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Website: Lake Roosevelt Charters

Phone: (206) 471-8036

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19 - Spokane Confluence to Lake Roosevelt North End Report


Trolling With Fly
Rainbow Trout

My my younger brother Ken was here from the west side for the weekend so I hustled him up to Lake Roosevelt for an afternoon's fishing. We launched about 1:30 and went to one of my favorite spots near Split Rock. I had one rod rigged with a perch pattern Rip'n Minnow and rigged the other with a perch pattern Frisky Jenny fly tipped with half a worm.

No sooner than I set the fly rigged rod in the holder it was FIsh On and my brother boated the one he's holding in the picture. We hadn't even been there 5 minutes! So, I re-rigged the rod while he piloted the boat, and started cleaning the first fish when, BAM, another one hits the fly rigged rod. A short battle and another nice trout in the boat. We repeat the process again, and another one takes the bait. 3 nice rainbows in less than 15 minutes!!! At this point I decide to re-rig the other rod since nothing had touched the Rip'n Minnow, and put another perch pattern Friskly Jenny fly on it, well, I tried too, but we couldn't keep the rainbows off the other rod long enough for me to get it in the water.

We had a blast! Ken and I even doubled up on his last trout. After that, he piloted the boat while I fished off two rods (I have the 2-rod permit). It wasn't long before I had my limit in the boat, and in less than 2 hours, we had 2 limits of nice fat rainbows in the cooler! My brother said it was the first time he's been out where it wasn't fishing, it was catching!!! ;-)

We finished the day with a 2-hour boat ride/tour before heading in. A perfect finish to a great day!!!

We were trolling with leaded line, out 155'. I forget the speed, but it was somewhere around 2 - 2.3mph. I used some R-Fly attractant on the flies every so often, but it really didn't matter. The 'bows are on the feed big time right now, and you almost can't help but catch 'em.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Lake Roosevelt Charters

Phone: (206) 471-8036