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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Lake Roosevelt Charters

Phone: (206) 471-8036

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report


41° - 45°
Rainbow Trout
Mostly Sunny
41° - 45°

This a combined report for 2/22 - 2/24 and for multi-species.

We arrived at Seven Bays about 11:30 Friday, and after visiting with out hosts for awhile we headed out to find buoy 5 above Porcupine Bay. Having never been that far upstream, I didn't know what I was looking for and ended up missing the buoy and went about 3 miles beyond it before getting the paper map out to confirm where we were. No buoy 5 on my map chip, but was able to confirm GPS coordinates with the paper map, so we turned around and went downstream. Found buoy 5, but boat control was just about impossible with the wind. We tried for burbot for about an hour and a half then decided to head back to Seven Bays as the wind was really beginning to kick up. Good thing too as the stretch from Two Rivers to Seven Bays was really bad with what I conservatively estimate 4' - 5', short duration wind driven swells that made those 2 miles long and arduous.

Saturday's plan was a run to Spring Canyon to try for silvers and possibly rainbow. We got off to a late start after having to wait for a Park Ranger who was conducting boat safety inspections and we were #2 in line. The Ranger was nice, and it was the first time we've ever made contact with a Ranger in our 7yrs of fishing at Roosevelt. After easily passing our inspection, we launched, headed downstream, and arrived at 11:00. We trolled from Crescent Bay back up to Spring Canyon launch with not a bite. I decided to try out over the open water for awhile, and after similar results pulled the gear at 12:30 to head back to more familiar waters.

We redeployed gear at the mouth of the San Poil and trolled there for ahwile before cossing crossing over to the south shore where we worked along the rock walls. Debbie finally hooked up and did battle with a fighter for about 10 minutes. When it reached the surface I was disappointed to see male 'bow in full dark spawning color complete with a hooked jaw and pronounced teeth. He hit a Rip'n Minnow out 225', and spit the hook as I lifted him in the net. A quick weight, 2lbs, 14ozs, then released for another day. They don't make good table fare when in the spawn anyway and I didn't even bother taking a picture, who wants to see a "boot" rainbow. We trolled around a short while longer and with no further action stowed gear and headed back upstream to the area around Sterling Point. We spent the rest of the afternoon there with only one strike for our efforts. Pulled gear and headed to Seven Bays at 5:30.

Sunday we went back to Sterling Point, and trolled for an hour and a half before beaching the boat in a bay and still fishing off the back. It's been a long time since I've plunked dough bait or 'mallows/worm. Had one bite doing that and nothing more. Called it a weekend at noon and headed for the launch.

Weather conditions for the weekend were all over the map. Friday was wet and windy, with dangerous winds on our return. Saturday was clear, sunny, and warm with a light breeze. It was so warm we never even fired the heater and I rolled the door open on the drop curtain. Sunday was partly sunny with a decent wind chop and a little cooler.

Water surface temp ranged 40° - 41.5° all weekend. We covered 150 miles on the water trying to find action, and I threw everything but the kitchen sink in the water, but all we got for our effort was a nice enjoyable weekend on the boat. Sometimes that's enough. ;-)


2/25/2013 9:25:00 PM
Hi Hewesfisher - We fished Saturday out of Ft Spokane; found the same issue as you. Fished in Hawk Creek and clear down to Sterling Point. Caught one nice bow on a Frisky Jenny Lenny Special trolled at 2 mph on three colors of lead. Caught one more little bow about 12" released to grow up. Tough fishing to say the least! Found some VERY rough water in front of Seven Bays, other than that is good.

Talked with the fish checker at Ft Spokane when we pulled out. He said one to two fish per boat with none for others.

Tight lines - Alan
2/26/2013 6:15:00 AM
Hey Hewesfisher, I was wishin' I was fishin' on Sunday. The weather in Wenatchee was calm and over cast. But, I had looked at the weather report and it was a lot closer to what you endured. Sorry to here of slow times. Thanks for the report.
2/26/2013 8:23:00 AM
I'm sure you guys know we have better than average success fishing Roosevelt, but just wasn't meant to be this past weekend. Pretty frustrating for me, as I'm used to having good success. Alan - Glad to hear your outing was productive! afk - Sunday's weather was nice compared to Friday evening. I'm thankful we have a boat that can handle the conditions we experienced. :-)
2/26/2013 8:16:00 PM
Hi again Hewesfisher - I was really whining about the day until I read your report. To even get two was really lucky. Had a day two weeks ago that I got skunked...first one in forever. I too understand the frustration...humbling indeed! Alan
2/26/2013 9:31:00 PM
As dissapointing as it may be to catch a boot/kelt trout, it at least shows that the fish are actively spawning, which is a good thing!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Lake Roosevelt Charters

Phone: (206) 471-8036