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Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 1:21 am
by WoolyRunner
Anyone ever put their Sled in on the Hump?? Looking for info... I know its a ways off, but looking for info on pulling plugs for those big kings

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 6:35 am
by mizm05
Ha! Either you're thinking of hanging out in the bay, or you're joking. No sleds on the hump brother. Have you ever fished the hump? It's basically a stream that time of year.

Not trying to sound like an a$$, just couldn't fathom a sled on that river with as low and slow as it flows.

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:16 am
by Steelheadin360
That and the drift boat guys DO NOT like jet boats on that river. Heard a few instances where trailers get cut in half, windows broke, etc. I would stick to the Chehalis.

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:26 am
by HoytDaddy_6
How big is the sled? There are quite a few people who bring their sleds, but they are usually on the smaller side.

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:09 am
by natetreat
The only people that put their sled in on the Hump are the tribe, tending their nets. Don't do it. The locals out there are violent. You will get your tires slashes, you windows broken out or worse. Fish Grays Harbor at the mouth with your motor, the fish like to hold up out there to wait for fresh water.

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:11 pm
by sickbayer
wow, im shocked at the responses here about putting in a boat in the river, cant believe people would do that when it is allowed unless im wrong and it isn't. well if you do don't say you didn't have fair warning if bad stuff happens lol.

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:20 pm
by Brat Bonker
its not ill no but a lot of locals hate sledders on all grays harbor tribs like nooch, satsop especially hump. mainly because it destroys habitat and river banks and it is flat dangerous, I was almost ran over at black ck last year by one

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:24 am
by WoolyRunner
Thanks for the info. I was j/w. I guess ill stick to the drift boat action. I did see a couple sleds putting in/taking out at the Dike Road Launch last year.

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:33 am
by skagit510
Brat Bonker wrote:its not ill no but a lot of locals hate sledders on all grays harbor tribs like nooch, satsop especially hump. mainly because it destroys habitat and river banks and it is flat dangerous, I was almost ran over at black ck last year by one

this is the consensus out there. right or wrong, if you like your rig don't do it. sleds on gh tribs are like a monster truck in a bumper car tournament.

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:34 am
by jd39
I've heard that rumor as well. It was out in Forks, didn't know it extended to the gh tribs.

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:12 pm
by natetreat
Yea, there are a bunch of criminals out there who have nothing better to do than to vandalize people's rigs. But it's the truth. The sleds that were putting in at dike were probably the tribe tending their nets. Last year I saw a 3 rivers rig that was at White Bridge on the nooch with all four tires slashed. I don't know if they put the sled in or the drifter, but their rig with all the logos on it was slashed up pretty bad.

The locals out there have nothing better to do I guess. I get it, it's really annoying when you're fishing a small river like the nooch or the hump and you have sleds low holing you, other (not going to name names) guides casting over your plugs and that sort of thing. I make sure that I let the rest of you fish first before I go and catch fish. The wake alone is really annoying. Then you have guys that slow down right as they drive by you, nearly swamping some of those low sided clacks. The hump really isn't big enough to allow for that.

It really chaps my hide that fellow anglers think that it's okay to get violent and vandalize rigs over a couple of friggin fish though.

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:13 am
by skagit510
natetreat wrote:Yea, there are a bunch of criminals out there who have nothing better to do than to vandalize people's rigs. But it's the truth. The sleds that were putting in at dike were probably the tribe tending their nets. Last year I saw a 3 rivers rig that was at White Bridge on the nooch with all four tires slashed. I don't know if they put the sled in or the drifter, but their rig with all the logos on it was slashed up pretty bad.

The locals out there have nothing better to do I guess. I get it, it's really annoying when you're fishing a small river like the nooch or the hump and you have sleds low holing you, other (not going to name names) guides casting over your plugs and that sort of thing. I make sure that I let the rest of you fish first before I go and catch fish. The wake alone is really annoying. Then you have guys that slow down right as they drive by you, nearly swamping some of those low sided clacks. The hump really isn't big enough to allow for that.

It really chaps my hide that fellow anglers think that it's okay to get violent and vandalize rigs over a couple of friggin fish though.
to say that the locals that live in these Towns are criminals is sad. perhaps they are just sick of people coming to these areas in mass and not behaving as guests. i have never had any issue with any locals, but then again i keep a low profile and behave as a guest.

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:58 am
by natetreat
A "bunch" does not all make, skagit510. I don't care how you act as a "visitor", it's never acceptable to respond with terrorism. There are a few notorious locals out there who will break into your rig if you don't follow their self imposed "rules". I haven't had any issues either, but I've come back to my rig with guys on either side of me busted and slashed.

Low profile or not, there is no reason to be an apologetic for criminals.

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 10:06 am
by Gringo Pescador
skagit510 wrote:
natetreat wrote:there are a bunch of criminals out there who have nothing better to do than to vandalize people's rigs.
to say that the locals that live in these Towns are criminals is sad.
He's not saying the locals are criminals. He's pretty much saying it is the same as nearly everywhere else in Puget Sound where you park and leave your rig. Fishermen, hikers, whatever. Anywhere that rigs are parked and known to be unattended for any length of time there are people out there that prey on them.

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 10:16 am
by skagit510
agree with both of you. preying on a vehicle is cowardly. if you have an issue with someone on the water I've found communicating works great, who knew. i find most of the time bad manners are a lack of communication. I've asked people encroaching on my space and most oblige and are friendly. i give them the same space and respect no matter how they are fishing or what craft they are in. with one exception. if i am in a boat i always leave bank anglers as much water as.they can get to. sure someone will fish it behind me or has already, but it won't be me. i figure they got a little bit of real estate and i have a fewmiles. i am more than willing to forgo my opportunity for theirs. especially if they walked a ways.

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 10:55 am
by jd39
If they're vandalizing/destroying private property they are criminals. I don't care if they're tweakers stealing for their next fix or locals "sick of people coming to these areas in mass and not behaving as guests". Same low life scum to me. I refuse to consider myself a "guest" in my own state on public resources or needing to tread lightly for fear of my mere presence offending some local prone to criminality. That's blame the victim BS.
That said I've never had issues with locals where I've fished, even after stating I'm from Seattle when asked. To your point, skagit510, being polite with your fishing etiquette and communicating politely and with respect goes a long way. All of my interactions with locals have been warm and welcoming taking this approach, with many freely sharing their knowledge with me, offering tips and insights into how/where to fish the water. I always appreciate these interactions and they're another reaffirming aspect of the sport for me. Won't let a few bad apples stereotype the whole bunch, too many good people out there for that.

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 12:03 pm
by natetreat
skagit510 wrote:agree with both of you. preying on a vehicle is cowardly. if you have an issue with someone on the water I've found communicating works great, who knew. i find most of the time bad manners are a lack of communication. I've asked people encroaching on my space and most oblige and are friendly. i give them the same space and respect no matter how they are fishing or what craft they are in. with one exception. if i am in a boat i always leave bank anglers as much water as.they can get to. sure someone will fish it behind me or has already, but it won't be me. i figure they got a little bit of real estate and i have a fewmiles. i am more than willing to forgo my opportunity for theirs. especially if they walked a ways.
Word. Most issues can be solved with communication. When I'm in the boat, I don't fish bankie water. We get plenty of water, there is no need to crowd up the limited access bank guys have. I didn't always have a boat, and I totally understand what it's like to have a ton of drift boats anchor up in front of me in a spot that I hiked 5 miles to get to, setting out well before sunrise to get to the one spot at first light. Happened to me one time on the hump. Not only did 1 drift boat anchor up and float roe right through some water I was trying to fish, 3 boats did. Not only that, but I was fishing hardware, and hooking up every five to ten minutes, twice as many fish as they were hooking, and they didn't even reel in their floats when I called fish on. Light tackle, the fish would run upstream and cut my line on their braid. I asked them to leave, they refused and cussed me out. That's rude. While I certainly felt like driving down to the take out to bust their windows, I didn't. Did they deserve it, who's to say? I'm not a criminal. And I know for a fact that two of the boats were "locals".

Speaking of locals, I grew up a "local" on the grays harbor systems. In Centralia, the Skook was 5 blocks behind my house. I'd fish the OP for cutthroat, the little creeks and skook after school. I never even thought to be upset about people coming down from Seattle. I thought it was cool to meet people from all over, even though a lot of the places I got to fish weren't even known, when I saw other fishermen, I always talked to them, learned stuff and made friends. It was really neat growing up down there. I didn't move to Seattle until I went to school up here. So I guess I'm encroching on the locals up here on the Sky when I go out.

Still, you put a sled in on the hump, bogey, sol duc, you're going to get vandalized more likely than not. That's dumb. vandalism is more prevalent out there than it is over here in my experience. It's been that way since I was a kid. We were hiking up by la push one year when I was a kid, came back to busted windshield and a note that said "stay off" or something like that. That was a cold drive home. They stole my moms soda.

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:19 pm
by Cozmo4196
natetreat wrote:A "bunch" does not all make, skagit510. I don't care how you act as a "visitor", it's never acceptable to respond with terrorism. There are a few notorious locals out there who will break into your rig if you don't follow their self imposed "rules". I haven't had any issues either, but I've come back to my rig with guys on either side of me busted and slashed.

Low profile or not, there is no reason to be an apologetic for criminals.

Just curious what these "self imposed rules" are?

Re: Jet Sleddin the Hump

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:30 pm
by Bodofish
Fact remains, there's quite a few places it's legal to run a sled but you'd be well advised not to. Up the Stilly is another one. Gun shots across the bow is the norm there, on the OP it's damaged property. [mad] [thumbdn] [sneaky]
Just plain bad behavior and all those that engage in that sort of behavior should have some time to think about their deeds behind bars, not fishing.....