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Cowlitz River Report
Cowlitz County, WA


Drift Fishing

Hit blue creek yesterday afternoon with my buddy Justin. Nothin really going for about a hour, then we started layin into them. We hooked 25-30 in between the both of us. I landed 5 probably, with my buddy landing 7 or 8 and hooking slightly more also. There was about a hour where we hooked 8-10 a piece. Was an awesome day. Most fish we've hooked in a day, or second most..

Few guys around us hooking them not as frequent. Lots of people coming from the point with a fish or limits. Sorry about not having any pictures but we released all of them. Remember stay back we bite lines = )


4/15/2010 9:49:00 PM
Ouch! Just reading the report makes my arms shake and sore.............. Sounds like the fish was making a push!
4/15/2010 10:03:00 PM
30 steelhead?..
4/15/2010 10:11:00 PM
Now that's a hell of a day at sea sir!
4/15/2010 11:43:00 PM
I heard something about lunar cycles and the 14th and 15th being a good time to be there. Mayber there is some truth to that.
4/16/2010 12:10:00 AM
Yes steelhead. They were coming up pretty thick it seemed like. The water level was lowered to 3,500 so it was low. Wanting to get a springer bad = )
4/16/2010 12:11:00 AM
Oh also caught a wild down streamer. Well had the fin anyways, Maybe they forgot to clip it????
4/16/2010 2:43:00 AM
Please excuse my ignorance but what do you mean "stay back we bite lines"?
4/16/2010 8:16:00 AM
Nice, were the fish dark? Is that why you released them? How big are these fish you were catching? Thanks for sharing your report, your getting everyone all hyped up to go to BC.
4/16/2010 8:32:00 AM
Way to keep up good spirits!!!! I certainly would have been pretty frustrated hooking into 30 Steelhead and landing 5. And landing 5 would be a helluva career day this would call for a 5 rating I would think. Help me vicariously live thru your day though. What do you mean when you say you "hooked up?" Were these like several minute battles or you had one on for seconds and then you lost them?
Thanks for sharing your report, you're getting everyone all hyped up to go to BC.
4/16/2010 10:03:00 AM
He said between the two of them, they landed 12-13 out of 25-30. Read man.
4/16/2010 10:26:00 AM
Ok, thanks keyHunter for clearing that up for me and Brian253! What an awesome day Krillzone253!!!
Thanks for sharing your report, you're getting everyone all hyped up to go to BC.
4/16/2010 10:49:00 AM
Wow! Good job man. 30 steelhead, that's amazing. I thought that was just an old report for pinks at first
4/16/2010 12:54:00 PM
Dude seriously get a life, is that all you can do is copy other people's comment. Read man.
4/16/2010 6:47:00 PM
okay no way. im don't want to sound like an ass but no f'in way you and your buddy had 25 steelhead on in a day. thats unheard of bro. were you flossing? and don't lie fess up if you were. and a 5 foot plus leader in the fast current down by blue creek is definietly flossing. no way a steelhead is going to see a couple tiny coorkies or yarn in that fast water.
4/16/2010 11:24:00 PM
Yes had on and hooked and fought for a minute. And yes 25-30 like I said it was one of our top 2 trips for sure. We hit them on the soft water on the inside of the drift and not in the fast water like 10 feet out from the shore. and if you know what you're doing they're STACKED in there right now. Will take pictures of the nicest fish and post them very soon.
4/16/2010 11:32:00 PM
Was supposed to be rated a 5 also, must hit the wrong one
4/16/2010 11:35:00 PM
they were bright. no super chromers though. Between like 6-10lbs. The only dark one I caught had it's fin still like a native. Kinda blew our minds. We lost quite a few over 10 and a possible springer
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Phone: (425) 591-5108