
take down's Reports

By: take down
Posted: 6/28/2015
Species: Sockeye Salmon
Rating: 2
Fished: 6/27/2015
Hot Spots: 0
Started fishing at the pipelines in woolley at 7 am using sandshrimp an a wing bobber nothing till about 9 then a takedown missed it about 5 minutes later the second one hit landed a nice buck about f...
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By: take down
Posted: 6/21/2015
Species: Sockeye Salmon
Rating: 1
Fished: 6/20/2015
Hot Spots: 0
Started fishing at 8:00 am at the pipe line in woolley fished till noon , no sockeye did not see a fish caught sounds like burlington mt vernon was the place to be. went to the baker traps at about 4 ...
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