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Mayfield this Weekend, Chapter Club Tournament (Updated w/results)

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 3:38 am
by Dex
Chap 57

Well the time a finally come for us to hit the water again...

This year's first Club Member Tournament this Saturday (14 May) on beautiful Lake Mayfield. We will be launching from the Mayfield County Park, (180 Beach Rd, Mossyrock WA,98564) located off Hwy 12 about a half mile past the bridge on village Rd.

* 0530-0600, Sign In / Registration
* 0600-0630, Tournament overview
* 0645, Launch....
* 4pm, Report back to launch

Couple of things to remember.

1) You must be a current Member of Muskies Inc to compete in Chapter Tournaments. (Anglers will have the opportunity to sign up that morning if needed)

2) All Federal, State, Local and craft regulations are the responsibility of each angler/ boat operator and must be followed.

3) Each Boat must have a "contestant" banner displayed. (We have a few within the Chapter or can be usually found at Auburn Marine).

4) Launch fee's are the responsibility of the boat operator.

5) Anglers are on an honor system at all times.

6) Side money pots are 100% optional, however fun is mandatory.

7) Lake IS NOT off limits before this Tournament as in years past.

8) All Tiger Muskie must be released unharmed.

I'm sure there are others but those are the big items I've been asked about in the past. A complete list of rules can be found on our web-site but please keep in mind that a few small items have changed for this year and will be posted soon.

Also, we have one or two members that may be still looking for a seat so please e-mail me if you have a spot.

Follow us on here for news and updates.

See you all there....

Norm Dillon
Chap 57, Muskies Inc.

RE:Mayfield this Weekend, Chapter Club Tournament (Updated w/results)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:57 am
by Rosann G
Good luck everyone and have lots of fun.

RE:Mayfield this Weekend, Chapter Club Tournament (Updated w/results)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 3:15 am
by sparky1doug
Thanks Norm for posting the information. Its time to get on the water and let the lures fly! If your a chapter member and planing to attend (and I hope you are) please post a few words. Give me some kind of an idea of how many to plan for. So lets shake the cabin fever and tease a few Tigers!
Dougie No Fish >:"":>

RE:Mayfield this Weekend, Chapter Club Tournament (Updated w/results)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 3:06 pm
by flyfishinkid
My father and I are coming. I am still looking for a spot on a boat though. I know Nate and Norm have been emailing people for me and I really appreciate it guys. FREAKIN EXCITED!:bounce:

RE:Mayfield this Weekend, Chapter Club Tournament (Updated w/results)

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 3:33 am
by Dex
See you all early Tomorrow... People been seeing several fish over the past few days...WoooHooo!!



RE:Mayfield this Weekend, Chapter Club Tournament (Updated w/results)

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:40 pm
by Dex
So, today was the day to finally get back on the water for this year’s first Club Tournament. A great group of NW TIGER PAC members made their way down to Mayfield early this morning for a great day of fishing and friendly competition. The weather could not have been better as we enjoyed temps in the mid 60’s and sunshine all day. Lake Mayfield water levels have dropped about 4’ over the past few days and the water was still slightly stained in areas so we had to be on the lookout for a few more deadheads that normally aren’t a concern. Unfortunately this added up to a Muskie win over the anglers with no fish caught during this event even though several LARGE fish were seen patrolling their territories or following our offering up to the boat only swim away just as quickly as they came. Oh’ well I guess, that’s fishing as they say.

On a good note all was not lost as we elected to raffle off the winning in a winner take all name pull. As luck would have it our very own Tournament Director, Mr Doug Porter walked away plenty of gas money to get him home and back for next month’s Lake Tapps Tournament. Congrats Doug for a well run event and your winnings.
All in all it was a great event and enjoyed by all who came out to include the many anglers mingling in the parking lot asking about not only Muskie tips (guess they didn’t know our results yet…lol) but also our great organization. Some said they are defiantly looking forward to our Jack Tipping Classic in July that’s open to everyone, not just Chapter Members. This is going to be a blast…. Anyway.

Thanks again everyone, great job by all involved…
Next month, Lake Tapps (11 June)
See you there.

Norm Dillon

RE:Mayfield this Weekend, Chapter Club Tournament (Updated w/results)

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 9:22 pm
by YJ Guide Service
Sorry to hear the fish didnt want to be caught. At least you all had a chance to get together and have a great day on the water...even without catching....

RE:Mayfield this Weekend, Chapter Club Tournament (Updated w/results)

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:13 am
by dougw
Glad to see everyone had a good time! Hoping our Curlew tournament nets a few fish!