3/9/2017 8:22:00 AM
3/9/2017 2:25:00 PM
3/9/2017 2:42:00 PM
3/9/2017 4:21:00 PMI attended the meeting at WDFW in Spokane Valley when the redband trout issue was is was open for public attendance. There were two, yes two, people who bothered to show up. I was always under the impression a redband trout was different than other trout in Roosevelt so I asked how to tell the difference. I was told ALL native trout in Roosevelt are redband and coloration will depend on time of year, water flow, and specific habitat where the fish are at the time.
None of the trout above would have been released on my boat, well, maybe the darker one. I've pulled some out of Roosevelt like that before and they were not the best table fare.
Thanks for a good report!

3/9/2017 6:12:00 PMthis is how one of the wardens phrased it to me on lake roosevelt.
"an intact adipose fin will have a part on the back that isnt attached to the fish, when they clip them thats the part they make sure to remove, lots of times the scars become a bump that looks like a fin, but they never regrow the back part."

3/10/2017 8:50:00 AMGood fishing. :-)

3/10/2017 2:16:00 PMI think I can help clarify the new trout regulation on Lake Roosevelt, and there IS ALREADY a new regulation, though I don't think the word has been passed around very effectively yet. As of 12-3-16 the daily limit has been 5 AD-clipped trout only, so all wild trout must be released. Please don't take my word for it though. I'm just some dude behind a keyboard :) The change is listed in the "Corrections to the 2016 Rule Pamphlet" document available on the WDFW website: http://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/
Like I said, I don't think the word has really gotten out about the change, but it is official as of last December.
To be clear, I'm not speaking to the legality of the fish in the pic, as it's often hard to tell for sure without close-ups; and if anything I'm grateful to the OP for starting this conversation. I was just hoping to help clarify any regulation confusion.
Tight lines everybody!

3/10/2017 11:27:00 PM
3/11/2017 5:04:00 AM