Inconsiderate fishers

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RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Post by AaronE » Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:04 pm

PaulReilly wrote:
zbo wrote:handyman, i am with you all the way. There is soooooo many "baltic" people or as i call them, russians, that it drives me crazy. They always take over their limit, and fish everyday of the week after somewhere gets stocked.
Careful Bro, thats a gross ethnic generalization. I mean there are plenty of sterotypes to go around....

I've got a great 'baltic' friend who is about conservation to his core.

I'm sure there is PLENTY of non-baltic white, black, brown, yellow, red, and green people who keep more than their limits too.

I understand your frusteration, but let not pin it on "the russians"
It's not entirely a generalization, as most people who fish in the Seattle area can attest. I have some good friends who are Russian, so it's not an ethnic statement, per se. But after spending more than a few days trout fishing on piers and the shore, I can honestly say I would tend to agree with zbo's statement than disagree with it. It is what it is.
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RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Post by VHMLLC » Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:49 pm

ut oh sorry people didnt mean to generalize, im not a prejudice just didnt want to use the R word. i agree with racfish's comment to much hate in the world, but some people know how to work the system better than others and it piss'es me off. i pay my taxes abide by the laws, and these people claim ignorance and get a way with all kinds of cr-p. thats not right.

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RE:Inconsiderate fishers

Post by kutthroatkilla » Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:52 pm

Become good friends with a game officer and it's quite fun! No more illegal poaching much of anything :thumright
Get with the Fast Money Bros

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