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late season steelies?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:19 pm
by driftercn83
I am going to be in town in a week I come in the 5th of feb. been told to hit the nooch but havent seen many reports on it Again I am thinking of hitting the hump like I did last winter actaully 3 days later and hooked a 20 pound steelie there.... wanting to know what blue creek reiter skagit and the hoh and bog been like? any help will be appreciated would love to get a steelie before having to leave town again. Or I might have to hit the streams in the Cleavland suburb been seeing alot of articals on tv about clealand steelheadingwhich is good cause at the moment I am residing in ohio about a 2 hour drive from cleavland and lake erie

RE:late season steelies?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:19 pm
by ckim85
driftercn83 wrote:I am going to be in town in a week I come in the 5th of feb. been told to hit the nooch but havent seen many reports on it Again I am thinking of hitting the hump like I did last winter actaully 3 days later and hooked a 20 pound steelie there.... wanting to know what blue creek reiter skagit and the hoh and bog been like? any help will be appreciated would love to get a steelie before having to leave town again. Or I might have to hit the streams in the Cleavland suburb been seeing alot of articals on tv about clealand steelheadingwhich is good cause at the moment I am residing in ohio about a 2 hour drive from cleavland and lake erie
Skagit/Sauk are shutting down on the 16th. I've been fishing Skagit and Sauk often this season and not a single steelie to show for it. Plenty of dollies though.

Skykomish is having a much better run this year than Skagit/Sauk. Not to mention a good population of dollies in the sky this season. Thank the pinks!

Hoh is supposed to be goin slow...and crowded. I was talking to a guide who guides the Hoh often, and he said this seasons been slow and seems that alot of people have started to move over to the Hoh after previous good seasons.

Wenatchee and Methow are doing fairly well. I've heard some great reports out there.

Havne't heard much about the Bog, but general consensus, looks like this winter season in general doesn't have much going on.
If you're up for the trip, heard the Ronde and Deschutes are doing better.

RE:late season steelies?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:43 pm
by flinginpooh
I have been hittin blue creek at least once a week. And it has slowed wayyyyyy down. Ive gone to the lewis with jens. He only seems to hook fish when Im not around. The snoqualmie hates me, everytime I go there mother nature dictates the day. River blown out one day and the wind taking my line where it wanted the next time. Havent been to too many other places this steelie season. The puyallup and the green but I mean really those trips are to just get out of my house.

RE:late season steelies?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:23 pm
by Blackmouth
This isn't really "late season" per say. This is typically when the natives start showing...

RE:late season steelies?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:56 pm
by chum77
Feb and march are prime time for nates in most rivers.

RE:late season steelies?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:33 pm
by salmonslayer117
flinginpooh wrote:I have been hittin blue creek at least once a week. And it has slowed wayyyyyy down. Ive gone to the lewis with jens. He only seems to hook fish when Im not around. The snoqualmie hates me, everytime I go there mother nature dictates the day. River blown out one day and the wind taking my line where it wanted the next time. Havent been to too many other places this steelie season. The puyallup and the green but I mean really those trips are to just get out of my house.
Yah pooh, I know what you're sayin' about the snoqualmie. Weather is kind of a factor up there. Water was really nice when I hit it but that wind was fierce! As for the puyallup and the green, I gotta agree with you there too. Gettin' out of the house is just about all those rivers are good for lately. It's been dead on the puyallup lately. Gonna have to go south with you and jens one of these days. Good luck out there.

RE:late season steelies?

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:23 am
by jens
flinginpooh wrote:I have been hittin blue creek at least once a week. And it has slowed wayyyyyy down. Ive gone to the lewis with jens. He only seems to hook fish when Im not around. The snoqualmie hates me, everytime I go there mother nature dictates the day. River blown out one day and the wind taking my line where it wanted the next time. Havent been to too many other places this steelie season. The puyallup and the green but I mean really those trips are to just get out of my house.
My Patriots jacket will fit you. :tongue: [-o< [-o<

RE:late season steelies?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:06 pm
Fished the Bogy this weekend on the lower end Slow is the word.From what I heard from some of the locals is the Sol Duc is the best bet right now,but it is busy 14 boat trailers at Linedeckers on Sat. Also the indians are netting the Quiliyute Monday through Thursday. Talked to another buddy who fishes the Methow and upper Columbia and he has been doing verry well every weekend. Hope this helps good luck......

RE:late season steelies?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:17 pm
by jens
CRANDALL wrote:Fished the Bogy this weekend on the lower end Slow is the word.From what I heard from some of the locals is the Sol Duc is the best bet right now,but it is busy 14 boat trailers at Linedeckers on Sat. Also the indians are netting the Quiliyute Monday through Thursday. Talked to another buddy who fishes the Methow and upper Columbia and he has been doing verry well every weekend. Hope this helps good luck......
Thanks for the update. I have some planning to do in the next couple weeks. I get to fish somewhere on the OP. As long as I can find a spa for my honey near a river, i'll be in good shape. Been looking at the Sol Duc Spa and Resort as a possible destination.

RE:late season steelies?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:11 pm
by flinginpooh
lol pats jacket. Now I know your freakin nutz. Take Branch back and give us 2 high school recievers well be alright. There younger and maybe not so accident prone. COW sat. Its on Jens. I owe that river a limit and maybe Ill get there before midnight and get me two limits. Ha that be a good one. Then Id only be like 2 steelies down. Freakin jens been on fire. But only when I dont fish with him. Anyhow Slayer were headed down for some early sat morning action. Me and my wife might make it out fri night and my cousin may show up too. Hope to see ya there.

RE:late season steelies?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:12 pm
by flinginpooh
Ohhhhh one more thing Jens we should hit the Nooch it looks like its pickin up too.

RE:late season steelies?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:57 pm
by salmonslayer117
flinginpooh wrote:lol pats jacket. Now I know your freakin nutz. Take Branch back and give us 2 high school recievers well be alright. There younger and maybe not so accident prone. COW sat. Its on Jens. I owe that river a limit and maybe Ill get there before midnight and get me two limits. Ha that be a good one. Then Id only be like 2 steelies down. Freakin jens been on fire. But only when I dont fish with him. Anyhow Slayer were headed down for some early sat morning action. Me and my wife might make it out fri night and my cousin may show up too. Hope to see ya there.
Yah, jens ain't been savin' any fish for us! What's up with that man, you on fire or what!! Hey I'll try and hit it with you guys. Hopefully the bathroom's done by then lol! Shoot me a pm and let me know where you'll be. The nooch is lookin' pretty hot too. Good reports comin' outta there. The high schoolers might actually catch some passes out there. At least they'd play... As for you jens, I'll see your pats jacket and raise you another super bowl ring for the colts!!! LOL!

RE:late season steelies?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:37 am
by bionic_one
Get some Beau Mac SMJ 2 jigs and try them out.

The Wal-Mart next to the Auburn Supermall is currently out of them :-"

RE:late season steelies?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:57 am
by jens
bionic_one wrote:Get some Beau Mac SMJ 2 jigs and try them out.

The Wal-Mart next to the Auburn Supermall is currently out of them :-"
What size jigs were you using? Gorgeous chromers btw!!

RE:late season steelies?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:05 am
by bionic_one
1/8 oz with size 2 hooks. I don't think the size was that important though. (I did tip them with 1/2 of a Gulp nightcrawler in the natural color - they are trout after all!)

RE:late season steelies?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:47 am
by jens
bionic_one wrote:1/8 oz with size 2 hooks. I don't think the size was that important though. (I did tip them with 1/2 of a Gulp nightcrawler in the natural color - they are trout after all!)
Well good job on your catch. Steelhead are a bit more challenging to me. And much more expensive to fish for then trout.

I think size does matter in certain situations. I've used smaller presentations when most guys were using 1/8oz and I got bit using a 1/16 oz.

Maybe I am just OCD. :bounce: :bounce: