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Wallace River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Drift Fishing

Today I drifted eggs and a small peach corkie. I did well on the boot chum side, poorly on the silver end of things. But I was after the steelhead.

For some reason we had the river all to ourselves, which must mean that folks are looking for the steel up at reiter. I started up by the hatchery and it was me and another guy up there. I hooked one boot up past the creek, and I helped him net a BIG chum that wasn't godzilla yet.

Later on under highway two there were a couple of firetruck silvers and beyond rolling, but some smaller fish that I couldn't identify as well. I caught one small rainbow trout. Do steelheads come in Jack size? It was definately a rainbow, about 13" long, but it was wild with an adipose fin. Wierd. I thought it might be a jack, but it had a trout mouth, rainbow markings and spots, and an adipose fin. I dunno. He's back in the river anyways. On account of he just didn't have any size to him and was wild. As I was there I did bring in another chum, you have to weed through 'em to get to the other fish. The picture is of the big chum I netted for the guy I was fishing with.

As it started to get dark some fish started coming in. It was too dark to tell what they were, but they seemed too small to be a new batch of chum. I think they may have been steel. No guarantees though. Had a blast, the hills of skykomish valley are snow covered and beautiful, the water is a lot colder. That's a good sign. The drop in temperature may send more steel back home.


Jay K
11/21/2010 3:03:00 PM
Nice report - thanks for sharing.
11/21/2010 9:30:00 PM
Thanks for the report!
And as far as "jack" steelhead. Rainbow and Steelhead are essentially the same thing. A steelhead is just an ocean going rainbow, so you probably caught a juvenile wild steely. Unless it had red slashes on the bottom side of it's gill plates... then it would have made it a cutthroat, which are also commonly caught on the wallace. Also, either way, Min size for Trout on the Wallace is 14"
Hope that helps a bit and keep the reports coming!
11/21/2010 9:39:00 PM
Yea, it was a rainbow alright. I've caught lots of cutts. But it was weird because it wasn't smolt colored, so it was from the sea I think. Never caught one so small. I guess I should've got a pic.
11/21/2010 9:57:00 PM
Very possibly could have been an early return, or on it's way out to the ocean. Glad you released it so it can grow up, who knows, maybe you'll get some good steely karma and it will come back in a few years as a 20lber and let you catch it again! :D
11/27/2010 9:21:00 PM
i am going to be fishing it soon what should i use 4 steel?
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: MoonsGuideService

Phone: (509) 860-6497