1/28/2010 11:26:00 AMWhere abouts along the Chuck? I have tried out this way by I-5 and have wanted to venture into Monroe.
1/28/2010 3:47:00 PMSplitshot
1/28/2010 7:28:00 PMThe Pilchuck empties into the Snohomish River at Snohomish and runs up to Granite Falls and beyond. I've been fishing the Machias area and south of there. No luck tonight.
What's the difference between a Rainbow and an immature Steelhead?
1/29/2010 12:19:00 PMBentRod
1/29/2010 12:23:00 PMI agree, unless you're a noob, I'd say it's easy to distinguish between the cuts and bows....and also immature steelie = rainbow trout.