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Wallace River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Drift Fishing
Coho Salmon
Fish Eggs
Corky & Yarn

Tired of the hit and miss fishing at the Duwamish/Green, I trekked up to the wallace at the hatchery for some relaxing fishing action. within the first half hour I caught a nice bootylicious King on a peach corky and some eggs! Gave up a decent fight and was difficult to manage as the river is really high so no beach to work from. Cut the line and released him unharmed.

Next fish I hooked into was a BIG coho, bright silver and angry! Had him on for ten minutes but I could not get this fish to turn. He went up and down the hole six times, did a couple jumps, which was scary, and then shot off downstream, which was scary because I had to walk out into the vicious current up to my waist just to keep my line out of the trees. He was almost to the corner with about 100 feet of line out and he was still running and I knee I had to turn him or he was gone. So I thumbed my spool just a titch which seemed to slow him down, but then he gave one last tug and snapped my ten pound test leader.

I promptly took a smoke break, and drove to the gear shop and bought myself some 15 pound test leader. Came back for another go for a couple more hours and caught myself a nice 3 pound jack silver. Funny thing is they look so much like kings that I was worried and went to ask the guy down at the next hole if it was a king or coho, was pretty sure it was a silver, but not quite. At the end, we washed the blood out it's mouth from the hook and we decided that it was indeed a silver. A little embarressing, but better safe than sorry. I was almost certain that it was a coho, but I've never caught one that small, and they are really difficult to tell apart when they're little. Yea, I was a little embarressed, but the guy was real nice and I showed him how I was fishing. Dudes that work at the hatchery were really swell and gve me the DL on how and where to fish the river, as it was my first time out. On the way home I stopped at the Sultan to catch some whitefish and check out the mouth. No fish on the sky today. I fished at first light till 10 am or so.


9/22/2010 3:00:00 PM
Seems like you could soon be teaching guys how/where to fish there based on your report ;-)

Also curious if the eggs were from me. I haven't fished the eggs yet for salmon so not sure how effective or defective they are LOL. They worked great on trout. If you run low and will be heading back to the Green/Duw this weekend, I should be able to drop off another bag if you want (assuming I can get out there). I'm gonna have to figure out a better way to store them in the freezer to avoid freezer burn or else get out fishing more. Bought a used freezer on Craigslist and darn thing runs all the time so too cold. You will have to show me how to fish that hole though :-) Nice job keeping the reports coming! Makes the workweek go by faster!
9/22/2010 4:16:00 PM
Yep. Fishing your eggs and a corky, with some chartreuse egg sac stuff. My fish today were on one of those little corky's, they're not corky brand, some other things, I don't know what they're called or how to describe them. The eggs worked great, I hooked and shook two fish today on them at the same spot. Then I got a hole in my waders from some dog. So I went home. Wtchout for a big german shepherd at the wallace, I was IN the river about a foot from shore and the big guy tried to maul me. People that live there don't like the fishermen.
9/22/2010 4:26:00 PM
Don't take that dog attack lightly. I would report it to animal control. I think :(425) 388-3440 for Snohomish. It could be rabid. It could just be off leash from owner but either way if it went after an adult in a river, just think what it might do to a smaller dog or someone's little kid on the shore while 'Dad' fishes!
My wife was attacked by a rabid dog many years ago. She still has physical scars and is scared of almost all dogs now. All the shots she went thru after they found out the dog was rabid was certainly not fun either. Just my two cents. Thanx.
9/22/2010 6:31:00 PM
Yea, it was a guard dog I think trained to keep fishermen off their property. I yelled at the owner.
9/22/2010 9:49:00 PM
Thats funny I took a break from the Duw today and also went to wallace and the sky hit a king and let it go and my buddy caught his first king and let it go i caught a jack and a goodsize cut throat all were released went to reiter after no luck there.
9/23/2010 12:48:00 AM
I use a canning jar for the eggs in the freezer, they seem fine but limited success on the Duwamish this year so been looking elsewhere.
9/23/2010 2:52:00 AM
Ok so how do I say this without coming across as a complete jerk....Nate you are a great Kid and i really injoyed fishing with you today ( meaning 22nd sept ) I am some what confused by the story that you told me today on the river and what I have just read here ....i am sorry but telling me and all the other guys on the river today that you caught three fish the day before dont add up ... never saying one was a jack ( Maybe not even a Silver ) ...or that you never really landed the other two is not catching a fish in my eyes . I will give you the fact that you may have got the king because as we both know that is what is in the Wallace right now but you cant keep them and there are very few silvers to speak of in the river..... I am not sure how you count hooking a fish and not being able to stop him as catching a fish , If that was the case I have caught some many fish I dont think the State will ever give me a punch card again.....not that I dont belive you didnt hook into one but it just may be he was foul hooked and in that case very hard to stop even in slow current....as far as the jack goes Nate goes about 5 foot 6 maybe and a buck twenty look at the pick if that is a Three pounder I have caught a 35 coho.... Now all that being said I was there fishing the day before the rain and today the day after the rain fact is I didnt see any more fish in the trap maybe a dozen coho and talked to the guys at the hatchery and they did not open the gate or take any in because they are still dealing with the late run Kings ....By the way I Fished the river all day today high and low and only heard of a one guy that had a king on and lost it ...not one silver to speak of ... all though I did see a few rolling it was very few and far between Again Nate you seem like a very nice guy and I am sure most would injoy sharing a hole with you however I belive this site is here to help fellow fisherman make a choice on where the might spend there time and energy to catch a few fish and I would hate to see some poor guy drive fifty miles to chase fantom fish that are not there yet..........so at the very least even if you did get Three fish tell them how many others didnt get anything for the two days you where there ......Like all the other reports for this system the fish just are not here yet.....Let us pray they show up Tight Lines
Gringo Pescador
9/23/2010 7:21:00 AM
Nate - nice report, i watched the window at work all day thinking it would have beena good day to be in the rivers, glad somebody got to do it!...... Randle, each report on this site is from the perspecitve of the person posting it - some are accurate, some are not. Some tend to over state thier outings and some understate them. That is the internet for ya. I like Nate's reports, creative and fun to read. But I also take all the reports for a river not just one persons. You state "I belive this site is here to help fellow fisherman make a choice on where the might spend there time and energy to catch a few fish" I couldn't find any reports from you, why don't you take the time and energy put into calling someone out and balance it out by submiting a report of your own?
9/23/2010 9:58:00 AM
Damn! Randle, that's uncool. You ROCK Nate! Keep up the good reports. There is so little recent info available to us, reports, we need all we can get. I'm gonna hit the Wallace today, white work van. I might start out at the rest stop, figure it out from there.
9/23/2010 10:27:00 AM
Don't sweat it randle. Your perspective is good to hear as is natetreat's. I don't think it is wise for anyone dropping in to read reports to base a 50 mile skip-work-for-the-day excursion based solely off one report on one river for one day.
I know on the Duw at least nate has hooked fish and I have no reason to doubt his stories. Semantics at play may be part of the perspective problem by using word 'catching' when maybe it is only hooking for nate in this instance. But he did cut the line on the king to let it go and the apparent nice silver broke him off. Does that mean he didn't catch either? Nate also mentioned how he was unsure of if it was king/silver and even asked someone else. So at the least I would give him the courtesy of maybe not being able to telll the difference. I personally look at the lower jaw/gum color to tell (black or white).
Don't feel like you come across as a jerk. You are just stating your opinion, but also don't think of those coming to nate's defense as jerks either ;-) He's a good guy and does a great job describing his fishing ventures.
My two cents. Hopefully we all get jerks on the end ofthe rods and soon. Randle is absolutely right on it being a very slow year especially for coho.
9/23/2010 11:11:00 AM
PS- nate, glad to hear it was just a guard dog and not rabid! Would be good if all owners would be responsible with their pets. Most pet owners are great with their pets, just those couple bad ones out there. Hope it didn't rip the waders open and was more of a small puncture. Keep up the posts on your excursions! Has definitely been making the work week go by better LOL.
9/23/2010 2:08:00 PM
I had a big king on and caught it, it wasn't all dead. I had a big silver on for a long time but I lost it. And I caught a Jack. To me, a Jack is a fish in the river, I don't care how big. It's good to have something in the river. If I had been more prepared I would have caught that fish, but for the rest of you it's probably better that it broke off because it's still there in the river! As far as the wallace is concerned, it's definitely better than the other spots I've been too. I hooked into fish both times I went, which is really what people want to hear because they want to know where they are.
9/23/2010 2:26:00 PM
I fish a lot of places nate does on the same days sometimes and I have found his reports to be accurate and there is no reason to believe this one is any different if you were fishing the Wallace by the bridge that day the guy that lost a King down river of the bridge was me hooked into a couple I also caught 16inch jack there were a few big coho rolling around a lot of ugly Kings also.
9/23/2010 2:33:00 PM
Sorry all didnt mean to call Nate out just felt that I may have been mislead by what I was told and felt like I should make an mislead report for what is going on in this system ....Nate like I said I enjoyed fishing with you and think you might have a great career as a writer should you want to pursue it... I like reading your reports and hope what I wrote wont keep you from posting stories on your fishing ventures in the future keep up the good work...FYI The state closed rest area put up barriers and posted no trespassing signs another area lost to fishing .........I think we all stand a better chance of landing a silver by fishing the sno or the sky at this point as always if you read the fish count there are more silvers showing up at sunset falls on the south fork sky then are going to the wallace there just are no numbers showing up there yet ........Good luck all
9/23/2010 2:37:00 PM
Also, it's my first year fishing for salmon in the rivers. I'm accustomed to steelhead which don't have as much weight behind them and have been learning how to fight the fish that have an extra ten pounds behind them. So far I've hooked 13 fish and only caught two due to inexperience. If I weren't inexperienced, I'd have caught these fish hands down. Although my fresh perspective has led me to try fishing different things than the other guys I've seen on the river which may be why they are biting what I've been sending their way. The local gold bar residents that I talked to at the wallace have been doing better than I have, they said they caught and landed 5 fish at least in the time that I've been out there. They don't post or read these reports on account that they live there and know where the fish are. It's not thick with fish, but they are there if you wade around between holes.
9/23/2010 2:47:00 PM
Folks, just to ease your minds rabies causes severe hydrophobia. So since they are really scared of water you will most likely never encounter a rabid dog/animal while in the river. If you are out of the river and encounter a rabid animal, the best bet is to get into the water. Also, Randle, I am Nate's brother and can attest to the sincerity of the reports he makes. I'll admit, he may exaggerate a bit or perhaps use misleading words, but I believe he tends to explain the events quite accurately. Keep in mind, he also likes to make the reports fun to read, not just informational. I know I like his style of reporting better than my own, so I tend to let him write the reports when we fish together.
9/23/2010 4:00:00 PM
Nick you are my new best friend LOL:

"Folks, just to ease your minds rabies causes severe hydrophobia. So since they are really scared of water you will most likely never encounter a rabid dog/animal while in the river. If you are out of the river and encounter a rabid animal, the best bet is to get into the water"

I may just convert my wife to salmon fishing yet once I tell her this LOL! She had the rabies scare in her younger years with a rabid dog. This is great news for me ;-) Thanx for the info.
9/23/2010 4:46:00 PM
looks like a rainbow to me
9/23/2010 4:59:00 PM
Just to clarify: It was a salmon, and it's mouth was white. The gums looked darker on first glimpse because it had blood on it from when I caught it, but when we rinsed out the gums they were white. When I got home and weighed it it was 2.6 pounds cleaned. It was 17" long and very tasty. Made a perfect dinner for my wife and I.
9/23/2010 7:44:00 PM
YUM! Fresh salmon is good stuff. Fresh jacks taste about the same as adults IMO except a few more bones per inch of fish to deal with. Maybe next time the adult slot can get checked off. I don't think randle was doing anything other than getting clarification on what the story was. Clearly you hooked into 3 fish. And one is now happily digested :-) Thanx for the updates. I gotta get a report in one of these days....
9/23/2010 11:22:00 PM
the eggs work great for the salmon kings and coho
Mike Carey
9/25/2010 4:00:00 PM
NT, nice report, enjoyed it as I do your other reports. Gringo's comments are spot on. Don't be shy about posting reports in the future! (and that goes for new members as well...)
9/25/2010 11:49:00 PM
Thanks Mike, I won't be. I love this site. If it weren't for this site and the reports on it, I wouldn't have found half of the amazing places I've been this summer. I don't have the time to post a report for every day I've been fishing, or every site that I frequent, because 5 days out of the week I get a line wet. But the good stuff I'll report just so, because I know there are guys like me out there that could use a laugh and a good day fishin. Tight lines!
9/29/2010 10:43:00 AM
And I thought me and kinghunter were bad...
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: YJ Guide Service

Phone: (509) 999-0717