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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Austin's Northwest Adventures

Phone: (509) 668-0298

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report


Bottom Fishing From Boat
All Day

I'm searching for any information as to the legal tribal boundaries along Lake Roosevelt. My question is, am I allowed to fish from a boat along the reservation side of the river without a tribal license. Two of my buddies and I were fishing in the Spokane Arm last weekend discussing this topic and decided to stay along the south shore since none of us had a definitive answer. Any information or web links would be greatly appreciated.
As for the fishing.... only 2 fish landed. 1 nice 3+ lb. bow (mine) and 1 dink throw back w.eye (dave's) for an all day outing on the water. We were constantly marking fish that were stacked up in the 20-40 ft. depth. All seemed to be around 10 ft. off the bottom. Threw just about everything we had at them but we just couldn't find their trigger. Still.... A fantastic day on the water. Good company, good weather (in the afternoon), and incredible scenery including getting to watch coyotes hunting and pursuing deer.


3/15/2009 6:36:00 PM
I always do better closer to the dam.Try about 4 colors of leadcore line with a silver rapala or rippin minnow at medium speed.Nailed a couple of kokes this way too.lots of bows though
Big D
3/15/2009 6:45:00 PM
Hey Bass Ackwards,
Thanks for the report.
The way I understand the Feds/Tribal rules is that if you fish from tribal land (shore) or launch your boat from a launch that is on tribal land you are required to have a tribal permit. If you launch your boat from the white man side of the river/lake you are OK to fish the whole complete river/lake from shore to shore without the tribal permit. If your foot or boat touches tribal land you need a tribal permit. This is the way it is when fishing Rufus Woods and I'm sure it isn't any different when fishing Lake Roosevelt.
Bass Ackwards
3/15/2009 9:31:00 PM
Thanks for the input on the tribal question. One of my buddies was pretty adament that the river was split in half (down the middle) WA lic. on one side, tribal lic. on the other. I knew he was full of s***, but as I mentioned we were marking enough fish to focus on. As I understand it the water is public domain regardless of which side your'e on so long as you're in the water. If any one else has any input I would greatly appretiate it. If for no other reason than to tell my longtime buddie and fishing partner, "told you so, told you so". :-)
Jake Dogfish
3/16/2009 5:28:00 AM
Big D said it right. Thanks for the report!
3/16/2009 9:33:00 AM
At the risk of sounding like I support your friend, I suggest you e-mail the State F&W and ask them. Perhaps you could call one of the Marinas on the lake and ask; I know I found some with a goggle search one time. I really think that Big D and Jake Dogfish are correct, and while I have never been checked regarding this issue when fishing there, I am not sure if we are indeed supported by law. I use the Tribal Marina that is kind of near Fort Spokane to fuel up and top off my food and beverages supply, and they welcome my presence without question. Still, I did read something one time regarding Rufus Woods, and Roosevelt, something not directly regarding fishing, that seemed to state that your friend may indeed be "technically" correct. This might be a federal rule, and therefore may be something that can only be answered by the Bureau of Reclamation. For example, there is a rule now that you cannot bow fish for carp at Roosevelt. I use to take a bow along all the time, after all, there was nothing in the fishing regulations about this. One time, a friendly F&W officer that was at the launch told me that it was not a State, but a Federal Parks Law, that you could not do that. He of course turned his back, mumbling something about stupid federal laws, but now I see that this rule is in the State Regulations as well. Your friend may have insight into the federal rules, not the rules that are actually enforced.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Austin's Northwest Adventures

Phone: (509) 668-0298