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2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:47 am
by AJ's Dad
OK folks, it's time to go ahead and get the pike tally started for 2014. I haven't been out yet and don't plan to until things warm up a little but I hear one of us already has landed some pike this year so here it is.
All pike that reach the boat, or ice, and are physically touched by the fisherman or his partner count. No size limit, just quantity of fish caught. We can talk about the ones that get hooked and get away but let's not count them if they are not touched and lets not confuse things with counting anything that wasn't touched. That's it, that's all the rules there are for this friendly little competition. Anyone and everyone that wants to post on this thread and wants to participate in the count is welcome. It would also be fun to mix things up a little and get some of us pike fishermen together once in a while. I'm always interested in meeting fellow pike fisherman so maybe we can hook up a couple of boats hear and there throughout the year.

Good luck!!

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:20 am
by Lucius
Yes.....let the 2014 pike fishing season begin.....Now that my Denver Broncos got embarrassed in the Super Bowl, pike fishing is the only thing keeping me from going in a deep dark place of pissed offness and bitterness until the season starts again in September.... But I digress. Oh how I can't wait to get out on the water!!!! Bring it....

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:46 pm
by AJ's Dad
Lucius wrote:Yes.....let the 2014 pike fishing season begin.....Now that my Denver Broncos got embarrassed in the Super Bowl, pike fishing is the only thing keeping me from going in a deep dark place of pissed offness and bitterness until the season starts again in September.... But I digress. Oh how I can't wait to get out on the water!!!! Bring it....

Broncos embarassed at the super bowl??? They didn't even show up. How could they get embarassed? [flapper]
Ya gotta love the season they had though. Geez, it has to be easier than being a Raider fan just ask me.
Bring it you say?? I look forward to rolling you up like a Cheech and Chong Doobie and smoking you in the pike talley again this year. Once they start biting again, you'll have to come back up and catch a few.

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:10 pm
by Natebg1
Hey Gentleman,

So all I can say is that you all better keep it strong this year! Since I will only get in on a portion of the Fun this season you better at least give me something to look forward to reading about every now and again! What I really want to see now that the Prince Of Pike is back close to the home waters is what kind of damage he will do to take his mind off his Broncos till August??? :cheers:
Hey at least they got to show up for the party! My Packers had to sit on the couch or in an ice shack just to see the party! Talk about adding salt to the wound! Worse part, no one even mentioned Pike Fishing during this whole Game!!! WTH!!! I thought everyone loved Pike??? Where is the Pike Commercials??? Just think the Geiko Lizard and Mr Pike... Save 15% or more...

Now I really do need to get back to Pike Fishing! It has been to long!


Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:37 pm
by Mark K

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:37 pm
by Mark K
And Go Hawks!

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:54 pm
by AJ's Dad
And Mr. Kendall takes the early lead!! =D>

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:13 pm
by farmer_aa
I have but two pike to my credit this year. One January (21" on a perch spoon) and one February (20" on a perch spoon) and I've yet to deadbait a pike. Not for lack of trying. I have a new year's resolution to keep, and I must catch at least one pike per month this year, and I'm on track, but time grows short in March and though my buddies have brought several to shore, I'm still in getting blanked this month. Saturday and Monday are my last shots at this, so stay tuned!

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:18 am
by farmer_aa
Never have I been so happy to catch a 20" pike. My first one ever on deadbait, and my March pike to keep my New Year's resolution was brought to hand. I hooked him about 40' away, and I bet he was on the shore in five seconds. Wasn't going to miss this one if at all possible. Pike #3 for the year.

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:49 pm
by Lucius
Mark K wrote:3
What does 3 mean?!!! I haven't seen pictures....where they at....HA.....and I know you were a hawks don't have to rub it in.

Congrats Farmeraa.....definitely jealous!!!

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:15 pm
by Mark K
Hahaha good year to he a Hawks fan! Finally! And the 3 fish were too small to bother to try and figure out how to post here with a phone. I went out again Sunday and had no luck. CDA dropped about 5 feet over the last 2 weeks making the spot we were catching them almost unfishable. Haven't broke the boat out yet this year yet.

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 5:58 am
by AJ's Dad
Well, I'm on the board for the year. I finally put a 23"er in the boat over the weekend to break the ice. The Cda Pike tourney is this coming weekend so hopefully I'll do well and get a few more on the board during that. Might not see big numbers of fish for the tourney as it usually takes some pretty good weight to cash a check in the tourney, so we'll be looking for fish with size. We all know that means fewer fish.
Hope to post back on here Sunday night with good news.

Total pike for the year: ONE

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 3:17 pm
by Lucius
I want you tested for steroids!!!! [-X

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 6:05 pm
by AJ's Dad
Just bring your rubber gloves and you can test me yourself Thursday night. [flapper]

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:45 pm
by Lucius
3 days and counting (I have been counting since 120+)

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 4:28 am
by AJ's Dad
2 small pike on the 26th, one was a 23"er and the other was too small to mention his length. However, it was a pike so he counts. Brings me to a total of 3 for the year. Hopefuly that number will go up this weekend.

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 6:27 am
by dougw
Hopefully size increases as well!!!

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 7:05 pm
by AESox
To date I have had 4 pike:
21" (2-18-14), two 25"(3-2-14 and 3-15-14), and one that flopped out of the boat before I could measure it... but it was agreed upon that it was less than 20"(4-29-14).
Heres to bigger and better :cheers:
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Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 10:19 pm
by Lucius
And aeesox with the early lead. Nice fish especially your 2013 big fish and welcome

Re: 2014 Pike tally!

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 9:40 am
by farmer_aa
We (The King and I, that is, AESox) got to sneak out on Tuesday (4/29/14) and I managed to get my April pike, 3 small ones, in fact. So these were:
4. 22" (R) 5). 16" (R) 6). 22" (R) All on slasher jerkbaits in shallow water next to shore. Muddy 63 degree water. 4 Pike in the boat, all small.

We also got out on Friday evening (5/2/14) and boated 3 total and missed several more. Action was picking up with the hot weather, but still early, as I like to say. Soft jerkbaits were starting to draw strikes fished fast in shallow 65 degree water with low clarity.
7. 21" (R) 8. 23" (K)