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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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McMurray Lake Report
Skagit County, WA


56° - 60°
Rainbow Trout
61° - 65°

My buddy and I thought we would start the week out right fishing and arrived at the boat launch just as the sun was coming up. I love it when I'm the first and only boat on the lake! We started trolling as soon as we launched the boat and for the first 25 min no bites, then the slaughter began! Over the course of the next 5 hours I caught and released 19 rainbows! I wish I could say the same for my buddy( who for the last 8 days has been skunked!) because at about the 3 hour mark he finally landed a nice one! we stayed for another 3 hours and left the lake with only 3 gut hooked fish. All others were hooked in the mouth and released alive and well. The only reason I gave this report a 4 was for my poor buddy who had to net all 19 of my fish!



5/22/2018 4:34:03 AM
FYI, any time you are fishing with bait for trout, all trout caught count towards your daily limit.
*from page 15 of the regs:
"In lakes, ponds, and reservoirs: No min.
size. Daily limit 5. When fishing with bait, all
TROUT (except STEELHEAD) equal to or
greater than the minimum size are counted
as part of the daily limit whether kept or

*Page 10 defines bait as:
"Bait Anything that attracts fish or shellfish by
scent and/or flavor. This includes any device
made of feathers, hair, fiber, wood, metal, glass,
cork, leather, rubber, or plastic, which uses scent
and/or flavoring to attract fish or wildlife."

Not trying to bust you balls here, its a fairly new rule..... and I certainly don't agree with it being applied to trolling.
Thanks for the report, tight lines!
5/22/2018 12:51:07 PM
FYI, any time you are fishing with bait for trout, all trout caught count towards your daily limit.
*from page 15 of the regs:
"In lakes, ponds, and reservoirs: No min.
size. Daily limit 5. When fishing with bait, all
TROUT (except STEELHEAD) equal to or
greater than the minimum size are counted
as part of the daily limit whether kept or

*Page 10 defines bait as:
"Bait Anything that attracts fish or shellfish by
scent and/or flavor. This includes any device
made of feathers, hair, fiber, wood, metal, glass,
cork, leather, rubber, or plastic, which uses scent
and/or flavoring to attract fish or wildlife."

Not trying to bust you balls here, its a fairly new rule..... and I certainly don't agree with it being applied to trolling.
Thanks for the report, tight lines!
5/24/2018 8:43:05 AM
Hey sideburns people like you are the reason why I don't like to post on this site! If you read ANY of my other posts you would see that I follow the rules and catch and release almost all of my fish that I catch alive and well!
5/27/2018 10:27:29 AM
I think maybe we miscommunicated somewhere? I might be a "know it all"... I'll give you that! But I wasn't intending to insult you in any way. I meant to imply that these are the rules, in case you didn't already know, and I don't disagree with what you did. Good luck.
5/30/2018 7:18:51 PM
You listed that you fished with worms, and that you caught and released 19 rainbow trout. Sideburns is correct, whether or not you released them alive and well, it was still against the regulations to continue to fish for trout after you landed 5 rainbows--whether you kept them
Or not. Current regs are very clear about this--and this rule has been in effect for several seasons.

There is no reason for name calling. He was simply pointing out the current regulations, as you clearly state you broke them in this article.
6/3/2018 6:29:42 PM
I agree, if all your here for is to be a pain in the pole. I’ll end my association with this site too. Go apply to be a tribal fish manager, with your attitude!!!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709