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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report


86° - 90°
All Day
Over 80°

We launched about 8 am and headed North from the Dam. Water level is at full pool, water clarity is very clear, surface water temp is 80 degrees. There is still debris in the water, it depends on where you are. It's concentrated in some areas and clear in other's. When the wind dies the debris spreads out. A few days ago it was pretty settled on the shoreline, but they raised the water again two days ago which resulted in all the debris getting swept off the shoreline and back out on the water.
We were out one day last week and did catch two small Kokanee, but they were nothing to brag about. They were caught on the down rigger lines at about 40'.
Yesterday we fished from 20' to 100' depths and varying our speed from 1.4 to 2.0. The fish we marked were mostly down around 100' +, though we saw them from 40' and deeper depending on the area, but they were not biting. Caught about 20+ new release fish, can't keep them off the lines and they are down deep too so you can't get away from them fishing deeper. No Kokanee with the exception of one pretty nice one ( 2.5 to 3 lbs.) floating belly up...we netted it and took it home to autopsy it. No visible signs of what caused his demise. We tried trolling flies in various colors with and without dodger's, I tried a pink apex, a gold apex and several hoochies, pink, orange and a tractor green/black. Nothing we tried worked for Kokanee, not even dad's trusty ole orange Rapala and hand painted Needlefish!
No Rainbows either. All in all it was a beautiful day on the water and the new releases got some schooling about lure's. We've decided next time out we are going to take a tally sheet and try to keep track of how many we catch and release just for kicks. Dad and I have a tradition, we toast a fish ( a little nip from the flask ), well that's a dangerous endeavor now that the net pen fish are released! Now we toast about every third or one or so if we have time while trying to reel in the dang lil bugger's.
It's been a pretty disappointing year so far for Kokanee fishing here. We had a couple good days a few months back and had hopes for when the water cleared and warmed up. But, it has actually gotten worse as the water conditions improved to what we thought would be perfect Kokanee conditions. We are now thinking and hoping the Koke's will show up this fall. ??
In the meantime we are just enjoying being out on the water with lines in the water, but not expecting much in the way of big Kokanee right now. We have not ventured up to Keller or other area's, we figure if they aren't biting in our usual spots it's not worth the trip to fight the debris in the water to go elsewhere since we have not heard any good reports from other area's anyway.


7/12/2017 9:17:51 AM
We were out with you yesterday , as well. Probably saw you at Swawilla. Same luck with the same gear and techniques as you. Fished Keller, HH and the goat farm also and found one big Rainbow keeper. Lots of little ones. I think the Kokes have gone and we're looking forward to the next batch whenever that might be. Beautiful day on the water.
7/12/2017 10:04:41 AM
We r in the light yellow Formula (Sunbeam) with the cream canopy...probably saw you too! There weren't may of us out there yesterday and dad always looks around to see what everyone is doing and where they are...yes we will keep looking and hopefully when they show up we'll be there to catch em! We don't go out much now, too Hot! I was more interested in swimming, kept dipping my feet in the water and just wanted to slide off the boat into the water.
7/12/2017 9:31:10 AM
Catchme, thank you for the report. I look forward towards your posts. I am wondering what has happened to the kokanee this year, why so few as compared to the recent past? Could the fry become food for the larger fish? Just wondering out loud. Thanks
7/12/2017 10:15:04 AM
Thank you, Yes, we are wondering too! I hauled in a 5.2 lb last year, not really trying for a Kokanee, just cruising in our SeaRay and tossed a line out. No down rigger or leaded lines. Nailed it up by the sand banks near San Poil with an orange apex that we put a piece of corn and a piece of carrot out of a can of mixed vegetable on the hook! Dad has been on this river before most ever thought about it. He used to run a tug on the river " back in the day" when the river was muddy, full of logs and no one came here to fish or play on it. He is baffled about the Koke's too, so who knows. All we can do is keep trying and in the meantime just enjoy the time out on the water.
7/14/2017 7:01:40 PM
Hi guys, great conversation and report. catchme, tug on Roosevelt? Was it the Rattler or Siwash? capt. by Marchand? or Weatherman in Kettle. I spent time on those doin the dams. Anyway, I'm a local and got into the Kokes last year and am as frustrated as you all about fishin' prospects on Roosi this year. Maybe its the tremendous amount of water during runoff (my place on the Sanpoil flooded) maybe it's the northern pike invading from Pend o'rielle. Whatever, it makes for low numbers. Let's hope things turn around this fall. Tight lines.
7/15/2017 8:52:54 AM
Hello Windburned, I just talked with dad. The tugs he ran were the " Skolaskin" , " Grant Dixon1" and the " Eva M "...he commissioned the " River Chief" to be built when he worked for the Mill in Lincoln. He remembers the " Rattler " and the " Siwash " tied up at the Mill. They were Bureau Boats? Dad also ran 7 Bays Marina back in the late 80's I think for about 7 or 8 years.
Dad says the Koke's disappeared about this time last year too, until late fall. Yes, many factors as to why we can't find them.
Sorry to hear about your place being flooded, I hope you have recovered and not too much damage!

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Website: Captain Dave's Guide Service

Phone: (509) 939-6727