12/18/2013 8:14:00 PMjonb
12/18/2013 8:37:00 PMFishingTenor
12/18/2013 10:39:00 PMjonb
12/19/2013 7:02:00 AMsteelseeker
12/19/2013 8:16:00 AMjonb
12/19/2013 9:43:00 AMsteelseeker
12/19/2013 10:25:00 AMjonb
12/19/2013 11:58:00 AMLastCast
12/20/2013 1:45:00 PMPWRSTROKIN
12/21/2013 10:32:00 AMPILCHUCK RIVER (Snohomish Co.)
from mouth to 500' downstream of the
Snohomish city diversion dam (840)
ALL SPECIES - fishing from any floating device prohibited.
TROUT Dec. 1-Jan. 31 Min. size 14". Daily limit 2.
Other Game Fish Dec. 1-Jan. 31 Statewide min. size/daily limit.
"The term TROUT includes: STEELHEAD"
All FRESHWATER areas are CLOSED to fishing
for SALMON, Dolly Varden /Bull Trout ,
LAMPREY, and GRASS CARP unless listed as
open in Special Rules.
12/21/2013 4:55:00 PMPwrstrokin: I agree, thats what I understand. Catch and release wild steelhead