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Website: Lake Roosevelt Charters

Phone: (206) 471-8036

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Quillayute River Report
Clallam County, WA


61° - 65°
Coho Salmon
All Day

I rated it a 1 because there were fish around. Very few hatchery. Now on to some information and Rant.

To those who have posted Wild Salmon pictures of fish caught on the Quillayute after September 1st. If you were in the National Park boundaries (1 pic showed that), you posted pics of Illegally Kept Wild Salmon.

Now on to the information. All Wild Salmon must be released within the National Park boundaries on the Quillayute. You may keep 2 hatchery Coho or King + 2 additional HATCHERY Coho. This is new for 2014. I had no idea it had changed until I got there and asked why a person was releasing a Wild Coho. I've read it on the bulletin board by the Rangers office. It is true.

Now the Rant. 1st, it was a ZOO. Packed. Shoulder to shoulder. Boats lined up across the river forming a Hog Line. Rigs parked everywhere. 2nd. It was confusing. A lot of people didn't know about the rule change. Some did. There was so much law breaking and bad ethics it was Pathetic. No enforcement. Where were the Rangers?

Wild Coho caught and kept. Taken to trucks, head and tail cut off to hide that they were Wild. Wild fish filleted on the river. Wild fish landed, taken 5 ft + on to the beach. Fools with no pliers struggling to get the hook out then kicking the Wild Coho back into the water. People taking above their limits. Guys hoping from spot to spot if a fish was caught. 1 guy wouldn't move when someone came back from landing a fish. This is stuff that happens on the worst rivers. What I saw makes the Samish childs play.

Shame on the National Parks Service. You changed the Regs. Enforce them. Do a better job of letting people know. What I witnessed should not be allowed in one of our National Parks.

Of note. Word is Rayonier is now charging $65 for a permit to go on their property. That includes some very popular water. They are enforcing it.

Last. To the people who did the above. You should be ashamed. I don't agree with the change for a few reasons. But it is what it is.


10/20/2014 11:41:00 AM
I was there the middle of Sept.Saw the same stuff going on .I showed 3 guys the change papers from a ranger and they told me to go do something that aint phisicaly possible.I called the "poacher hot line" got a recording.
Wind In His Hair
10/20/2014 12:19:00 PM
Me and my buddy drove to the Olympic Peninsula in hopes of getting away from crowds and finding pristine and a relaxing fishing experience. But turns out a slew of people aholes, no care individuals, where there this weekend. Yes, so many people and drift boats on the water. There were a nice few that where fun to fish with and just happy to be given an opportunity. The regs were indeed confusing and wish they had posted or clarified on the WDFW's site (emergency changes).
10/20/2014 4:04:00 PM

WDFW has nothing to do with it. It is all handled by the National Park Service Biologist and Enforcement. My guess is it wont' happen again.
Wind In His Hair
10/20/2014 5:01:00 PM
Thanks Blu - had to dig for this info: http://www.nps.gov/olym/upload/OLYM_Fish_2014.pdf
Learned a lot from that link - barbless hooks required
Red beard
10/20/2014 6:20:00 PM
I assume it's my king your talking about... So funny, every time we go there we catch fish, and watch people creep onto your spot, NEWS FLASH people, the spot doesn't matter! Pick a section and learn how to get the fish to bite. Aside from that, Not too sure about the boundary deal, been fishing there for 10+ years and never been hassled, If the rule was changed then there should be signs up..... pretty easy to make happen..... you can't expect people to seek out rule changes when they aren't truly enforced.
10/20/2014 7:04:00 PM
Beard. Yup, yours was one of them. I didn't know until I got there and I've been fishing there a lot longer than 10 years. And yes, it was my spot since it was packed. There is ethics and common courtesy. But you're right. The fish in certain rivers are on the move.

They did mark it. You may have driven right past it. I had to look for it. To put it bluntly, they blew it and they know it. Question is what will they do about it.
10/20/2014 7:29:00 PM
I'm one of those A holes that kept a couple nates, but have all the respect for fish and all fish were hooked on wicked lures. For future note how would a person know to look on a national park service to get fishing regs. Could they possibly make it more challenging? I checked WDFW to make sure on regs and checked emergency closures for additional info. Nothing. I guess if your a local to Forks word would get around and people would investigate. Im really dissapointed. Even a side note in the WDFW regs to give a clue to look for additional regs.

10/20/2014 8:01:00 PM
I do check the Park Regs when I fish rivers inside the Park that I don't normally fish. Like you, it never crossed my mind to check the Regs on a place I've been fishing for years. I never read anything about on the net or had any of the local tackle shops tell me. They did a poor job letting us know. I'm sure that will change if it is fishable this weekend. It will be interesting to see what they do.

WDFW has nothing to do with the Park. It's out of their hands. One other thing. A lot of people are surprised how far up-river the boundary line is. It puts a Huge pieve of fishable water in the Park.
Red beard
10/20/2014 8:28:00 PM
I don't drive down there, I walk the old trail and yeah people are everywhere. Agreeing with blakely, can't find anything in the "CURRENT" regs suggesting that the rules are changed. unless a game warden tell me otherwise I will continue to fish how I have been for years and If you see me on the river this weekend, say hello.
10/20/2014 8:52:00 PM
If you are in the Park you are on Federal Land. WDFW has NO jurisdiction. Olympic National Park has there own Regs. Have as long as I remember. For Queets, Salmon, parts of the Hoh etc. http://www.nps.gov/olym/upload/OLYM_Fish_2014.pdf Also you can look at the board by the Rangers Office. I read it there Saturday. I found this as well. http://www.nps.gov/olym/parknews/olympic-national-park-proposes-minor-changes-to-recreation-fishing-regulations.htm

Good Luck
10/21/2014 9:08:00 PM
Thanks for the additional info guys. Really feel like a pile, I guess when I go to the cascade river this weekend I'll C&R to make ammends to the salmon queen.. LOL
10/21/2014 9:14:00 PM
Another question that just crossed my mind. If the Quillayute has their own regs regulated by the National Park. Why does the WDFW have regs on the quillayute? if they do why would they differ from federal regs? 9-10 people on that bar are breaking the law I would guess more than not have no clue.
10/21/2014 10:30:00 PM

An honest mistake is one thing. The blatant Poaching I saw is another matter.

The Quiliayute like the the Hoh, Salmon, Bogi etc all have parts that are controlled by WDFW and parts controlled by the Park Service. For instance the Quillayute up by the Sol Duc bridge is out of the park and controlled by WDFW. The Park line is a few miles down river down to the mouth.

The reason they have different Regs is they have different views of what to do with Wild Fish. I talked to the Park Biologist yesterday and he said there view is that ALL Wild Salmon, Stealhead and Trout should be released. Thus, there rules are written that way for a number of rivers if not all. I haven't done the research on it. One of the links I posted was for Public Comment about the Rule Change for 2014. It looked like it had 0 comments. How many people look at the Park Website for fishing in the winter. That is why I bitched at them for not doing a better job of letting us know. I hope this helps.
10/22/2014 9:01:00 AM
If you are referring to the Commonly used and known as "richwine" gravel bar, you are NOT in the National park. I do believe the National park line starts somewhere in the middle of the "thunderfield" hole. I would be very selective as to who you accuse,ecpecially in forks even more so if you're doing it on the bank of a forks river! . . From that point uipstream its game on! A lot of people confuse that Richwine bar as the national park, but it is indeed a county park. That may be the reason you didnt see any National park rangers enforcing the legal retention of "wild" salmon in a county park. My question to the matter is, "if i pull my boat out at the Dickey river (IN the National park) with legally retained "wild" salmon from above, am i ok to do that"? Its a shame we have been reduced to this level, as the La push tribe can gillnet the living you know what out of the park all day long. It's time to evolve!
10/22/2014 1:42:00 PM
You are wrong. I suggest you drive down to Richwine bar and talk to Parks Enforcement and the Parks Biologist. I did. A lot of people including me thought it was lower. It is not. Actually Forks residents told me where it was and I personally went and found it Sunday. Forks residents were also releasing fish. If you are fishing Richwine below the top riffle you are in the Park. I'm 100% sure. I would guess by this weekend the Boundary will be better marked. They did cut brush around a tree on the far bank and put a White Marker on the tree. Ribbons on our side. It all boils down to the Park Service did a poor job.

I went to the store that night and people were talking to one of the workers about it. I told him what I was told by locals I know (it was dark when I came out that night). The worker thought it was lower as well. Then a Park worker walked up to check out. They asked him and he explained where it was. It was right where I was told.

As far as the boat goes. I have not answer on that. We were wondering the same thing. You're an adult. Do what you think is right.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Lake Roosevelt Charters

Phone: (206) 471-8036