Fact or Deadly Fiction?

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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by kevinb » Thu May 01, 2008 10:52 pm

mallard83 wrote:Just realize that even if you are packing a gun sometimes it won't matter much even if you happen to get a kill shot on the bear. I have read numerous stories of people being killed even after the bear should be dead. So the stories go that the person made a kill shot but the bear continued attacking for another 30 secs. to a min. out of adrenline and it didn't matter much gun or not and the person died. Never shoot a bear if it is facing you (unless it is already charging) because it's instinct is to charge, and guess what you are directly in it's path. Personally I prefer the comfort of a gun, .44 mag to be precise, but the fact is sometimes it just plain doesn't matter. Just as I thought, with a black bear you fight back and with a griz you play dead. I have heard that the bear pepper spray works amazingly well, so that is an option. Here is the best site that I could find on the two different bears comparatively. Hope this helps.

http://www.fool.com/investing/high-grow ... ttack.aspx
This is perfect...good look'n out and great article.

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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by Lotech Joe » Fri May 02, 2008 3:34 am

I'd love to see the Myth Busters try and figure this one out.
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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by kevinb » Fri May 02, 2008 8:32 am

Lotech Joe wrote:I'd love to see the Myth Busters try and figure this one out.
Good call Joe
Maybe I'll send 'em ab e-mail or I can get some buddies drunk and they could figure it out.:-$

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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by lskiles » Fri May 02, 2008 9:38 am

I read the article mallard posted and they said a grizzly bear and a brown bear are the same bear. Based on what I have read that is wrong, but I am not an expert on bears so...

Here is a pretty cool video from National Geographic about how to deal with bears.


He is in charge of bears at the park, so he should know!

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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by kevinb » Fri May 02, 2008 1:53 pm

lskiles wrote:I read the article mallard posted and they said a grizzly bear and a brown bear are the same bear. Based on what I have read that is wrong, but I am not an expert on bears so...

Here is a pretty cool video from National Geographic about how to deal with bears.


He is in charge of bears at the park, so he should know!
Good stuff again. Thanks for the link.

Browns and grizzleys are the same species but differ some how. Don't ask me how, I have no idea... The Kodiak bear is listed as a brown. It may have something to with color of the fur. Grizzlys usually have a 'bit of grey on the back and browns are usually slightly larger. This only makes the answer more difficult.....is there a biologist in the house?:-"

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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by mallard83 » Fri May 02, 2008 1:59 pm

lskiles wrote:I read the article mallard posted and they said a grizzly bear and a brown bear are the same bear. Based on what I have read that is wrong, but I am not an expert on bears so...

Here is a pretty cool video from National Geographic about how to deal with bears.


He is in charge of bears at the park, so he should know!
The grizzly bear is a subspecies of the brown bear.


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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by Hewes fisher 78 » Fri May 02, 2008 7:12 pm

I have never come across a grizzly but I do know for a fact that a black bear will run away from loud noises. This may not work on all black bears but everyone I have came across wanted out of the area more than I did. Note: I have never bumped into a black bear with cubs.

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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by leahcim_dahc » Fri May 02, 2008 8:14 pm

Iskiles wrote: Here is a pretty cool video from National Geographic about how to deal with bears.


He is in charge of bears at the park, so he should know!
How does one practice...?

I would hate to be the "low man on the totem pole" on training day...

Boss: "Hey new guy!! We need to practice something...all you have to do is play dead...but whatever you do, don't make direct eye contact!".

New Guy: "Huh???"

20 minutes later....

Boss: "Weird...that should have worked, he must of done something wrong...???"

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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by kevinb » Sat May 03, 2008 10:12 am

leahcim_dahc wrote:
Iskiles wrote: Here is a pretty cool video from National Geographic about how to deal with bears.


He is in charge of bears at the park, so he should know!
How does one practice...?

I would hate to be the "low man on the totem pole" on training day...

Boss: "Hey new guy!! We need to practice something...all you have to do is play dead...but whatever you do, don't make direct eye contact!".

New Guy: "Huh???"

20 minutes later....

Boss: "Weird...that should have worked, he must of done something wrong...???"
LOL funny stuff:jocolor:

With the info gathered thus far. Sounds like the myth maybe true.
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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by kevinb » Wed May 21, 2008 9:53 am

Thought this was interesting and as stated before,YES,I CARRY A FIREARM. HOWEVER IN THIS CASE,IT DOESN"T MATTER I travel and fish Canada often and belong to some forums up there and found this.
The interesting thing is the attack was on 2 hunters both with guns. Just to give you an idea of a grizzly's speed. And emphasizing the idea of carring a firearm also carries a false sense of security.



This thread was more about black bears but since we got into a small debate,figure this doesn't hurt.
This occured on Vancouver Island..Bears are rare...its cougars that have been a big problem on the island.
Lack of food and over development. National Geographic did a show on the cougars attacking people,...very interesting.

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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by Bscman » Wed May 21, 2008 8:42 pm

I've heard the "play dead" school of thought, as well as the fight back school of thought.
I'll tell you that "playing dead" will be one of the last things I try...and that's after the rifle, the sidearm, the knife, my fists, and my fingers in it's eye sockets fail...but hopefully before I'm not just "playing" dead.

I spend a lot of time in the woods, and have run across my fair share of black bears in WA...as close as 30 FEET. I've never run across an aggressive black bear, though some have run across some fairly bold and/or very curious black bear. I've never been charged, or "false charged" by a bear. Usually just circling, stairing, or standing and jumping in confusion--as they know something isn't right, but don't know what.

From what I've been told by those that study black bear, and whom have had much more aggressive encounters than myself, is that a black bear will *usually* give you plenty of signs to back off before they decide to attack...usually with snapping their jaws, bouncing on the front paws, false charges, etc. At that point, slowly back your way out.
Of course, if it's a sow with cubs...ya might as well throw out any chance of predictability.

Overall, just try and keep your head protected if you're ever attacked--hence the "roll up in a ball" part of the playing dead theory. A bear will try and get it's jaws around your head. If you're lucky, it won't be able to get a full bite and it'll just end up tearing some skin. The problem comes when they are able to wrap their jaws around your skull....

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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by kevinb » Thu May 22, 2008 7:40 am

Bscman wrote:I've heard the "play dead" school of thought, as well as the fight back school of thought.
I'll tell you that "playing dead" will be one of the last things I try...and that's after the rifle, the sidearm, the knife, my fists, and my fingers in it's eye sockets fail...but hopefully before I'm not just "playing" dead.

I spend a lot of time in the woods, and have run across my fair share of black bears in WA...as close as 30 FEET. I've never run across an aggressive black bear, though some have run across some fairly bold and/or very curious black bear. I've never been charged, or "false charged" by a bear. Usually just circling, stairing, or standing and jumping in confusion--as they know something isn't right, but don't know what.

From what I've been told by those that study black bear, and whom have had much more aggressive encounters than myself, is that a black bear will *usually* give you plenty of signs to back off before they decide to attack...usually with snapping their jaws, bouncing on the front paws, false charges, etc. At that point, slowly back your way out.
Of course, if it's a sow with cubs...ya might as well throw out any chance of predictability.

Overall, just try and keep your head protected if you're ever attacked--hence the "roll up in a ball" part of the playing dead theory. A bear will try and get it's jaws around your head. If you're lucky, it won't be able to get a full bite and it'll just end up tearing some skin. The problem comes when they are able to wrap their jaws around your skull....
Good stuff

I've encountered black bears but at a distance. Never felt in danger but I would want to do the right thing(IF)something were to go bad.

Thought I'd also mention..This pic of the bear is the same one that attacked the hunters.
I was talking to the guy that took this photo yesterday. He was in the same spot of the attack a week before. The bear kept coming at him and he eventually(guy) jumped into the river to get away.(No BS)
Maybe I'll link the story(thread)

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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by ReelFisher » Tue May 27, 2008 3:06 pm

It would take a lot of "Steel" to lay down and let a bear decide as to what he felt like doing with me at the time. I think most men would turn on the fight or flight train of thought and do whatever they thought they could get away with. It is bear season right now though and I personally choose not to go out to the more secluded areas without the benelli at least sitting a stones throw away.
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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by joshswrench » Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:45 am

Whatever you do, don't mess with a bear cub! When I was younger, my cousin and I spent a day hiking up to fish a mountain pond in montana. He spotted a bear cub and wanted to get a closer look. That was until the mama bear showed up. I have never run so fast in my life needless to say and the bears went the other direction. They were black bears to boot. So after that I've been on a leave them alone, they leave me alone attitude.
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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by Trent Hale » Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:19 am

If I'm camping I like to bring the dog. He will let you know if any thing is around your camp. And when hunting with a buddy you need to watch each others back. I tree stand hunt so I can see what ever comes around and have time to give it some lead poisoning if I need to. My fear,are the cats there super stealth hunters.
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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by Fisherman_max » Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:57 am

the bears in alaska are a main reason why deer hunters carry .300 win mags instead of standard deer rifles like 7mm's or 30-06's. i carry my .300 when i hunt, and i also have a raging bull .500 made by taurus on my hip.

i guess its up to man to make himself dominant while in the woods.
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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by ryan2202 » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:53 am

I've never been involved or placed infront of a Grizzly, but I heard the play dead rule with them because tey'll get bored with you in a while. The black bear I have been placed in front of, and both times, they ran from me! Must not have been hungry enough! I have heard with them though to make as much noise as possible. I guess if they think you are crazier then them they'll back off. Always better to be safe then sorry anyway...grab that muzzle and fire away!

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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by VHMLLC » Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:13 pm

:viking: personaly the bears gonna find me no matter where i go cause of the smell im going to leave behind as im running away screaming and shooting and sh-ting my self.
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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by needabiggerboat » Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:59 pm

I have been within 20 yards of a mother black bear with two cubs while bow hunting for deer. total accident I promise you.
I was stocking a deer very quietly when I look to my left and see something black moving around right behind a log. Its funny because I actually had to think about what it was for a second. Then all of the sudden I was just scaded. I then rememberd the make a lot of noise thing. next i drew back my bow and put it square on the bear. (hunting brod heads and 70lb compound bow ready to fly) I yelled as loud as i could boo ,why boo I could not tell you it just sounded good. The mom stood up on her back legs and looked right at me. the two little bears stood up just like her and looked at me too. man you want to talk adrenalin! wow man! She turned around and ran as fast as a bear can run the two little ones right behind her.
The bottom line I was in a very bad situation and the yelling as loud as possible worked for me. that is what i will do net time no question.
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RE:Fact or Deadly Fiction?

Post by Anglinarcher » Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:20 pm

I've been around bears my whole life, hunted them for years as well. Now, almost 50 years old, I think I have some knowledge of them.

First, for some reason, a Grizzly seldom hunts a man. Attacks on people are primarily provoked due to surprise, invasion of a feeding zone, or cubs in the area. Making noise does indeed keep Grizzles away.

Second, Black bear are also scared of noise, and are usually afraid of you, but........................... Black bears will on occasion actually hunt people. I have seen aggressive Blacks in the wild as well - have one in my freezer right now from last year. This bear would charge every time we came near a water hole all summer long. Come opening day, that ended once and for all. We expect that this "dry sow" had been hurt as a cub by a boar and she simply could not run. As a result, she would fight rather than run.

Third, there are exceptions to all rules. The Kodiaks have become accustomed to riffle shots. That means a free and easy meal on Kodiak island, so when they hear the sound, several come running in. If you shoot a Stika dear with a riffle, you pick it up and beat feet, gutting it later.

What do I do? I Carry a hand gun (10 MM Automatic) just in case. But, for the most part, I don't lose a lot of sleep over it.

Personally, playing dead is stupid. If the bear is going to "taste you" to see if you are worth eating, you are probably going to be dead any way. Making noise is a best/first option. If attacked, I will do everything I possibly can, with whatever I have, and I will fight, or die, like a man. Enough said?
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