lost 5ft uglystick. All in all comical but sad.. . Had one good hit trolling Rapala back into the launch.


5/10/2009 5:38:00 PM
I was pullin out about the time you were puttin in. My son and I got there at daylight trying for Bass and I missed a good bite around 6:00 a/m with a top water frog. My son caught a 8" trout on a roostertail. I missed another bite trolling a mepps spinner just before we left.
Nice day though...
Too bad about loosing your rod
5/11/2009 9:41:00 PM
What kind of trout. Cutthroat or rainbow...
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Bottom to Top Charters

Phone: (406) 321-0504