
tgman326's Reports

By: tgman326
Posted: 7/15/2010
Species: Cutthroat Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 7/14/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Headed out late afternoon to evening and caught a 10 in native cutthroat under the 277th St overpass on a yellow & orange spinner. Died down so I changed spots and hooked two more around 8 in.
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By: tgman326
Posted: 7/13/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 4
Fished: 7/10/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Fished the creek right behind our campground. It was a small swift moving creek with some deeper pockets the proved to be holding some fish. Second cast with pink flatfish in a deep pocket landed a sm...
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By: tgman326
Posted: 7/13/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 1
Fished: 7/10/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Nice 1/2 mile hike to the lake. Crystal clear waters with lots of fry/juvenile fish in the shallows. Looked like trout and perch. Fished around submerged logs and at a steep drop off. Nothing. They're...
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