2014 Pike tally!

NO, it's not a muskie, but it's close...
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Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Post by AJ's Dad » Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:12 pm

I only added one more fish to my yearly total bringing me to 175.
The sad part is I got out fished by this walking fashion statement. Not too many guys can say that!!
The King.jpg
The King.jpg (13.86 KiB) Viewed 3761 times

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Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Post by AESox » Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:36 pm

Hahaha. I was told that I was the king of talking trash on that trip, but that comment may put me neck in neck with you AJ'sdad.

Well it was a good day out on the lake, better size than numbers for my two companions who have sufficiently out fished me (almost) everytime I have gone out with them but for me I did about as good as I could ask for in size and numbers for this year. My YTD is now 34 with the addition of 28.5", 29", 26.5", and 27.5".

As always, it was great to be out on the water with aafarmer and AJ'sdad.
Photo Nov 08, 5 10 47 PM.jpg
Photo Nov 08, 5 10 47 PM.jpg (221 KiB) Viewed 3751 times

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Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Post by AJ's Dad » Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:35 pm

Where's the rest of the photo?

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Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Post by AESox » Tue Nov 11, 2014 7:12 am

Well on my computer I can see the whole thing but on my phone it is cut in half, I will try and put up a smaller version of it now!

Here is the 28.5" pike that is the best photo and the 29" pike which was my biggest pike of the day.
Pike 29.jpg
Pike 29.jpg (175.99 KiB) Viewed 3713 times
Pike 28.5.jpg
Pike 28.5.jpg (91.3 KiB) Viewed 3713 times

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Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Post by AJ's Dad » Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:46 am

Well, I got the trolling motor back up and running with the new steering cable. I just might brave the cold this weekend and give the pike a try. The down side to that is COLD fingers. You can dress for the weather but the fingers are hard to dress and still cast and work a rod.

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Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Post by AJ's Dad » Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:42 am

The first thing I can say about yesterdays trip is BBRRRRR. The ride from the boat ramp to the fishing hole was very cold. Ambient temp was about 17 degrees and the 60mph wind chill factor must have been bar far sub zero. LOL Not that the wind was blowing but the self inflicted wind chill. I figured it was better to run fast and get it over with than to putt along at 35 or 40 and be cold, longer. I added 12 more pike to my total bringing me to 187. 13 more to reach the 200 point. Maybe that will happen next weekend. The Big Hammers are holding their own with the frogs putting 5 of my 12 fish in the boat yesterday. Had several 28" fish on the day and one shook off right at the boat that looked to be 30". About 11am the temp jumped up nicely and there was no wind at all the whole day. Outstanding November pike fishing weather. Water temps were 45-46 all day. The pike must have read the Mark Kendall pike fishing/biting handbook as the first fish didn't come till 10:15am. That's a 5" Big Hammer down the throat of a 28" pike.
photo 3.JPG
photo 3.JPG (133.87 KiB) Viewed 3610 times
photo 4.JPG
photo 4.JPG (112.29 KiB) Viewed 3610 times

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Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Post by farmer_aa » Sat Nov 29, 2014 7:36 pm

My most recent trip up was on Sunday, 11/23/14. I fished with AJs Dad and The King. It was slow, but the weather was pretty tough, so I'm going to use that as an excuse. Right off the bat I lost a small pike flopping at boatside (no touch no count) on a big hammer near the launch. I did catch one later on the main lake, and The King added one on a jerkbait. Water was generally about 43 degrees or so. The wind was just too much in some spots, and there were several other fish that we missed. I also had a follow from the biggest bass I've seen in a while. Mark put it at 7 pounds, but we'll never know. It acted like a pike, though, and followed right to the side of the boat off my rod tip before giving up on my big swimbait. As for pike from a boat, it ain't over yet, and the water is coming up again. I still need my December pike, and it looks like open water is still an option.
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Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Post by AJ's Dad » Sat Nov 29, 2014 9:04 pm

I was really hoping you were posting about getting out today. I passed on today when the forcast was for winds at 10-15mph. That wind last weekend was too much for me. Not sure how it turned out but at 8am or so I checked and weather.com said it was only blowing at 3mph. Guess I shoule have gone out looking for 13 more fish.

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Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Post by farmer_aa » Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:10 pm

I was hoping you were going to give a good report, too! I'm counting on some warm weather in the first few weeks of December. I sure would like to get you those 13 fish! I've been a lousy guide the last couple of trips. The water levels are coming up in the lake and I think there will be chances to catch some! Sorry it wasn't a fishing report. This year the anniversary took precedence! Let me know if you can fish sometime.

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Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Post by farmer_aa » Sun Dec 07, 2014 9:38 pm

If you were hoping to launch at Rocky Point, well, maybe in a week. I'm hoping to pull the boat out after catching my December Pike open water, but it will have to wait until after some warm weather and rain. Chatcolet is iced over from Rocky to the bridge, and the river even looks iced over. It's clear where Peedee Creek dumps in and Plummer Creek seems to be keeping things ice free, but 2 1/4" of ice has me locked in for now. I hacked a couple holes through the ice near the docks and ran a Rippin' Rap for an hour and a half, but no takers. Another day, perhaps.

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Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Post by AJ's Dad » Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:40 am

Well it looks like it's over for the year for me. Fished Cda with the farmer and the king yesterday and boated 2 more pike. One @ 29" and one @ 31". A couple of decent fish to end the year. What more could a guy ask for. 11 more fish, that's what a guy could ask for!! :)
I failed to reach my 200 fish goal for the year. Can't complain though, it's been a great season and I'm already looking forward to next year. Maybe a boost from Last Mountain Lake in June will give me a leg up to reach 200 next year.
Adding those 2 fish yeaterday puts my season long total at 189 pike. Here are a couple of photos of the last two beauties of 2014.

See yall in the spring!!
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Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Post by farmer_aa » Thu Jan 01, 2015 2:21 pm

I guess I'm a year late now, but my last pike came on December 15th, out of open water on a point with some deep weeds. Swimbait was the one. I managed to reach my goal of at least one pike in each month of the year, so it's on to a new New Year's resolution this year. The last fish was my 106th. I put up a good fight until about October, then AJs Dad did all the fish catching. All hail the mighty "Pike Whisperer!" A fun year of learning. Tight lines in 2015 to all! -Aaron
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Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Post by Natebg1 » Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:45 pm

Hello Fellow Pike Anglers!

I know long time no hear, well I guess that is what happens when serving in the Desert. Yes, I am currently enjoying some much needed vacation and Family time so I can prepare myself for the final half of my tour. Anyhow, I wanted to Congratulate everyone on a successful 2014 Pike Season and also say good luck in the 2015!

Trust me when my tour of duty is complete I will be back on the Pike trail and hopefully by way of a Fly Rod! Yes, I have been doing a ton of research, watching Pike and Muskie videos, and reading just to keep myself sane since we don't really have a whole lot of water where I am. Although I guess I could be the first to practice casting in the desert, not sure how people would take that, however it would help keep my presentation accuracy on point, guess that is really all that matters. Keep the postings coming for 2015, I do keep up and read them when I have downtime, just can't respond.

Oh and make sure to tell AJ's Dad this year he has to reach the 200 mark and the Prince of Pike needs to get moving on that 45 incher when he gets to Canada in the summer! ;)

Take care everyone, tight lines, look forward to getting back on the Lakes and Rivers in the future!

Nate The Pike Baron

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