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Sonic Tracking of Tiger Muskies

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:11 am
by Dr Hook
Ever wonder how far Musky travel and what time of year they travel. The following maps should help give an idea. It should also help with giving you an idea of where and where not to fish. :fish:

In October 1997, nine tiger muskies (Table 10) were implanted with Sonotronic sonic tags, including one depth tag, to monitor fish movements. Locations offish were noted weekly. Subsequently, two fish apparently died in early April 1998; no further sign of one fish was observed while the depth tag (#9) was recovered on the lake bottom in a few inches of water. The lake level had been lowered several feet prior to tag recovery in late May. This tag was fitted with a new battery and implanted into another fish (#10) in October 1998. Tracking offish was terminated in November; signal strength of several tags was weak, making tracking difficult.

Results of the tracking are presented as maps (Figure 1.). For each fish as possible, two maps are presented; October 1997 -December 1998 and January-November 1999. In examining movements, it is clear that year-to-year gross and seasonal movements are similar for each fish.
Monitoring of the two depth-tagged fish showed fish were deep in winter and spring and shallow in summer and fall. Depth-tagged fish #9 was in 0.6 m of water on October 10 in the big weedbed and on October 21, it was in front of Mayfield Dam in 12.7 m of water. Mean depth of the fish from October 21 through April 13 was 8.2 m; once it was under a raft of logs at a depth of 1 m. The deepest observation was 14.5 m. The fish usually appeared to be close to the lake bottom.

Depth-tagged fish #10 was at an average depth of 8.2 m from November through May, and 1.3 m from June through October. The deepest the fish was detected was 23 m. The depth range generally reflects residence in the shallow weedbeds in summer and fall and deeper open water in winter and spring. This fish also appeared to be close to the lake bottom.

Table 10. Length at tagging and duration of tracking of sonic-tagged tiger muskies.

Fish Length (cm) Time Tracked
1 85 Oct. 1997-Nov. 1999
2 67 Oct. 1997-Nov. 1999
3 94 Oct. 1997-Nov. 1999
4 105 Oct. 1997-Nov. 1999
5 97 Oct. 1997- June 1999
6 86 Oct. 1997-Nov. 1999
7 93 Oct. 1997-Nov. 1999
8 72 Oct. 1997-Apr. 1999
9 110 Oct. 1997-Apr. 1999
10 80 Oct. 1998-Nov. 1999

















On this map I super imposed all the other maps, so you can see all the tag fish and locations on one map.


RE:Sonic Tracking of Tiger Muskies

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:37 pm
by KUP
Dr. H. this is good stuff. Very informative and it took some time to compile and post.
I sure wish you would stop by for a visit at a Muskies Inc. Chapter meeting,
you obviously are an educated angler and I would like to meet you.
I think it would be a win-win.
Come on DOWN! Dr. H. and I'll buy ya a brew.

Chapter #57

RE:Sonic Tracking of Tiger Muskies

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:09 am
by Dr Hook
Thanks KUP, I would like to attend. I should just get over my issues with Deadeyemark and show up. I'm sure it would be fun. When is the next meeting?

RE:Sonic Tracking of Tiger Muskies

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:40 am
by Marc Martyn
That is a very informative post, Dr. Hook. What do you attribute to the depth preferences of the fish in relation to the time of year? I know nothing about the lake and couldn't find a topo map on Mayfield. Do you think that their depth is in relation to comfort zones with the lake turning over, ie. warmer in the shallows in summer?

Great information. Where did you find it? Did they do any similar studies on any other lakes?

RE:Sonic Tracking of Tiger Muskies

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:39 am
by KUP
Hi Dr. Hook: The next Chapter meeting is Feb. 21st, at the Round Table Pizza in Federal Way. Check out our web site at for the address and directions. ANYONE is always welcome at our meetings.
And deadeye is a good guy. I think you'll like him if you give it a try.

But even better yet, stop by the Washington Sportsman Show tomorrow or Friday. We have the very first Muskies Inc. booth there. I and another member will be there from noon until 6, in the Expo (bldg. 7).
We can shoot the breeze and I can show off that beeeutiful LAX reproduction the Chapter just got.
I even have a few tall tales to tell about a few 'skis and YOU can buy one of our raffle tickets.


(ya can't miss me, just listen for the laughing)

RE:Sonic Tracking of Tiger Muskies

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:40 am
by Don Wittenberger
I think if you two guys could sit down and talk out your differences, it would be good for both of you. There are things in life worth fighting over, and acts that can't (and shouldn't) be forgiven, but rarely do hasty words fall in this category. We've all spoken hastily at various times in our lives, after all we're human, but that usually can be fixed simply by listening to the other guy's point of view and showing him the respect we all deserve from each.

RE:Sonic Tracking of Tiger Muskies

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:55 am
by Dr Hook
KUP wrote:
But even better yet, stop by the Washington Sportsman Show tomorrow or Friday. We have the very first Muskies Inc. booth there. I and another member will be there from noon until 6, in the Expo (bldg. 7).
We can shoot the breeze and I can show off that beeeutiful LAX reproduction the Chapter just got.
I even have a few tall tales to tell about a few 'skis and YOU can buy one of our raffle tickets.


(ya can't miss me, just listen for the laughing)
I'll stop by and see you. I'll also be working the show. I'm pro-staffing the St Croix rod booth and the Cannon Downrigger booth all week.

RE:Sonic Tracking of Tiger Muskies

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:58 am
by Dr Hook
Marc Martyn wrote:That is a very informative post, Dr. Hook. What do you attribute to the depth preferences of the fish in relation to the time of year? I know nothing about the lake and couldn't find a topo map on Mayfield. Do you think that their depth is in relation to comfort zones with the lake turning over, ie. warmer in the shallows in summer?

Great information. Where did you find it? Did they do any similar studies on any other lakes?
Marc, I think it has to do with water temp and food source.

RE:Sonic Tracking of Tiger Muskies

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:16 pm
by Riverman
Some great information, I am somewhat surprised at how deep the fish are a good part of the year.

jed v.