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Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:32 pm
by sthrcave
Hello all! This is my first post though I have been reading reports here for a while now. I've got the bug and need to get out on the water. I am thinking about taking my boat down to Westport to see how she does and get any issues taken care of before Kokanee and bottom fishing season really takes off. From what I understand crabbing is open (I'll need to double check) out there as is rock bass. I don't plan on going very far out, jut want to get my boat wet and spend some time on the water. Is anyone having success out there right now? I've been on charters out of Westport but have never taken my boat out there. If anyone would be willing to share promising coordinates that would be awesome! I'm also interested in trying my hand at surf fishing. If anyone is interested in tagging along send me a message.

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:58 am
by MarkFromSea
I love Westport but, this time of the year, my boat isn't going there. Your weather windows can be just so small. Sure, they will have some good days, but.... Here's a link to weather and surf ect.... and since you haven't launched there, might be a decent idea to call the coasties down there, they are helpful." onclick=";return false;

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:27 am
by MarkFromSea
Your sea bass are at least a 20 mile run unless you fish the jetty right out front. Gotta find a rock pile and stick on it to catch, not necessarily easy to do.

This last Sunday the combined wave was 23' spaced 11-12 seconds.... verbally, I was told 29' at Long Beach.. you're looking for no more than like 4' combined with only a foot of that wind wave spaced no less than 8 seconds..... and that is going to feel real rough. So much to learn, I just couldn't write it all out.... google it... there are some good reads out there. Learn all you can about the bar... It is best if you travel out of there with someone that has crossed it but that's not always feasible.... Mainly play it safe. Maybe target a 2' swell with 8 second or longer interval for your first trip out.... Stay safe!

If the weather isn't too bad, I may try surf fishing the next razor clam dig day. Next week I believe. Here's the link: ... rrent.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:42 am
by MarkFromSea
Here's the area you want to concentrate on for weather: Point Grenville To Cape Shoalwater ... mx=1&zmy=1" onclick=";return false;
I stick with NOAA for the reports but there are a dozen others: ... pzz110.txt" onclick=";return false;

I wouldn't go out this week! I think I saw 23' combined for right now. 3 a.m. :thumbdown LOL

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:22 am
by sthrcave
Thanks for the helpful links and info! I have a 24' Trophy which I am sure could handle some chop but I have no desire to head out in anything that large. I think I will choose my days carefully and possibly head farther south. Maybe Newport or something like that to fish sand dabs and crab inside the bar. Once again, I'll have to check the regs and make sure it's a go. I've never run the bar out of Westport but I have run the bar out of Newport many times. It can get pretty hairy out there in a hurry. If I don't bring the boat up I'll still try to fish for surf perch and maybe do some clamming. I used to go out to Clam Gulch near Homer AK fairly often and haven't had fresh razor clams since I moved down here. I'd love to get into some butter or littleneck clams as well. I have no clue where to find them though.

What do you surf-fisherpeople use as far as gear goes? I was thinking a 10'-13' spinning rod with a drop shot rig using pyramid weights would do the trick. I don't have any clam necks. What else do those little guys like as far as bait? I have plenty of squid in the freezer.

If I don't make it out to Westport or head south, maybe I'll pick a nice day and head out to Pt Defiance and try to pick up some blackmouth. I've done very well fishing for sand dabs out there but have not been successful catching salmon. Normally after an hour or two of trolling my girlfriend gets bored and wants to get into the sand dabs because she just wants to catch fish.

I've also heard that the squid fishing at Pt. Defiance has been fair to good this time of year as well. Maybe after a day of trolling I'll grab dinner then grab my lantern and give it a shot from the fishing pier.

Once again, thanks for the input!

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:33 am
by ResQ
I was just out on the westport jetty a couple weeks ago and it was flat as a lake! Very rare this time of year. I literally did not see a visible swell on the river side all day. As far as surf fish, I heavily rely on sand shrimp. Its like surf candy lol. Little miracle thread and your good to go! Hey Mark, where and when you heading surf fishing?

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:46 pm
by The Quadfather
sthrcave wrote:What do you surf-fisherpeople use as far as gear goes? I was thinking a 10'-13' spinning rod with a drop shot rig using pyramid weights would do the trick. I don't have any clam necks. What else do those little guys like as far as bait? I have plenty of squid in the freezer.
You may be OK with the Sand Shrimp as was mentioned, but I can tell you that razor clam meat is da bomb.
Don't know where you are located, but if you are in Seattle, go to either Pike Place Market, and hit up the fresh seafood vendors at the market. Or go to Central Mkt. grocery store in Shoreline. OR still... "Fresh Fish Company" on 80th and 24th in Ballard, or still the large Seafood retailer on Raineer, I'm forgetting the name. Google seattle fish market retailers, Raineer ave. etc.
These places go in and out of having fresh razors, but they often have the fresh packages back in the freezer.
Egg loop knot, or some of that steelhead/thread-string, helps to secure it to the hook.
And your drop shot rig that yous spoke of is right on. [thumbup]

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:51 pm
by ResQ
Check out fish or mans wa fish quest video. Couldn't keep them off :) and you can pump them for free!

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:29 pm
by MarkFromSea
sthrcave wrote: I'd love to get into some butter or littleneck clams as well. I have no clue where to find them though.
Lots of places, I have some favorite spots on Hood Canal... But there are lots! WDFW has a pretty good handle on locations and species. Be sure to familiarize yourself with PSP and other health listings.... It's a lot to learn at first but.... ya gotta put some time in... it gets easier as you pick up a routine before heading out." onclick=";return false;

WP is like any port on the coast.... just plan accordingly... Newport is quite a show right now also.... Just pick a GOOD day. LOL Nothing here is to scare anyone, just be safe is all. [thumbsup]

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:25 pm
by BentRod
The Quadfather wrote:
You may be OK with the Sand Shrimp as was mentioned, but I can tell you that razor clam meat is da bomb.
Don't know where you are located, but if you are in Seattle, go to either Pike Place Market, and hit up the fresh seafood vendors at the market. Or go to Central Mkt. grocery store in Shoreline. OR still... "Fresh Fish Company" on 80th and 24th in Ballard, or still the large Seafood retailer on Raineer, I'm forgetting the name. Google seattle fish market retailers, Raineer ave. etc.
These places go in and out of having fresh razors, but they often have the fresh packages back in the freezer.
Egg loop knot, or some of that steelhead/thread-string, helps to secure it to the hook.
And your drop shot rig that yous spoke of is right on. [thumbup]
Quad, the name of the place on Rainer is the Mutual Fish Company. [thumbup]

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:37 pm
by The Quadfather
BentRod wrote:
The Quadfather wrote:
Quad, the name of the place on Rainer is the Mutual Fish Company. [thumbup]
Ya, that's it. I was waiting for Ralphie/Racfish type to jump in. He is always good with culinary-retail advice!

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:58 pm
by natetreat
The Quadfather wrote:
sthrcave wrote:What do you surf-fisherpeople use as far as gear goes? I was thinking a 10'-13' spinning rod with a drop shot rig using pyramid weights would do the trick. I don't have any clam necks. What else do those little guys like as far as bait? I have plenty of squid in the freezer.
You may be OK with the Sand Shrimp as was mentioned, but I can tell you that razor clam meat is da bomb.
Don't know where you are located, but if you are in Seattle, go to either Pike Place Market, and hit up the fresh seafood vendors at the market. Or go to Central Mkt. grocery store in Shoreline. OR still... "Fresh Fish Company" on 80th and 24th in Ballard, or still the large Seafood retailer on Raineer, I'm forgetting the name. Google seattle fish market retailers, Raineer ave. etc.
These places go in and out of having fresh razors, but they often have the fresh packages back in the freezer.
Egg loop knot, or some of that steelhead/thread-string, helps to secure it to the hook.
And your drop shot rig that yous spoke of is right on. [thumbup]
But then you have to be able to stomach the fact that you're using razor clams as bait! In my house, those things are diamond, I couldn't do it. That's like catching a steelhead for crab bait! Pile worms are awesome, dig them up by turning rocks over at low tide in the boat basin, bring a shovel. At the fishing pier at low tide you can get a bunch, and you can dig sand shrimp with a clam gun or shrimp pump. Pile worms are the best sea bass and surf perch bait, way better than clam necks. And they're free! They're nasty buggers though, and they bite. The big ones are like 2 feet long and look like tremors! They have those neat wire spreaders for bottom fish. Somewhere in the forum I described in depth how I would rig up if you look back.

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:49 am
by Shad_Eating_Grin
natetreat wrote:... Pile worms are awesome, dig them up by turning rocks over at low tide in the boat basin, bring a shovel. At the fishing pier at low tide you can get a bunch, and you can dig sand shrimp with a clam gun or shrimp pump. Pile worms are the best sea bass and surf perch bait, way better than clam necks. And they're free! They're nasty buggers though, and they bite. The big ones are like 2 feet long and look like tremors! They have those neat wire spreaders for bottom fish. Somewhere in the forum I described in depth how I would rig up if you look back.
Caution to those wanting to use pile worms for bait: their harvest is illegal in WA state. Kind of a shame really--I loved using them for bait when I was growing up, and they are the best.

Go to the grocery store and buy some shrimp instead. They work great.

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:22 am
by Bay wolf
We fish for surf perch a lot. I would have to say that our number one " go to " bait is sand shrimp. We dig two full bait containers in about 30 min. right on the beach. We overcome the tendency for them to "fling" off by wrapping them with elastic thread. ( we pre tie our hooks with a length of elastic thread. One end tied to the eye of the hook. That way we can use it over and over.)

Gulp makes a sand worm that works real well too. And it's durable. You can catch 4 or 5 perch on one half if a worm.



Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:13 am
by Slacktime
I'm looking to do some surf fishing as well, did really good last April !!! Can't wait to get out there and would love to meet other wa lakers out there and maybe work together.

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:19 pm
by sthrcave
Sounds great! Drop me a line whenever your heading out and maybe I'll be able to make it too. I'm located in puyallup as well!

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 4:21 pm
by Slacktime
Sweet I will let you know when I am heading down there next. prob end of march weather permitting. I am fishing the surf perch tourney in May @ long beach though.

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:08 am
by jmpurser
I dunno about hooking up with you but I'm going to start drifting West for some surf fising as well. I'm not standoffish, but I am a little disabled and don't want to slow anyone down.

If I get out there in the next couple of weeks I'll post a report. Hope to run into you out there. If you see a fat bearded guy with a big ass chair and a surf rod and a little red car parked way behind him stop by and say hello!


Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:18 am
by mizm05
Squid are slow right now. I would pick the Dash Point pier over any others. It's produced the best for me this year. As far as clams go, my favorite spot is Penn Cove up on Whidbey Island. You can get butters, oysters and mussels all in the same spot. And if you get a low tide in the negatives, you have a chance at finding a horse or geoduck. If you ever need a squid or clamming buddy, let me know...and if there is ever an extra seat or two on your boat, me and my fishing buddy would love to chip in for some gas in return for a spot on the boat. :fish:
sthrcave wrote:Thanks for the helpful links and info! I have a 24' Trophy which I am sure could handle some chop but I have no desire to head out in anything that large. I think I will choose my days carefully and possibly head farther south. Maybe Newport or something like that to fish sand dabs and crab inside the bar. Once again, I'll have to check the regs and make sure it's a go. I've never run the bar out of Westport but I have run the bar out of Newport many times. It can get pretty hairy out there in a hurry. If I don't bring the boat up I'll still try to fish for surf perch and maybe do some clamming. I used to go out to Clam Gulch near Homer AK fairly often and haven't had fresh razor clams since I moved down here. I'd love to get into some butter or littleneck clams as well. I have no clue where to find them though.

What do you surf-fisherpeople use as far as gear goes? I was thinking a 10'-13' spinning rod with a drop shot rig using pyramid weights would do the trick. I don't have any clam necks. What else do those little guys like as far as bait? I have plenty of squid in the freezer.

If I don't make it out to Westport or head south, maybe I'll pick a nice day and head out to Pt Defiance and try to pick up some blackmouth. I've done very well fishing for sand dabs out there but have not been successful catching salmon. Normally after an hour or two of trolling my girlfriend gets bored and wants to get into the sand dabs because she just wants to catch fish.

I've also heard that the squid fishing at Pt. Defiance has been fair to good this time of year as well. Maybe after a day of trolling I'll grab dinner then grab my lantern and give it a shot from the fishing pier.

Once again, thanks for the input!

Re: Thinking about heading to Westport

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:11 pm
by Slacktime
I still got frozen clam necks from last year and gulp also makes those sandworms in a 3" size that work great, gulp nightcrawlers work well too !!! still shooting for end of March to head out there if we can get some decent weather, swell etc...