Gordo McNaughton
9/10/2015 12:14:00 PMi try to take at least a grocery bag's worth of garbage out each time i'm finished fishing, especially rigs that include hooks and lures which are usually scented - how are animals supposed to know these aren't edible until the hook is lodged in their throat? many of these habitats are frequented by all kinds of life, beavers, otters, raccoons, deer, martins etc. i assume that the majority of anglers don't leave much trash, so it's up to US to clean what there is. if every conscientious fisherman did this, our river system would be in a much better state. see something floating by you when you're on the boat? grab it and take it ashore. it doesn't make sense waiting for others to be better stewards, or hoping someone else will learn by not cleaning up after them. we have to be an example.
thanks again mjcruz, i wish you the best of luck fishing the right way!