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Case Inlet Fishing, Allyn

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 10:13 am
by dustyfisher007
Just curious if anybody actively fishes Case Inlet for flounders or lings? It's close to my house and doesnt require a bunch of planning to do.

Looking for areas around Allyn, bait and gear ideas.

Also if you've been successful at the Allyn Pier.


Re: Case Inlet Fishing, Allyn

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:29 pm
by Larry3215
The water there is extremely shallow, so no chance of lings.

If there is a run going into Coulter creek, you might luck into a salmon when they are running. Other than that I doubt there is much there. Its not known for a fishing area.

Re: Case Inlet Fishing, Allyn

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:46 pm
by gaSSer41
I will have to ditto what Larry has said!! If there is any salmon running that far in they are usually pretty lock jaw by then. Even in the Hood Canal they will get lock jaw & it is pretty rough catching them. Got to piss them off.
Butch Duke

Re: Case Inlet Fishing, Allyn

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 7:10 pm
by Mike Carey
never been there but I bet flounders would be a good possibility. Aren't they just about everywhere in the Sound?

Re: Case Inlet Fishing, Allyn

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:39 am
by Bodofish
My Dad lived on one of the points deep in Case inlet. Shallow, yes, I can walk most of the way across at a good low tide. That's just inside the power lines. Salmon fishing yes. From what I understand there used to be a run of kings, no idea if they were spring or fall. I do know there are a ton of chums going to and around the hatchery. I've seen his neighbors out gear and fly fishing for them. They seemed rather ready to bite when I've watched. I would imagine you could catch some little flounders, my boys were quite good at it when they were younger. Note: Row boats are good for wearing out kids. [thumbsup]

Sad note, due to pollution not many oysters any more, the water is too acid for the spats to grow shells. Only a matter of time and there will be none.

Re: Case Inlet Fishing, Allyn

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 3:53 pm
by Shad_Eating_Grin
I've fished the Allyn pier a few times in the spring and summer.

The fish there seemed to be small shiner perch and juvenile flounder (smaller than your hand). Hard to fish bait since the shiners thick in the summer and are really good at stripping the bait.

I think if I fished the dock earlier in the spring, before the shiners show up, there may be a better chance to catch some bigger flounder and maybe some larger pile or striped perch around the pilings.

Illahee state park is not too far away from Belfair, and has (or used to have) pretty good pile/striped perch fishing.

Re: Case Inlet Fishing, Allyn

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 5:54 pm
by obryan214
Used to do saltwater cutthroat fishing down there. Did great. Haven't tried that area in over a decade.

Re: Case Inlet Fishing, Allyn

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:51 am
by Juniah87
Has anyone tried just fishing pile worms or nightcrawlers off the pier here for piling perch and flounder/bullhead? Is the action slower here for bottom feeders then say, the Mukilteo pier?