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Stillaguamish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Shore
Coho Salmon
Corky & Yarn

Arrived at the Stilly around 1pm and I was amazed at how many people where out there all up and down the river, seemed crowded for the time and a tuesday. Unemployment must be up. Anywho walked to my spot around Silvana and found a place to fish between the masses. I hooked two silvers and fought them both in but unfortunatly they got returned as they where fowl hooked. very nice and bright fish. weather was good but the bees where pesty. some "little guy" would not stop talking about how cool he was. I heard him the whole 3 hours I was there nonstop. Everything he has done in life was being mentioned and yes he thinks he is the gift! some chubby dude rolls down and fishes next to him and seconds later he has a silver and brings it in. Now the heated debate began, little trailer park dude is telling everyone that the chubby dude is keeping a snagged silver. The chubby guy says it was hooked in the gill plate and starts clubin it. Man o man it turned into drama fest with many people getting involved. Trailer park drama began and I was lookin for MTV to be filming. I just sat back and laughed, out loud. when they looked at me I just laugh at them. When they say something I kept laughin. IDIOTS.
quick tip for some: If you think someone is breaking a rule and you are sure don't argue with the person that is illegal cause you are not going to change them. just call and report it as you see it. If they keep doing it by you keep calling.
With the seasons end drawing closer people are getting testical.


10/5/2011 11:03:00 AM
Great story Bass, I love the trailer park dramas.
10/5/2011 11:56:00 AM
The Gill plate is part of the head and therefore legal, Is it not? that has always been my understanding.

Excerpt from page #19 of the regulations.

Snagging Attempting to take fish with a hook
and line in such a way that the fish does not
voluntarily take the hook(s) in its mouth. In
freshwater, it is illegal to possess any fish
hooked anywhere other than inside the mouth or
on the head.
The Quadfather
10/5/2011 12:30:00 PM
Ditto: Great Story....... So,, now let the snagging debate begin.... LOL.
10/5/2011 2:04:00 PM
in fresh water it's actually legal to keep fish hooked from the gill plate forward except if noted specifically in the mouth like the samish
10/5/2011 2:15:00 PM
Nice catch on the Samish regulations, I never saw that before....

SAMISH RIVER (Skagit/Whatcom Co.)
from mouth (Samish Island/ Bayview-
Edison Rd. Bridge) to I-5 Bridge
ALL SPECIES - Aug. 1-Nov. 30: night closure, anti-snagging rule, stationary gear restriction, and single-point
hooks required.
TROUT First Sat. in June-Nov. 30 Min. size 14". Daily limit 2.
Other Game Fish First Sat. in June-Nov. 30 Statewide min. size/daily limit.
SALMON Aug. 1-Nov. 30 Min. size 12". Daily limit 2. Release wild COHO. Only fish hooked
inside the mouth may be retained. Anglers must retain first 2 SALMON
if lawful to do so, and stop fishing.
All Game Fish Dec. 1-Mar. 31 Catch-and-release except up to 2 hatchery
Bass Woody
10/5/2011 2:39:00 PM
I said to them in the middle of there "king of the park" debate if its hooked gill plate forward its legal. chubby trailer park guy said it was in the gills and I responded, not ever seeing it , then you can keep it. The little trailer park guys says no it wasn't so I laughed and said ok then its illegal. some other guy starts calling the game warden and I could see the chubby guy gutting his catch stop and listen to the conversation which he then replyed " go ahead and tell I will be gone by the time he gets here." thought to myself at time was hmm then it wasn't gill late forward. I was astonished at what the chubby guy says to me as he was packing out and I can't be exact but I think it was something like "wow some people just can't let others get tickets"? Yea I know wierd right! so just dumb struck and laughin at what he said the only reply I said was "It takes all kinds out here" which was the polite not wanting to get involved more response but I should of said "your and idiot" lol.
Bass Woody
10/5/2011 2:43:00 PM
I put your and idiot, sorry now im a idiot
edit..."your an idiot" to #6
10/5/2011 7:22:00 PM
WOW.........I see more idiots than not at the river..... unfortunately.
10/5/2011 7:47:00 PM
I haven't fished the Stilly yet and had thought about it until reading this report. However, somebody earlier reported that a section of the Stilly was closed and while I apologize for the length of the text it seems that both north and south sections of the river from just west of the I-5 bridge are closed until about 1000 ft downstream from where they rejoin. This appears to include all areas around Silvana. Please help me out here.

Here's the text from WDFW:

Stillaguamish River, Cook (Koch) Slough to close to fishing
Action: Close Cook (Koch) Slough (a channel of the Stillaguamish River), the North Meander, and the Stillaguamish River from where Cook Slough rejoins the Stillaguamish to 1,000 feet downstream to fishing.

Effective dates: July 18 through Oct. 15, 2011.
Species affected: All fish.
Closure location details:

All of Cook (Koch) Slough ( the South channel of the Stillaguamish River/including all waters of the barrier/diversion dam channel). The closure begins approximately 1/2 mile West of Interstate 5), 350 feet upstream of the barrier/diversion dam and continues approximately 3.5 river miles to the downstream confluence with the Stillaguamish River. The North Meander, a side channel that connects the mainstem Stillaguamish (at Hevly Road) with Cook Slough. The Stillaguamish River, from the downstream confluence with Cook Slough (below the westernmost Silvana RR bridge) to 1000 feet downstream.
10/5/2011 9:38:00 PM
LMAO!! Thanks for the report that was a great story. Yep theres all types not only on the road but at the water too. Where can a person go to relax. LOL. You should have thrown another beer in the trailer park and said something smart that it didnt look like both there riggs had barbbed hooks. That would have cooked there spam. Ha. I do agree if you have any question call the fish and game quietly and give them a chance to check it out. Tight lines and try to have fun out there.
Bass Woody
10/7/2011 9:10:00 AM
Thor the easiest way to tell you is that basically the freeway bridge and up stream are open. Now downstream from the fish ladder or damn the river is closed. west fo Silvana there is concrete plant and right behind them is the fence so down stream from them it is open to the mouth. koch slough runs right next to the tavern in Silvana and before the rains you can tell its not as usual, water level way down and not running as fast, plus there are no fish in these waters because of the net. the next tip is look for the crowds and go from there. good luck
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709