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Home Lake

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:54 pm
by cavdad45
Each of us has what we call a home lake. It's the bass lake close to home that you fish most often. My home lake is Lacamas Lake, followed closely by Silver Lake. What's yours?

RE:Home Lake

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:05 pm
by leahcim_dahc
Hmmm....I wish I had one I could call a "Home Lake" that produced some decent catches. Unfortunately, I am still learning Bass fishing in this state, so lots of experimentation at different lakes and ponds. Mostly Swofford, Tanwax, and Ohop. Still need to try out Kapowsin, and Clear Lake...and what seems to be an endless list of various fishing holes I have yet to try. I've been able to drag out a couple LMB from Swofford and Ohop, but nothing worth bragging about...yet. But that's half the fun...I guess. :bounce:


RE:Home Lake

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:20 pm
by gpc
I dont really have a home lake. I am lucky enough to live with in 10 miles of 10 or 12 lakes the sound and the green river. I would say at the beginning of trout season angle lake would my "home" lake just because I live only a few blocks a way and my little boat use to be parked at a private dock there. For the last couple of years during the summer months my home lake would be Potholes Reservoir, despite the fact that I live 187 miles away. But I would go there almost every weekend. Then come fall the Des Moines Marina would be my home lake (or home body of salt water). I would go down there daily, even though my success rate was far from outstanding. Now that I picked up river fishing The duwamish has been my home. Its only about a 15 minute drive but come the 1st the green will be open and thats only about a 10 minute drive. But I fish all over from Stevens county to king county and down to lewis county. Lakes, rivers, creeks, and the sound.

RE:Home Lake

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:47 pm
by Jo
I'd have to say Long Lake in Kitsap co. is my home lake. It's 22 miles from my door to the launch. I haven't fished it since the trolls went in.

RE:Home Lake

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 3:31 pm
by noclothes1
Lake Terrell is 12 minutes from my house. I've spent many hours fishing the same 200 yards of shoreline.

RE:Home Lake

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:08 pm
by Silent Angler
decisons, decisions, decisions...i have many lakes to choose from but i consider st clair lake is my home lake. it is well known for the trout fishery so i enjoy fishing for largemouth bass all by myself!

RE:Home Lake

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:29 pm
by mallard83
My home bass lake is Cottage Lake, easy access for my 10' boat and close to home. I have a few others, this is just the closest and easiest to fish from my 10 footer.

RE:Home Lake

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:08 pm
by Proverb
Wawawai would be my home "lake" it's a resevoir on the Snake River.

RE:Home Lake

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:14 pm
by shawn
Island Lake(KitsapCounty) it's 10 minutes from my house,and I have great sucsess fly fishing for bass and other fish.

RE:Home Lake

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:17 pm
by iPodrodder
Beaver Lake on the plateau in King County.

RE:Home Lake

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:34 pm
by viet
my home lake is more of a pond, we call it the church pond, its in bothell. it i had to chose a lake it would be lake crescent in monroe, even though its not that close. i always find myself driving the half hour out to it.

RE:Home Lake

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:33 pm
by ChrisB
Jo wrote:I'd have to say Long Lake in Kitsap co. is my home lake. It's 22 miles from my door to the launch. I haven't fished it since the trolls went in.
Whats the trolls ??

RE:Home Lake

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:45 pm
by Nik
I guess I would call Long Lake in Spokane County my "home" lake. 15 minutes from my driveway to the boat launch, and pretty much every fish that swims in Washington waters can be found there. Tons of smallmouth, and some huge largemouth too. Also it's big enough where you can always find somewhere new to fish, and its got every kind of structure you can imagine, from stumps to laydowns to weedflats to docks, riprap, boulders, islands, lily pads, you name it. The water clarity varies from pea soup to crystal clear depending on which end of the lake you are on. Basically any kind of bass fishing you prefer, you can find it in on Long.

RE:Home Lake

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:59 pm
by fishnislife
ChrisB wrote:
Jo wrote:I'd have to say Long Lake in Kitsap co. is my home lake. It's 22 miles from my door to the launch. I haven't fished it since the trolls went in.
Whats the trolls ??

I'm quessing he means the toll road on the Tacoma Narrows. Or maybe Long Lake has trolls that fish the banks now.
Ohh, and as far as a home lake, I couldn't consider any really as a home lake. I'm close to a lot and fish them all equally. I would like to consider Kitsap Lake my home lake but I haven't spent enough time on it to know it well enough yet.


RE:Home Lake

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:52 pm
by the1fishingpro
My home lake is definitely either Lacamas or Round lake. Besides fishing Battlegroun lake once and the columbia river. Ive fished Round lake over 25 times this year. Not great experiences, but had fun times.

RE:Home Lake

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:21 pm
by bob johansen
It would be unfair for me to name a "home" lake. I have a harem of lakes that I visit often -- I love them all -- I wouldn't want to play favorites.

RE:Home Lake

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:18 am
by CK14
i'd have to say lake washington, not the closest lake but the one i fish the most.