Late report but I have to say WOW! For this time of year to still be catching chrome coho is unheard of for this system... A huge thank you for the hard work that is paying off to the LUMMI tribe.. The south fork habitat restoration is looking great, and providing fresh gravel and spaces to spawn... The bite has been constant, with 30 /40 fish on a day there is still chrome mixed in the system and with the recent rain more can only be on the way! The chum are few and far between on the NORTH FORK, and after talking to a few guys there was some at the hatchery holes but with 109 in the hatch thats no where near escapement for the kendall creek hatchery for this time of year... The rains may have brought them up but when they are completely black on their bellies i'm not fishing them.... Not worth the fight and the stress on them prior to spawn... Whatcom had almost 200 at the hatch, WAY BELOW ESCAPEMENT..... TIGHT LINES YA'LL
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