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Minter Creek!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:23 pm
by Fish_Bait111397
Hey guys I have yet to catch a chum from ANY river, I thought Minter was going to be a good choice aroupnd mid November. I live in Puyallup and was wondering if you have to take the ferry to get to the creek.?? [confused] [confused] [confused]

RE:Minter Creek!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:43 pm
by flinginpooh
Just go over The narrows bridge. No ferry needed. Minter creek sucks honestly. Too many people per square inch not foot. You need to use a spin rod lil to no weight. Any size leader. Purp yarn worked best for me the one time I went there. Toss in get a fish on hope when it rips out it dont hit ya in the face or the guy next to ya. reel up do it again. Youll be gettin tangled line every couple of casts. And this is only if you can get into the spot the fish are. They like the deep pools. Under the trees right down river from the bridge is best I think. I hooked up with a fish about every min around that spot. Slap it right against the tunnel under the bridge if you can and let it ride till it gets under the tree. If it makes it there.

RE:Minter Creek!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:11 pm
by jerrysgonefishing
During the week is not as crowded. It can be a real combat fishery. Get there at the top of high tide and as the tide drops move your way down to where the creek makes a hard left turn. There is a deep hole there that the fish hold in until the next high tide to move up. The idea is to move down as fast as you can and stake clam to some good ground and don't give it up until you are ready to leave. Not really much of a chalenge to get fish here. Watch out for flying lead and hooks. If you want to beach some fish use HEAVY gear. No ferry ride required.

RE:Minter Creek!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:22 pm
by Fish_Bait111397
Thanks guys. According to the reports ive read it sounds like it would be a real combat fishery but i have school so I cant go during the week.

RE:Minter Creek!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:36 pm
by Toni
Fish_Bait111397 wrote:Thanks guys. According to the reports ive read it sounds like it would be a real combat fishery but i have school so I cant go during the week.
Won't you have veterens day off?

RE:Minter Creek!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:45 pm
by Fish_Bait111397
Toni wrote:
Fish_Bait111397 wrote:Thanks guys. According to the reports ive read it sounds like it would be a real combat fishery but i have school so I cant go during the week.
Won't you have veterens day off?
yeah I will, time to get the gear loaded. [drool]

RE:Minter Creek!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:52 pm
by flinginpooh
Yeah but everyone else has veterans day off also. Take a look at reports from last year around this time. Youll find out where the chums are. I know Ill be trying for cohos and chum now and I got a good idea where to find em. Hopefully it pans out. Good luck out there.

RE:Minter Creek!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:52 pm
by Fish_Bait111397
Thanks pooh, I dont know any where to go to get anything right now. Idk if the nisqually is still hot, the skoke im pretty sure died down. Good luck.

RE:Minter Creek!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:13 am
squally is hot if your there when the fish are lolol...the run of chums in there right now are pretty colored up but a good 1 will still have some red to the meat....when the silvers come up they come in bunchs..lottsa bright when lately....the silvers seem to have droped out of the skookumchuck but there's lottsa lil dark fish run'n around...most productive,under fished,under "reported about" river in the state in my book<shrugs>....and a ps...they got the fish ladder/trap finnished...looks pretty kewl...DOG

RE:Minter Creek!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 7:09 am
by donman
Fish Bait, head over to Chico Creek, should take you 15 minutes from P.O.. I'll be there prob tonight or tomorrow. Chum and Silvers in there. Be prepared for serious combat though. You have waders? Best to be out in the water rather than the bank.

RE:Minter Creek!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:10 pm
by Fish_Bait111397
donman wrote:Fish Bait, head over to Chico Creek, should take you 15 minutes from P.O.. I'll be there prob tonight or tomorrow. Chum and Silvers in there. Be prepared for serious combat though. You have waders? Best to be out in the water rather than the bank.
Thanks donman Ive never canught a chum from a river, and have ever caught a silver,at all. I will look into hittin Chico soon. Let me know how you do please. :cheers: Good luck.