What didn't happen at Lake Tapps yesterday?

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What didn't happen at Lake Tapps yesterday?

Post by muskyhunter » Wed May 07, 2014 6:57 am

I have to say thanks to Bruce and the gents involved with the muskie program. Yup, I have evovled a bit using the "ie" instead of the "y" at the end. Thanks for allowing the 4 of us..yup again, 4 of us to plant muskies in Lake Tapps yesterday. Me, my wife, Kevin B and his little girl had the opportunity to release 1300 new fish into the lake. Good times! All the fish looked great. Just a couple had slightly peeled up gill plates.
My bigger question is to the clubs...where were you guys? We remember back in the day when we were involved in the clubs. These plants were the pinnacle of the years' work we did. I know folks work. Most of all of do. I think though a little planning ahead is all that is needed. The WDFW really could have used some more help.
Just for the record I am not being critical. I am just a musky fishing guy that has an opinion about a fish that I and a bunch of friends chase after day after day and weekend and week out. And also it does go to show that you do not have to be a particular club member to be involved with this fishery that is embedded in your heart and soul.

Just a heads up..the WDFW are planting Mayfield on Monday. The 12th of May. Give Bruce a call asap!

Thanks, Todd Reis

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Re: What didn't happen at Lake Tapps yesterday?

Post by ncwflounderer » Wed May 07, 2014 8:29 am

I am waiting for my invite to help with stocking Evergreen Res in Quincy wildlife area. I just hope I will be in town for it, I have never done anything like it before
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Re: What didn't happen at Lake Tapps yesterday?

Post by AJ's Dad » Thu May 08, 2014 5:46 am

How do these fish get planted? The only fish I have seen get planted are trout where a big tanker truck backs up to the lake and opens a valve that dumps the trout into the lake. That would not allow anyone to help out. What does one do when helping plant muskies? I'm interested and live close to Newman Lake. I would be interested in helping out if it's more than just watching fish get dumped in the water.


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Re: What didn't happen at Lake Tapps yesterday?

Post by muskyhunter » Thu May 08, 2014 6:32 am

Keep waiting on the invite buddy. You volunteer. Ask. I am not going to give you all the answers. Pretty easy to get the details right from this website and particulary this forum. Evergreen was to be planted on Wednesday. Sorry if you missed your invite.

The eastside muskie club is pretty involved.

So Mark, get ahold of Mr.Wood. He is a plethra of knowledge
An invite..thats really a knee slapper!

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Re: What didn't happen at Lake Tapps yesterday?

Post by kevinb » Thu May 08, 2014 8:03 am

AJ's Dad wrote:How do these fish get planted? The only fish I have seen get planted are trout where a big tanker truck backs up to the lake and opens a valve that dumps the trout into the lake. That would not allow anyone to help out. What does one do when helping plant muskies? I'm interested and live close to Newman Lake. I would be interested in helping out if it's more than just watching fish get dumped in the water.

Many years ago that was the method. Just back the truck up and drop in but this can lead to an avian predator feast, primarily cormorants. Also typically not much cover around launches, at least not enough to cover the majority.
Now the method is a form of a "scatter" plant. Loading boats and releasing in different areas that offer some form of cover, essentially giving these much smaller fish a better chance. Often times these fish are a bit lethargic. I can only assume the drive and sudden change in water temps play a role to some degree but this is merely speculation on my part.
No watching, plenty of work. Added bonus if you know good structure on the lake(s). If you get the time, contact WDFW and/or Mountain Muskies and coordinate details. I'm not sure if or how different the planting operations are over there vs. here other than size of plant/acres but it's not uncommon for WDFW to also use angler's boats for planting.
Hope this helps or give me a call.

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Re: What didn't happen at Lake Tapps yesterday?

Post by jigman » Tue May 20, 2014 4:07 am

The clubs make generous donations to the Musky program to help raise the fish by helping to pay for the food etc. Personally I never knew when they were releasing the fish.

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Re: What didn't happen at Lake Tapps yesterday?

Post by muskyhunter » Wed May 21, 2014 4:24 pm

The thing about this that is most irritating to me is that ever since the 1st club was formed the main idea was to work with the WDFW. Took some time to donate the $$$. The elbow grease was more important than the dollars. Still is according to the bios I talk to. Every year since 2007 they have planted the muskies in early to mid May. So honestly to say, "I didnt know '.. I feel is a cop out. I have contacted Bruce through emails or phone calls and he has always been more than generous letting me know when the plants are starting.
He is though, tired of the bickering amongst the groups and will not "just call" the particular groups to inform them. It is not his job to man the phone and wait for those folks to call.
I am of the opinion that if the fishery is important to you, you can call and volunteer on your own. Whether its planting fish or calling in a poacher. Its up to you, as a steward of the fishery to find out for yourself or your particular group you are established in.
So remember next year..MAY is the planting month. Mark it on your calendar.

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Re: What didn't happen at Lake Tapps yesterday?

Post by jigman » Wed May 21, 2014 10:47 pm

I guess I should have cut my vacation short and flew back from Missouri! My guess is the fish will get planted whether we are there or not. On a lighter note, I hear they planted some coffee cans for you!

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Re: What didn't happen at Lake Tapps yesterday?

Post by dougw » Thu May 22, 2014 5:43 am

I have helped every year since I joined. We generally have to ask. I sent the plant dates to Chapter 57. Not sure if it got sent out to everyone individually. I got the plant dates from the hatchery staff right after they were set. The way they plant, WDFW really doesn't need any assistance, but I think it is a really good show of support to have our folks out there when possible. One thing I appreciate about it is that we get to help choose the planting locations. We know where the cover is that young fish need to stay away from their older brothers! Good sites help them avoid being ate before we have a chance to catch them!

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Re: What didn't happen at Lake Tapps yesterday?

Post by muskyhunter » Sun May 25, 2014 7:43 pm

WTG Doug! You are a good steward just keep it up! Another good ol' wiscony boy eh! Maybe I expect too much from people. Folks work and what not. We, my wife and I and Kevin have missed maybe 2 total since 2008. I try my best to help. Plus here, Bruce and his bios always like the help. Plus you are doing your fishes good by planting them away from the ospreys and cormarants..
And nope Mike, wouldnt expect to you cut vacay short.
And yep there was a plastic coffee container used..but thats show business. What do ya do?

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Re: What didn't happen at Lake Tapps yesterday?

Post by muskyhunter » Sun May 25, 2014 7:59 pm

kinda cool today. I was fishing and watching a couple of gents doing some brick work. There was a little kid there I have talked to before and he was fishing for tigers off his dock last year. Anyway, I hooked and landed a small 32" inch tiger. I asked if they wanted to get a pic with the fish. So this 6 year old kid got a picture. Got major slimed and kissed this little musky. He was so stoked! His Dad and grandfather were beside themselves. The boy already had a story about the big fish he missed off his dock last week. It was awesome!
This my friends, is why donating $$$ and planting these fish is so important. And being able tell these folks good information about the fishery is vital to it continuing. And you can say to yourself. Hey, I could have planted this fish 3 years ago. Plus,3 generations of a family on the dock!?
Also, to get this youngster more involved by just getting him a picture with a musky might be as important. He could be doing what the guys at the DFW are doing now when he decides what he wants to do when he goes to college..this is what being a steward of the fishery is all about!! Watch out Bruce B.!

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Re: What didn't happen at Lake Tapps yesterday?

Post by tnj8222 » Mon May 26, 2014 3:08 am

Your condescending tone sickens me. its obvious your better than all of us.

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Re: What didn't happen at Lake Tapps yesterday?

Post by kevinb » Tue May 27, 2014 8:47 pm

tnj8222 wrote:Your condescending tone sickens me. its obvious your better than all of us.
I could see where you would think that if you didn't know MH but I've had the pleasure of fishing hundreds of hours with him. The guy puts in time and plenty of money out of his own pocket promoting and educating anglers on this fishery. MH is also a regular active participant of CAST for Kids (Catch A Special Thrill) but nobody would know that because he doesn't brag about it. MH got my son (at the time age 5) his first musky, again, doesn't brag about it. I've watched MH on multiple occasions picking up trash at the launch after hauling his boat out, again, doesn't brag about it. I could go on but I'm sure many are already bored. All I can say is the dude is honest and isn't interested in selling crappy homemade lures, memberships or raffle tickets. The only thing MH will try to sell you on is the fishery.

The Lake Tapps planting went well. My son has been able to participate but this was the first time my daughter was able to release fish. Thank you all that donate to the program and WDFW. This year's plant looks even better than previous. Bigger and much better fins. Saw plenty of fingerlings at Merwin 2 weeks ago as well.
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