So, I have been down on the Puyallup since Tuesday. I haven't touched a fish. With the last high water, all my holes changed or filled in. I wasn't even going to fish, but then I remembered I am a fishing freak so I headed out. I went to 116th st as usual. I went to a hole that the shore moved back about 30 ft. That is the best hole now. I walked up to the top and began the "cast and step" routine About halfway down I may have missed a fish, but there is a ridge underwater and I may have just hung up on that. Just when I was thinking I was wasting my time, I hit a fish a colored up coho but I punched it. I decided it would be time to shoot some video, since I had a fish to show. I am new to the video thing, so I'm not sure what I'm doing. After 1 cast, I stopped filming. Little did I know that a couple casts later I would land another fish. It wouldn't have been in the picture any way. I fished for one hour and had a limit of coho, That is a pretty good day. That is why I just grind out the long fishless days, it usually pays off in the end.
I posted the video on youtube. I tried to do a general overview. As I said they will get better overtime, with more experience. I only have a small tripod that basically sits on top of the rocks. I can't figure out how to find the video on you tube. This is the link, but I can't get it to pull up the video I put it as Puyallup coho. It may take a couple days.