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Sammamish River Report
King County, WA


Fly Fishing
Rainbow Trout
Floating Fly Line

So my second time fly fishing and we get there in woodinville at about 4:45 after a good time at log boom with panfish and there was a guy with his 2 daughters and about 3 min after we got there the hook into a huge 2Lb rainbow or cutt couldnt really see it very well, and after that EAmon_Hoffman sets the hook on a good 1Lb rainbow and its showing of its aireal jumps and he brings it up and lets her go! then after that his dad gets a Peamouth chub on a green with black spots spoon on a spin rod and brings her up and lets her go, then i get a nice 1lb rainbow and as Eamon said I looked good fighting this fish so that was my first fish on a fly rod YAY!! So we snap some pics and let her go! Then the people next to us get a huge sucker at least 3 pounds!! All in all it was a good day! Pls give me some tips on what types on flies to use, Thx!! Tight lines and sry we couldnt find the cord for the camera so no pics:(


The Quadfather
6/13/2011 9:39:00 AM
You caught fish... sounds like the flies used were fine.
6/13/2011 4:09:00 PM
Well ya we wernt using flies we were using spin rods not fly rods!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Bottom to Top Charters

Phone: (406) 321-0504