The genie got out of the technology bottle years ago. Griping and being angry about it isn't going to change anything. Which is my position. Let's focus on preserving the resource by educating anglers and fighting poachers/litterers, instead of getting out of joint every time a fishing location gets mentioned on a site.Metal wrote:Are you sure you've been fishing it for 15 years Nate? The last 2 years have been more packed than ever. You can't say the Internet didn't blow it up because I'd have banner days down there with little people around them the reports game flooding in 3 years ago on here and gamefishin and the place definately saw a major increase of anglers.
Screaming at people doesn't solve anything. It's a form of intimidation which ultimately will fail. Rather than use one's energy in a negative way, why not use that energy positively?