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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Okanogan Valley GS

Phone: (509) 429-1714

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Green River Report
Cowlitz County, WA


Coho Salmon

I stopped by the soccer fields in the morning for a couple hours. I've hit a couple spots around there without any luck.

I arrived a little before daybreak, and there was one gentleman there already tying up and throwing line in the water. There was quite a bit of activity in terms of fish rolling and jumping.

I tried floating roe, but the side of the river I was on made it difficult. There was a nice seam that I wanted to float, but the way the current ran, my line would get sucked under and upstream as soon as the bobber hit the water, making it difficult to get a good drift. I think if I had been on the other side of the river it would have worked out a lot better.

Deciding float fishing wouldn't work too well, I switched to a jig and started twitching it through the tailout and back through the slow water. Right after another guy showed up, I got a good hit and pulled in a small buck. Maybe only 4 or 5 pounds, and a bit on the dark side. I sent him back on his way.

After that, I tried some more jigs, spinners, and spoons with nothing to show for it. There were about 3 to 4 other guys coming and going while I was there and didn't see anyone get a bite.

I'm hoping things pick up a bit next week after a weekend of rain. Also, I still need to find a spot upstream that I like, thinking of checking the drift up by the home depot in tukwila next. Either that or break out the machete and whack myself a new trail to the spots I enjoyed last year that have become overgrown...


10/10/2012 1:46:00 PM
Machete !!!! That's what I have done a couple of times. Been pissed too because someone else found my trail and left a bunch of empty beer cans there.
10/10/2012 2:09:00 PM
That sucks. Nothing bums me out more than seeing a bunch of litter scattered everywhere when I get to the bank....except for maybe nets in the water.
10/10/2012 2:57:00 PM
It makes me embarrassed to be of the same group;fishermen to see all the trash thats gets left on the bank.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Okanogan Valley GS

Phone: (509) 429-1714