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Tuna Trout...

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:45 pm
by fishaholictaz
The picture is not the best but doesn't this trout look a little like a tuna up front? The fish was almost 18" and was almost 13" in girth.


RE:Tuna Trout...

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:14 pm
by Drumdog
You can tune a piano....but you can't tuna trout !

RE:Tuna Trout...

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:48 am
by Bodofish
Fish, you need to get a better camera so we can see the fish you're trying to show us. Imagination only goes so far.
Not a bash, I'd just like to see the fish you share.

RE:Tuna Trout...

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:11 am
by flinginpooh
I dont see a tuna or a trout. Lets use some imagination. I see a 2 headed purple dinosaur with red eyes and a severe alcohol induced drooling problem.

RE:Tuna Trout...

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:16 am
by Rich McVey
flinginpooh wrote:I dont see a tuna or a trout. Lets use some imagination. I see a 2 headed purple dinosaur with red eyes and a severe alcohol induced drooling problem.
Its Barney...

RE:Tuna Trout...

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:53 am
by spindog
Boy thats one fat trout! As for the pic, I've experienced issues resizing pictures, pixels/Kb. It may or may not be a camera issue.

RE:Tuna Trout...

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:38 pm
by fishaholictaz
As soon as my taxes come in a new camera is on the list. The head and upper body features of the fish just looked like a tuna to me...

RE:Tuna Trout...

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:41 pm
by racfish
It looks like a spawned out Shad.Where was it Caught?

RE:Tuna Trout...

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:23 pm
by fishaholictaz
It was caught in S. Eastern WY. Rac.

RE:Tuna Trout...

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:25 am
by trout trakr
I think you issue with your camera isn't so much the camera... When you're taking pictures in very cold temps and your camera is somewhere warm like next to your body, etc. then you bring it out to take the photo the cold air causes condensation on the camera lens. That's why it looks so foggy... Try leaving your camera out in the cold for a while before taking the pic. The reverse also happens when you bring a camera in from the cold to a warm place. As far as the fish, I don't think it's a troutuna... LOL... It looks like a totally different fish.

RE:Tuna Trout...

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:50 pm
by DouseanMandic
One wierd lookin trout thats for certain Mate! Looks to me like a you wolloped her good, keep catching them during that brass monkey they taste better then


RE:Tuna Trout...

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:36 pm
by Chad Bobington
or you had it out long enough that the water inside froze and expanded causing it to balloon!

(you said use my imagination)